He wanted Amanda to have peace; even though he knew her soul was gone.
Kneeling in prayer was how Raphael found him only moments later. They quickly constructed a small pyre with the wood Raphael found. Lucian placed Amanda's body on the pyre, reluctant to ignite it, to burn her to ash and destroy what G.o.d so carefully created.
"You alright?"
"I'm fine," Lucian gritted out tersely as he regained his feet.
Raphael was staring down at her as well, his sorrow and regret mingling with his own. "What a b.l.o.o.d.y shame."
What more could be said besides that?
There'd be no coming back for her. She'd have no chance at immortality. There wouldn't even be a Heaven or h.e.l.l waiting for her. With no soul, she'd be caught in limbo until it was released from the monster that stole it from her.
Even if it took Lucian forever, he was going to set not only Amanda's soul free, but those of the other girls as well. He'd not allow them to linger in that terrible plane caught between all realms of existence as lost-souls. Ghosts.
Lucian pulled the Zippo lighter from his pocket. With a flick of his wrist he ignited the lighter. He bowed his head, said one more prayer for her then lit the pyre. Snapping the lighter closed, he turned to Raphael, who was watching the flames flare to life.
"Let's go before someone sees us." Raphael nodded glumly. "I don't know how you did this twice already."
"Neither do I, Rogue," he admitted honestly.
Human life was sacred to them all, and to see it torn away was torture for them, And hopefully, one day, he would be able to join them in Heaven and find peace for himself.
Unable to stop his morbid curiosity, Stephan went back to the house to see if Lucian had been there. He needed to know firsthand if he'd struck another direct hit to the n.o.ble Knight. He had to absorb the anguish left behind in his wake.
While still a good distance away he saw the smoke and caught the scents of burning wood and flesh. He knew without a doubt the fire was Lucian's doing.
Lucian cleaned Stephan's mess as he knew he would. How d.a.m.ned predictable the Knight was.
Holding onto his false n.o.bility as if he had a chance at ever earning the redemption he fought for.
Stephan was never going to allow that.
He'd never allow Lucian the luxury of Heaven.
As he moved closer to the house where he'd held Amanda, he caught the scent of a second vampire.
Sniffing at the air, smelling past the stink of Amada's burning body, he detected another Templar had been here.
Raphael de Vere.
Ah, the Rogue. His reputation was well known throughout history. He cut a s.e.xual path through the ages beginning shortly after his d.a.m.nation. It continued right on down to the whispers he heard from the women in this area who claimed he could melt them with nothing more than a look.
All the Templars had names, he'd learned. Constantine Draegon was aptly dubbed Dragon. Even Stephan for all his furious need for revenge, wouldn't touch that one. To cross paths with Dragon was to seek out your own end.
Sebastian of Rydon was known as the Sage and Tristan Beaumont, the Guardian. He'd made a point to learn why they'd gotten their names and what their weaknesses were. Oh yes, he'd taken the time to learn his enemies well.
Coming upon the burning pyre, Stephan watched Amanda burn for a few moments, thinking what a shame he had to end her so soon. He would have liked to keep her around for a while longer. She would have been perfect for what he had in store for Lucian.
Unfortunately Amanda hadn't possessed the Daystar. He'd been sure she possessed the power of it.His frustration at having been wrong was what led him to be rougher with her than he had been with the others. Time was no longer on his side. He had to find the Daystar fast or he'd lose the chance to use it as a bargaining tool to keep his men with him.
Knowing he'd never be able to take on the Templars alone, he'd promised the Daystar to those who aided him over the years. With only one more lead left, one that brought him to the Templar's doorstep, he'd not take a chance at their wrath before he saw his plan through. He'd leave it to his men to fetch the girl once he had Lucian.
Harboring no desire for the power of the Daystar, all he wanted was to hurt the one responsible for destroying everything he held dear in life. His family, faith, and ultimately, his life.
He remembered the words of his brother, and carried them with him all these years.
Always remember, Stephan, a smaller strike in the right places can fell even a giant.
That's exactly what he was doing now. Smaller strikes at a stronger foe was slowly bringing his enemy down.
All the years of patience and planning were finally paying off. With each woman he killed he struck a brutal blow to his enemy. Not a mortal wound, it was a direct hit nonetheless.
All that was left to do now was wait for the perfect opportunity to land the final blow.
Chapter Seventeen.
Allie lay nestled in Sebastian's arms long after she woke. Loving the feel of him, she curled into him, reluctant to leave him and face the day. Not after the incredible night she'd spent with him.
Opening her eyes, she lifted her head and smiled at the peaceful look on his face as he slept. She wondered if he dreamt, if he had nightmares of the day he died.
To think they'd all slowly burned to death while crowds of people cheered on cut through her heart and made her wish to G.o.d she could take the memory away. She wished she had the ability to let them relive their lives and prevent their deaths and d.a.m.nation.
Since her arm was thrown around his chest, hugging him close to her, she felt his lack of heartbeat.
Trailing her hand up his chest, she touched the scar over his heart. She wished she could give him back his soul and put life back into the heart Michael severed.
What he told her about Selena last night was awful. Not that the poor woman lost her mind, but that he felt responsible for it. What a burden he forced himself to bear all these years.
He of all people should know Fate was going to do her thing no matter what anyone did to stand in her way.
Unable to linger next to him any longer, Allie sat up, dizzy and weak from the loss of blood. Seeing the fire burning low in the hearth, she appreciated the small warmth it provided given how cold she still was from the inside out. Though it barely illuminated the room, it cast enough light for Allie to make her way around without slamming into every piece of furniture on her way to the bathroom. She stood on shaky legs, making sure Sebastian was covered with the heavy blankets. Gathering her clothes from the floor, she practically ran into the bathroom. The last thing she wanted was for Sebastian to wake and see her naked a.s.s as she tiptoed around, scurrying for her clothes.
Oh yeah, that was a dignified sight.
She dared a glance in the mirror, amazed the only visual evidence of Sebastian's bite was two bruises on her throat and her pasty complexion.
She also couldn't believe how awful she looked. Pale as death and dark shadows under her eyes was not a good look for her. Not to mention her hair being in knots was going to take forever to brush out.
She wondered what sort of women he would have been attracted to in his own time. Did she measure up to the medieval beauties, or all the other women he'd come across over the centuries? She looked at her freckles, her pale skin, and her red hair. She was okay-looking. Nothing spectacular. Nothing impressive enough...
"Stop thinking so b.l.o.o.d.y loud. You're f.u.c.king gorgeous and you know it, and even if you were a mutt, Seb would still adore you."
Allie gasped, throwing a hand over her moth to keep in her squeal of embarra.s.sment when she heard Constantine's grouchy voice in her head.
"What are you doing listening to my thoughts?"
"As if I want to hear them. You sound like a G.o.dd.a.m.n girl."
"I am a girl."
"b.u.g.g.e.r that, you don't have to sound like one. Now stop screaming in my head so I can sleep."
"Fine, I'll stop thinking."
Allie looked away from the mirror, her stomach twisting with dread as a mortifying thought crossed her mind."Constantine?"
"What is it now?"
"Did you hear my thoughts last night?"
He hesitated. "No."
Something told her not to believe him."Are you sure?"
"No, I'm not sure whether or not I heard you in my head."
He signed."For the love of G.o.d, Red, what?"
"Does he love me?" This time there was no hesitation. "That's for him to say, not me. Now leave me alone so I can sleep."
Allie turned back around and smiled."Sleep good, C."
"Stay out of trouble, Red."
When Constantine was gone from her head, Allie glanced down at the sink and noticed a new toothbrush, towels, and soap laid out. Neatly folded on top of the pile was a small piece of paper.
Picking it up, Allie carefully unfolded it. There, in bold-as-you-please writing, were the words"For you.
Hope you slept peacefully. S" . Re-folding it, she put the paper aside so it wouldn't get wet when she washed.
Sebastian may look like a hit man for the vampire mafia, but he possessed a tender streak Allie knew not many people got the chance to see.
As much as she would love nothing better than to linger for the rest of the day and night with Sebastian, she had to get home to Lex. Quickly getting dressed, Allie made sure to tuck her note into her back pocket. She called her house on her cell phone.
Lex picked up on the first ring.
"Where the h.e.l.l are you?"
Allie cringed, having never heard Lex yell like that. "I'm at Randall Manor," she whispered, so as not to disturb Sebastian.
"Randall Manor? Are you kidding me? I've been calling your d.a.m.n cell every half hour and you're at Randall Manor."
Allie forgot she turned off the ringer last night. "I'm so sorry, Lex. The time got away from me last night and then I fell asleep. I just woke up now."
"I can't believe this." She still sounded p.i.s.sed but the edge was off her anger. "Sebastian better have been one heck of a lay to have worried me like you did. That's all I'm saying."
Allie grinned wickedly as a delicious pressure settled at the junction of her thighs thinking about Sebastian's touch on her. "Oh, don't worry about that, sis. He was. My toes are still curled."
Allie actually heard the smile in Lex's voice. "Then I guess I have to forgive you, don't I? Don't ever scare me like that again."
"I promise I won't."
"You're forgiven then. When are you coming home?"
Before finally deciding whether or not to accept the job at the B&B, Allie wanted to do a preliminary walkthrough with her hand-held equipment. She wasn't going to commit to this job without some sort of evidence one way or the other that the Miller's weren't wasting her time. Still, she owed it to herself to make at least one walkthrough. G.o.d forbid the place turned out to be haunted and Allie foolishly threw away the opportunity at an investigation. She'd never forgive herself for the wasted opportunity.
"In a little while. I have to get ready to go to the Millers. Are you coming with me?"
"Of course!" Lex squealed so loud Allie had to pull the cell away from her ear.
"Go get some rest. I'll be home in a bit."
"Okay. Love you, sis."
"I love you too, Lex."
Allie flipped her cell closed, replacing it in her pocket. She washed quickly, opting to take a shower once she got home. When she left the bathroom she saw he was awake, sitting up in bed, looking devastatingly gorgeous as usual.
"Thanks for leaving me..."
"Come here," he interrupted Smiling at the arrogant way he said that, Allie crawled back on the bed and snuggled next to him. She laid her head on his shoulder and draped an arm across his chest. He wrapped his arms around her and held her as close as he could.
He may sound boorish, but he was incredibly gentle with her.
"Sorry I woke you."
He made a gruff sleepy sound. "I don't like you with clothes on."
Allie smiled. "What a nice thing to say." She kissed his pectoral. He squirmed. "I like you naked too."
She slipped her hand under the covers and ran her hand over his six-pack stomach.
"If you keep doing that I'm not going to let you go home to Lex."