Telling Fortunes by Cards - Part 16

Part 16

Ace of clubs and ten of spades, both reversed--Jealousy in love.

Eight of diamonds and seven of spades reversed--Hesitation about going to the country.

Queen of clubs and seven of diamonds reversed--Discussion.

Seven of spades reversed and seven of hearts--You think of being someone's friend.

Ace of spades reversed and nine of diamonds--You will experience a delay with some paper.

Ace of hearts and jack of clubs--Flattery.

Eight of clubs reversed and eight of hearts--Great affection.

Seven of diamonds and seven of clubs, both reversed--A great deal of embarra.s.sment.

Seven of spades reversed and nine of diamonds--Certain delay or separation.

King of hearts reversed and ace of hearts--Convent.

King and nine of spades, both reversed--Want.

King and queen of hearts--A married couple in good society.

King of hearts reversed and ace of hearts--Court of justice.

King of diamonds and eight of clubs--Robber.

Eight of clubs and king of diamonds--Theft.

King and nine of spades, both reversed--Unjust accusation.

King of diamonds reversed and ace of clubs--A rich countryman.

Jack of diamonds reversed and jack of spades--Strange young man.

Ace of spades and jack of diamonds, both reversed--Someone expects you.

King of hearts reversed and ace of hearts--Large house, hotel.

Queen and ace of spades, both reversed--Infidelity.

Ace of spades reversed and king of hearts--Hospital.

Ace of clubs and ace of spades, both reversed--Imprisonment.

King and queen of clubs--Man and wife.

King of hearts reversed and ace of hearts--Government house; campground.

Ace of hearts and eight of hearts reversed--Money due.

Ace of clubs reversed and ace of diamonds--Love-letter.

Queen of hearts and nine of spades reversed--A lady in mourning.

King and queen of diamonds, both reversed--A country lady and gentleman.

Ace of hearts and queen of clubs reversed--Injustice.


It will be found of material a.s.sistance to the complete understanding of each of the following methods of telling fortunes to have in your hands a 32-card pack as you read, and to carefully follow out the details with the exact cards mentioned in the text. We strongly recommend this plan to the student who desires to become an adept in the art.


In all the following methods the 32-card pack is used, which consists of the ace, king, queen, jack, ten, nine, eight and seven only of each suit, and usually the extra Consultant card to represent the person consulting the cards.

When about to consult the oracle, the cards should be arranged in the following manner before shuffling: King, queen, jack, ace, ten, nine, eight and seven of each suit. This precaution should be taken for every consultation, whether for yourself or for another person, as without this the permutation may chance not to be perfect.


The pack of thirty-two selected cards is taken, and a card is selected to represent the dealer, supposing he is making the essay on his own behalf; if not, it must represent the person for whom he is acting. In doing this, if the Consultant card be not used, it is necessary to remember that the card chosen should be according to the complexion of the chooser. King or queen of diamonds for a very fair person; king or queen of hearts for one rather dark; clubs for one darker still; and spades only for one very dark indeed. The card chosen also loses its signification, and simply becomes the representative of a dark or fair man or woman as the case may be. This point having been settled, the cards are shuffled, and either cut by the dealer or for him (according to whether he is acting for himself or another person), the left hand being used. That done, they are turned up by threes, and every time two of the same suit are found in these triplets, such as two hearts, two clubs, etc., the highest card is withdrawn and placed on the table in front. If the triplet chance to be all the same suit, the highest card is still to be the only one withdrawn, but should it consist of three of the same value, such as three kings, etc., they are all to be appropriated. If after having turned up the cards, three by three, six have been able to be withdrawn, there will remain twenty-six, which are shuffled and cut, and again turned up by threes, acting precisely as before, until thirteen, fifteen or seventeen cards have been obtained. The number must always be uneven, and the card representing the person consulting must be amongst the number; if not, it must be drawn out and put at the end.

Say that the person whose fortune is being read is a lady, represented by the queen of hearts, and that fifteen cards are obtained and laid out in the form of a semi-circle in the order they were drawn: The seven of clubs, the ten of diamonds, the seven of hearts, the jack of clubs, the king of diamonds, the nine of diamonds, the ten of hearts, the queen of spades, the eight of hearts, the jack of diamonds, the queen of hearts, the nine of clubs, the seven of spades, the ace of clubs, the eight of spades. The cards having been considered, there are found among them two queens, two jacks, two tens, three sevens, two eights and two nines. It is therefore possible to announce:--"The two queens are supposed to signify the re-union of friends; the two jacks, that there is mischief being made between them. These two tens, a change, which, from one of them being between two sevens, will not be effected without some difficulty; the cause of which, according to these three sevens, will be illness. However, these two nines can promise some small gain; resulting, so say these two eights, from a love affair."

Seven cards are now counted from right to left, beginning with the queen of hearts, who represents the lady consulting the cards. The seventh being the king of diamonds, the following may be said: "You often think of a fair man in uniform."

The next seventh card (counting the king of diamonds as one) proves to be the ace of clubs: "You will receive from him some very joyful tidings; he, besides, intends making you a present."

Count the ace of clubs as one, and proceeding to the next seventh card, the queen of spades: "A widow is endeavoring to injure you on this very account; and (the seventh card counting the queen as one being the ten of diamonds) the annoyance she gives you will oblige you to either take a journey or change your residence; but (this ten of diamonds being imprisoned between two sevens) your journey or removal will meet with some obstacle."

On proceeding to count as before, calling the ten of diamonds one, the seventh card will be found to be the queen of hearts herself, the person consulting; therefore, the conclusion may be stated as: "But this you will overcome of yourself, without needing anyone's aid or a.s.sistance."

The two cards at either extremity of the half circle are now taken, which are respectively the eight of spades and seven of clubs, and may be read: "A sickness which will result in your receiving a small sum of money."

Repeat the same maneuver, which brings together the ace of clubs and the ten of diamonds:

"Good news, which will make you decide on taking a journey, destined to prove a very happy one, and which will occasion you to receive a sum of money."

The next cards united, being the seven of spades and the seven of hearts, you say:

"Tranquillity and peace of mind, followed by slight anxiety, quickly followed by love and happiness."