Telling Fortunes by Cards - Part 9

Part 9

Agriculture; cultivation; field labor; farming; garden; prairie; woods; shades; pleasure; enjoyment; diversion; pastime; amus.e.m.e.nt; rejuvenation; rural sports; rustic dances; peace; calmness; natural tranquillity; rural life; forests; vales; mountains; flocks and herds; shepherd; shepherdess; moral quietude.

As the synonyms of _riches_, as they are signified by this card in contradistinction to others, we have:

Augmentation of wealth; increase of estate; advancement; prosperity; general success; happiness; goodness; felicity; beauty; embellishment.

EIGHT OF DIAMONDS--_Reversed._ In this condition the primary signification of the card is _sorrow_ and _movement_. The synonyms for _sorrow_ are:

Sadness; affliction; displeasure; grief; desolation; mortification; bad humor; melancholy; the blues; hypochondria; vexation; trouble.

But with the word _movement_, we have more trouble to apply its actual signification, as shown in the cards, and therefore the interpreter is left in a great degree to her own judgment, to decipher the connection which should bind the oracle to a specific and intelligent reading.

The most applicable synonyms would therefore be:

To walk; step forward; move about; to contemplate; to propose; to make advances; to undertake; to offer proposals; to promenade; to tender offers; to inaugurate a scheme; to further any claims.

SEVEN OF DIAMONDS--_Upright._ This is what is most commonly styled the _conversation_ card, as its initial and primary signification is _discourse for the present_, while it likewise designates the approaching receipt of _good news_; as the oracle demands, to be secure, proper interpretation.

When used as the _conversation_ card, its synonyms are:

Talk; words; matter; tattle; desultory remarks; seasonable language; pleasant gossip; table talk; anecdote.

Secondary to this signification, and in intimate connection, it has oftentimes been employed to denote _designs for the moment_, whether mental or expressed by word of mouth, embracing intent and resolution.

When signifying _news_, the synonyms will be:

Announcement; intelligence; newspaper; advice; advertis.e.m.e.nt; admonition; warning; teaching; tale telling; history; fables; anecdotal remarks.

SEVEN OF DIAMONDS--_Reversed._ This card is capable, when emerging reversed, of receiving several interpretations, the general and primary one of which is _birth_, or the origin of a human being, or of matter which has, as its synonyms:

Nativity; origin; creation; source; commencement; principle; primitive; extraction; first coming in of fruits and flowers; prime; early; race; family; house; lineage; posterity; the reason for; cause; premises for argument.

This card frequently designates a _great deal_, or a large quant.i.ty, qualifying the value of those cards next to it. For example, should it come before the _ten of spades reversed_, or the _ten of clubs_, it will read a great deal of jealousy, or of money.

Commingled with cards, relating to a public or military official, this one is taken to signify _declaration_, whose synonyms would consequently be:

Publication; orders; authenticity; approbation; placard; designation; discovery; disclosure; revelation; confession.

KING OF HEARTS--_Upright._ The primary significations of this card are _a blonde man_, _an advocate_ and a _man of note_, but its secondary significations are those attached to the state and _legislation_.

As the representative of an individual, this card shows a good, kind-hearted man, of an amorous disposition, rash in his enterprises, and generally hasty and pa.s.sionate in all his actions.

Coming out as a _blonde man_, it has these synonyms:

Honest man; honesty; probity; equity; arts and sciences.

Considered as a _man of note_ or statesman, the synonyms are:

Legislation; legislator; laws; decrees; code; statutes; precepts; commandments; combination; inst.i.tution; const.i.tution; temperament; complexion; natural and moral law; religious law; civil law; politics; politician; natural right; right of nations; public rights.

KING OF HEARTS--_Reversed._ This card coming out reversed, designates a man of natural light complexion, neither fair nor brown, with dark brown hair and hazel eyes, of an excellent temper, easily imposed upon, credulous, moderately given to love matters, yet addicted to vice and incontinence. Its other primary significations are a _tutor_, or a _man in anger_, possessing vices, the reverse of those good qualities attributed to the card when upright. In this case the synonyms are:

Indignation; agitation; irritation; wrath; rage; fury; frenzy; violence; hatred; aversion; animosity; peril; animadversion; antipathy; resentment; vengeance; affront; outrage; blasphemy; storm; tempest; cruelty; inhumanity; atrocity.

The chief secondary signification of this is a _man in office_, or professional politician, to which are given the following synonyms:

Man of rank; dishonest man; exaction; pillage; injustice; simony; a dishonorable person; a burglar.

QUEEN OF HEARTS--_Upright._ This card represents a blonde female, faithful and affectionate, always the dearest friend or nearest relative to the consultant. As such, the synonyms, attached to the primary signification, are of an excellent nature:

Honest woman; virtue; wisdom; honesty.

This card is likewise taken as symbolical of _friendship_ in its various phases, the synonyms of the term being:

Attachment; affection; tenderness; benevolence; kindly relations; fraternity; intimacy; ident.i.ty in inclinations; agreement; affinity; harmonious correspondence; conformity; sympathy; attraction; cohesion.

Another signification is attached to this card in a secondary capacity as _justice_, with the following synonyms:

Equity; probity; right; rect.i.tude; reason; the law.

A further secondary signification has been bestowed upon this card, under certain influences, when it is gifted with the attributes of _temperance_ with these synonyms:

Moderation; discretion; continence; abstinence; patience; calmness; sobriety; frugality; chast.i.ty; alleviation; reconciliation; respect; conciliation; mitigation; molification; consolation.

QUEEN OF HEARTS--_Reversed._ This card reversed, designates a fair, but not light, woman, with nut-brown hair and grayish eyes, who intervenes to prevent marriage, and intermeddles in all the consultant's affairs generally. It likewise represents either the wife of a man in office, a woman of doubtful character, or a courtesan, a betrayer of honor and of affection. Under this aspect it receives a secondary signification of _dissension_, to which are given synonyms as follows:

Agitations; sedition; conspiracy; rebellion; pride; vanity; seduction; outrage; presumption; disputes; moral wrong; dishonorable proposals.

JACK OF HEARTS--_Upright._ This card, as a representative one, designates a blonde, unmarried man, learned, good tempered and well favored by fortune. Consequently, when it is drawn by a young woman, and the marriage card comes near it, it portends that she will be united to a person of such a description, and that the union will prove both happy and of long duration.

It likewise designates, primarily, a soldier or a traveler, so that should it come up in your oracle it is interpreted, in a secondary connection, in this sense, and a.s.sures that you are on the point of undertaking a journey. If bright cards surround it, the journey will be a prosperous one, but should the _eight of spades_ be near it, it will result in illness, and if the _ten of spades_ be adjacent, it will be accompanied with tears.

In this secondary capacity it has synonyms as follows:

Road; highway; lane; pathway; a walk; a course; career; promenade; messenger; ways and means; expedient; enterprise; method.

JACK OF HEARTS--_Reversed._ Should this card come out in the oracle of an unmarried lady, reversed, it instructs her that her lover or intended husband is a person wooing her for selfish purposes, who, although handsome and accomplished, will make a bad match.

To a married woman, or widow, it is a warning that some unscrupulous individual, under garb of friendship, contemplates her injury, which will be followed by almost immediate desertion, if near the _ace of spades_.

Consequently, in a secondary capacity, it is taken to mean _evil desires_ or _longing_, when it has synonyms of this character:

Attraction; pa.s.sion; flattery; cajolery; adulation; lechery; or declivity; precipice; fall.

ACE OF HEARTS--_Upright._ The first and primary signification of this card is _the house_, and as such obtains a secondary capacity of a most extensive nature, expressed in the following synonyms:

Household; home; house-keeping; economy; saving; dwelling; domicile; habitation; manor; lodge; lodging; hotel; palace; shop; store; barracks; building; vessel; vase; archives; castle; cabin; cottage; tent; pavilion; inn; hostelry; tavern; religious house; monastery; convent; burial; long home; grave; stable; extraction; family; race; lineage; posterity; ancestry; retreat; asylum.

This card likewise designates a _repast_ or _feasting_, when, secondarily, it a.s.sumes synonyms of the following nature: