Telling Fortunes by Cards - Part 18

Part 18


Ill.u.s.trating the 21-card deal and the expert fortune-teller's method of constructing a complete and connected reading of the same, which you are advised to carefully consider, as a guide for your own use in delivering an intelligent, interesting and coherent oracle in all cases where you are rendering an interpretation for others.

A man asks the question:

_Shall I Marry the Woman I Love?_

The fortune-teller turns the cards by the 21-card method, with the resultant layout as shown in the picture, and proceeds to read the gentleman's answer in the following language:

You desire to learn, sir, whether you will marry the young lady to whom you are now paying your addresses? You inform me that the lady is a blonde; still it is necessary for me to inform you that in order to be able to foresee whether or not the marriage be accomplished according to your wishes, I am compelled to select as a representative card of your future wife, a lady of your own color, for such a one is necessary for the oracle, otherwise our labors go for nothing. You, sir, are a middling dark man, and therefore would come up as a _club_; as a representative card of your beloved we will take the _queen of clubs_, as of your own complexion.

Now, sir, having performed our deal and arranged the oracle, permit me, in the first place, to call your attention to the fact that you stand represented by the _knave of clubs_, and in the next to observe your position in the oracle.

The _eight of hearts_ coming as it does in company with the _eight of clubs_, gives me satisfactory information that you entertain for the young lady a most profound and honorable sentiment of affection, which it appears to me she reciprocates with a no less degree of intensity.

I have chosen to designate your beloved by the _queen of clubs_, and she is doubtlessly a personage well worthy of your love, as the _eight of diamonds_, coming before her in conjunction with the _ace of hearts_, demonstrates her to be a lady of wisdom, intelligence and prudence. Observe, moreover, that the _nine of hearts_ intervenes between you both, but is placed nearest the lady. This card predicts a union, which is much desired by her, while on your part you regard your intended with a spirit of admiration bordering almost upon adoration. Such a union will a.s.suredly be followed by domestic happiness, by peace and concord in your domestic circle, by a reign of harmony within your household.

I a.s.sure you, sir, that, scrutinizing this oracle from every aspect, I fail to perceive any obstacle which can interpose to prevent your contemplated marriage. On the other hand, the prognostications are decidedly in its favor, for you will be pleased to notice that the _eight of hearts_ and the _eight of clubs_, coming up side by side, and between you and your intended, predict a success. Remark more, that there are _three tens_ at your back, which denotes a change in your estate or an alteration in your manner of life and social position.

The presence of the _queen of hearts_ in immediate vicinity to the _seven of diamonds_, indicates not only the receipt of pleasant intelligence from a relative able to give you a.s.sistance, but permanent prosperity should you continue in her good graces. I perceive, likewise, from the _seven of hearts_, that you are at this moment thinking of visiting your intended father-in-law, formally to demand the hand of his daughter.

Do not hesitate, my dear sir, to do so, for you will risk nothing by such an act of courtesy, as it will be crowned with the most happy results. There can be no doubt on that head, as the presence of the _king_, _queen_ and _knave of hearts_, coming almost together, and blended with your new estate, a.s.sure you of the respect and esteem of the family. True, the young lady entertains such affection (_seven of spades_) for her parent that when she comes to be separated (_nine of diamonds_) from him upon marriage (_king of diamonds_) the native impulse of her heart will cause her to shed tears (_ten of spades_) at the thought (_seven of hearts_) of leaving her paternal roof (_ace of hearts_).

And now, sir, your surprise. It is a letter (_ace of diamonds_), which, placed upon the last card to the left, which is the _king of clubs_, announces to you that you will be surprised through receipt of a most gratifying epistle from your intended father-in-law in relation to your approaching marriage.


Take the pack of thirty-two selected cards, shuffle them well, and either cut or have them cut for you, according to whether you are acting for yourself or another person. Turn up the cards by threes, and when the triplet is composed of cards of the same suit, lay it aside; when of three different suits, pa.s.s it by without withdrawing any of the three; but when composed of two of one suit and one of another, withdraw the higher card of the two. When you have come to the end of the pack, gather up all the cards except those you have withdrawn; shuffle, cut, and again turn up by threes. Repeat this operation until you have obtained fifteen cards, which must then be spread out before you, from left to right, in the order in which they come to hand.

Care must, however, be taken that the card representing the person making the essay is among them; if not, the whole operation must be recommenced until the desired result is obtained. We will suppose it to be some dark lady--represented by the queen of clubs--who is anxious to make the attempt for herself, and that the cards are laid out in the following order, from left to right: Ten of diamonds, queen of clubs, eight of hearts, ace of diamonds, ten of hearts, seven of clubs, king of spades, nine of hearts, jack of spades, ace of clubs, seven of spades, ten of spades, seven of diamonds, ace of spades, jack of hearts.

On examining them, you will find that there are three aces among them, announcing good news; but, as they are at some distance from each other, that the tidings may be some time before they arrive.

The three tens denote that the conduct of the person consulting the cards has not been always strictly correct. The two jacks are enemies, and the three sevens predict an illness, caused by them.

You now begin to count five cards, beginning with the queen of clubs, who represents the person consulting you. The fifth card, being the seven of clubs, announces that the lady will soon receive a small sum of money. The next fifth card proving to be the ace of clubs, signifies that this money will be accompanied by some very joyful tidings. Next comes the ace of spades, promising complete success to any projects undertaken by the person consulting the cards; then the eight of hearts, followed at the proper interval by the king of spades, showing that the good news will excite the malice of a dishonest lawyer; but the seven of spades coming next, announces that the annoyance he can cause will be of short duration, and that a gay, fair young man--the jack of hearts--will soon console her for what she has suffered. The ace of diamonds tells that she will soon receive a letter from this fair young man--the nine of hearts--announcing a great success--ten of spades--but this will be followed by some slight chagrin--ten of diamonds--caused by a journey--ten of hearts--but it will soon pa.s.s, although--jack of spades--a bad, dark young man will endeavor--seven of diamonds--to turn her into ridicule. The queen of clubs, being representative of herself, shows that it is towards her that the dark young man's malice will be directed. Now take the cards at either extremity of the line, and pair them together. The two first being the jack of hearts and the ten of diamonds, you may say: "A gay young bachelor is preparing to take a journey--ace of spades and queen of clubs--which will bring him to the presence of the lady consulting the cards, and cause her great joy. Seven of diamonds and eight of hearts--scandal talked about a fair young girl. Ten of spades and ace of diamonds--tears shed upon receipt of a letter. Seven of spades and ten of hearts--great joy, mingled with slight sorrow. Seven of clubs and ace of clubs--a letter promising money. Jack of spades and king of spades--the winning of a lawsuit. The nine of hearts, being the one card left, promises complete success."

Now gather up the cards, shuffle, cut, and deal them out in five packs--one for the lady herself, one for the house, one for "those who do not expect it," one for "those who do expect it," and one for "the surprise," in the first deal, laying one card aside for "consolation."

The rest are then equally distributed among the other five packs, which will four of them contain three cards, whilst the last only consists of two.

We will suppose the first packet for the lady herself to be composed of the ace of diamonds, the seven of clubs, and the ten of hearts. The interpretation would run thus:

"Ace of diamonds--a letter will be shortly received--seven of clubs--announcing the arrival of a small sum of money--ten of hearts--and containing some very joyful tidings."

The second pack, "for the house," containing the king of spades, the nine of hearts, and the jack of spades:

"The person consulting the cards will receive a visit--king of spades--from a lawyer--nine of hearts--which will greatly delight--jack of spades--a dark, ill-disposed young man."

The third pack, "for those who do not expect it," composed of the ace of spades, the jack of hearts, and the ace of clubs, would read:

"Ace of spades--pleasure in store for--jack of hearts--a gay young bachelor--ace of clubs--by means of money; but as the jack of hearts is placed between two aces, it is evident that he runs a great risk of being imprisoned; and from the two cards signifying respectively 'pleasure' and 'money,' that it will be for having run into debt."

The fourth pack, "for those who do expect it," containing the eight of hearts, the queen of clubs, and the ten of diamonds:

"The eight of hearts--the love-affairs of a fair young girl will oblige--the queen of clubs--the person consulting the cards--ten of diamonds--to take a journey."

The fifth pack, "for the surprise," consists of the seven of spades and the ten of spades, meaning:

"Seven of spades--slight trouble--ten of spades--caused by some person's imprisonment--the card of consolation--seven of diamonds--which will turn out to have been a mere report."


A pack is taken of thirty-two selected cards, shuffled well and cut in three, then laid out in four rows of eight cards each. Significator is made any king or queen that may be preferred; then seven are counted from that significator from left to right, and from right to left, also crossways, always starting from the king or queen that represents the person consulting. The thoughts, which are supposed to be indicated by the jacks, may then be counted from, or the house, or a letter; in fact, anything about which information is desired; when this is explained, the cards are paired from each extremity, each pair being explained as arrived at till the pack is finished. They are now gathered up, shuffled and cut in three; then turned up by threes, the highest of each suit being taken out.

When three of equal value come together, such as three aces, three kings, etc., they must all be taken out; the same is to be done should three of a suit come together; this is to be repeated three times, shuffling and cutting between each, and when the pack has been gone through, any that are remaining over must be put on one side and not used. Seven cards are counted again from significator, and paired as before.

The meanings ascribed to some of the cards being different from those already given, are here stated:

Ten of Clubs--A journey or big building.

Eight of Clubs--Drink or vexation.

Ten of Spades--At night-time.

Nine of Spades--Disappointment or sickness.

Ten of Diamonds--Money.

Seven of Diamonds--Check or paper money; sometimes an article of jewelry.

Three Sevens--A loss.

Four Tens--A great social rise through powerful friends.

Two Jacks--Treachery.

Ten of Hearts--An entertainment.