Telling Fortunes by Cards - Part 7

Part 7

_Reversed_--Loss. An evening party. Brief affliction. In the evening.


_Upright_--A great loss. Tidings of death. Mourning. Failure.

_Reversed_--Disappointment. Delay. Desertion. Tidings of the death of a near relative.


_Upright_--Sickness. Want of prudence. Bad news.

_Reversed_--Ambition. A religious woman. A marriage broken off, or an offer refused.


_Upright_--Expectation. Hope.

_Reversed_--Wise advice. Friendship. Indecision. A foolish intrigue.



_Upright_--A man whose complexion is between light and dark. A frank, liberal man. A friend.

_Reversed_--A nut-brown complexioned man. A person to meet with a disappointment.


_Upright_--A brunette female. One fond of conversation. An affectionate, quick tempered woman.

_Reversed_--A nut-brown complexioned lady. A jealous and malicious female.


_Upright_--A slightly dark complexioned bachelor. A lover. A clever and enterprising young man.

_Reversed_--A flirt and flatterer. A young man in anger or in sickness.


_Upright_--A purse of money. Wealth.

_Reversed_--n.o.bility. Love. A present.


_Upright_--The house. The future. Fortune. Success. Gain. Money.

_Reversed_--Money. A lover. Sometimes want of success in a trivial matter.


_Upright_--Chattels. Goods. Movable article. An indiscretion.

_Reversed_--A trifling present. Gambling.


_Upright_--The affections of a brunette maiden. The art of pleasing.

_Reversed_--A nut-brown maiden. Removal. Separation. A frivolous courtship.


_Upright_--A small sum of money. A debt unexpectedly paid. A child.

_Reversed_--A child. Embarra.s.sment.


When coming out in an upright position, in the body of the deal designates merely the person consulting the oracle, in a natural state of mind.

When the card comes out in the deal reversed, it denotes the consultant to be in a disturbed state of mind, or annoyed from some cause beyond his or her control. Coming with the _eight of spades reversed_, for example, by its side, it shows that the consultant's mind has been disordered through prospects of ambition or religious excitement. If accompanied by the _eight of hearts_, it demonstrates that he or she is annoyed through being a victim to the tender pa.s.sion.


_And Synonyms, Supplementing the Preceding List. Consult Both._

KING OF DIAMONDS--_Upright._ This card, when used as a representative, denotes a very fair man, one with auburn hair, light blue eyes, and florid complexion, who, notwithstanding his hasty temper, will treasure his anger, long awaiting opportunities for revenge, or he is obstinate in his resolutions.

It moreover designates a military officer, and frequently one of fidelity to his country and its honor.

Still, it is most generally employed as the marriage card, for if it does not come out in an oracle wherein matrimony is the wish, the nuptials will be delayed or broken off.

Its synonymical signification would then be:

Alliance; reunion; attachment; vow; oath; intimacy; a.s.semblage; junction; union; chain; peace; accord; harmony; good understanding; reconciliation.

KING OF DIAMONDS--_Reversed._ This card signifies a country gentleman, in which capacity its synonyms are:

Country man; rustic; villager; peasant; farm laborer; cultivator; rural; agriculture.