Telling Fortunes by Cards - Part 13

Part 13

A n.o.bleman; a man of consequence; important; great; the eldest son; extended; vast; sublime; renowned; ill.u.s.trious; powerful; elevated; of good quality; ill.u.s.tration; reputation; consideration; grandeur of soul.

For _love_, a correct interpretation of the oracle may require selection from among the following synonyms:

Pa.s.sion; inclination; sympathy; affection; allurement; attraction; charm; enticement; disposition; taste for; propensity; admiration; gallantry; complacence for the s.e.x; intrigue; affinity; an affair of gallantry; attachment; devotion.

TEN OF CLUBS--_Upright._ When this card enters in your oracle it is to apprise you that you will unexpectedly receive a handsome sum of money, a gift or a legacy from some dear friend or near relative.

However, at the same time it warns you that your smiles will be intermingled with tears; inasmuch as you will almost simultaneously learn of the death of some person whose love you have cherished.

The chief primary signification of this card is _the future_, whence are derived the following secondary ones:

Hereafter; to come; posthumous; after death; heaven.

Another primary signification is _gain_, which can be interpreted as required, by any of these synonyms:

Advantage; profit; success; grace; favor; benefit; ascendency; power; empire; authority; usurpation; profitable; useful; important; interest; official position.

A more general signification in this card is _money_, from which we have secondary ones of this description:

Wealth; coin; bullion; ingots; gold; silver ware; whiteness; purity; candor; innocence; ingenuity; the moon; purification; twilight; moonlight.

TEN OF CLUBS--_Reversed._ As a general thing this card, emerging reversed, designates a _lover_, of either gender, unless the _knave of clubs_ appears in the oracle of a lady, or the _eight of hearts_, reversed, in that of a gentleman.

Employed in such a signification, we have as synonyms:

In love; gallantry; a gallant; husband; wife; married man; married woman; friend; protector; courtesan; to love; to cherish; to adore; to match; to mate; harmony; concord; suitable; corresponding; in relations with; decency; decorum; regard; seemliness; convenience; vicinity; fitness.

This card is sometimes used to designate _the house_.

NINE OF CLUBS--_Upright._ The general primary signification of this card, when employed as a measure of time, is _the present_, whence we have as synonyms:

At the instant; actually; now; presently; suddenly; unexpectedly; upon the spot; momentarily; at hand.

The second primary signification of this card is an _effect_, whence are derived the secondary ones of this nature:

For sure; with certainty; in consequence; result; evidence; conviction; conclusion; will happen; event; to finish; to execute; household goods; furniture; bonds; personal estate; jewelry; movable goods.

This card has another primary signification, _indiscretion_, from which are derived the secondary meanings, as follows:

Want of foresight; imprudent; rash; headlong; with precipitation; thoughtlessly; impulsively; suddenly; disorder; confusion; misconduct; want of reflection; chaos; disgrace; without restraint; dissipation; libertinage; discordance; inharmonious; moral ruin.

NINE OF CLUBS--_Reversed._ This card, reversed, is most usually employed to denote that the consultant, in whose oracle it appears, will be the recipient of a _present_, but as to its value and its nature the surrounding cards must determine. The card consequently may represent:

Gift; presentation; memorial; offering; testimonial; a gratification; service; offer of money; thanksgiving.

Another signification of this card when coming out reversed, is _gambling_, but as this is a serious moral offense, great care should be exercised to study its application.

From _gambling_ are derived these secondary meanings:

Games of chance; lottery; luck; card playing; any fortuitous circ.u.mstance; by accident; destiny; human life; cards; dice; money games; disreputable company.

EIGHT OF CLUBS--_Upright._ As a representative of an individual, this card designates a brunette, unmarried lady, remarkable for her personal attractions, of a mild and tractable nature, who, should she not possess beauty, will win admiration from her accomplishments and demeanor, as well as from her sincerity and virtue.

As a general thing this card signifies _the art of pleasing_, or, as it is more appropriately styled, _a virtuous girl_, in which connection, its meaning is expressed in the synonyms:

A virgin; chaste; modest; virtuous; genteel; becoming; decent; decorous; suitable; befitting; civil; kind; courteous; polished; polite; well bred; accomplished; condescending; meek; hospitable; good manners.

EIGHT OF CLUBS--_Reversed._ As an individual's representative, this card, when reversed, denotes a middling dark complexioned unmarried woman, with dark chestnut hair, and eyes nearly approaching black in color. She will be vain of her personal charms, and make little account of the world's opinion should her own desires be gratified.

The primary signification of this card is _removal_ or _departure_, and can be appropriately expressed in the following synonyms:

Moving; to move; change of residence; at a distance; remote; absence; separation; dispersion; going aside; out of the way; ramble; excursion; digression; flight; to discard; disdain; repugnance; aversion; incompatibility; opposition; division; rupture, and antipathy.

This card, reversed, has moreover the signification of _indecorum_, which can be used in these different senses:

Inhospitable; ill bred; discourteous; bad manners; immodest; unchaste; insincere; boorish; brazen faced; slovenly; a virago; a tartar; a wanton.

SEVEN OF CLUBS--_Upright._ The primary signification of this card is a _trifle in money_, but which, however, has been amplified to designate _economy_, or the art of spending very little money to the best advantage. Consequently from this source we have the following synonyms:

Good behavior; wise administration of affairs; foresight; discretion; order; regularity; household virtues; good management; wisdom; happiness; prosperity.

This card likewise signifies _company_ or _sociability_, in which connection it can be taken to denote:

a.s.sociation; an a.s.sembly; a gathering; family party; friendly intercourse; pleasant relations; harmless pastimes; domestic recreations; b.a.l.l.s; concerts; theater.

Still, its most important signification is a _child_. From this physical object the secondary meanings of this card are extended to designate the characteristics of childhood applied to after life.

Hence the synonyms of this signification are:

Infancy; childhood; puerility; frivolity; weakness; dependency; abas.e.m.e.nt; humiliation; depression; humble; abject; minute; small; diminutive; helpless.

SEVEN OF CLUBS--_Reversed._ As a general thing this card reversed has the signification of _embarra.s.sment_ or _impediment_, and, taken in this light, its meanings, as applied to the exigencies of a correct interpretation of the consultation, will be found in some one of these synonyms:

Hindrance; entanglement; clog; fuss; intricacy; confusion; exigency; disorder; distress; to make work; to come to a stand; to perplex; to puzzle; to obstruct; to delay; to block up; to choke up; to stop up; to stifle; hurry; bustle; in a fix; in perplexity; at a loss.

It must be borne in mind that this card, when signifying a child, may come out either upright or reversed.


_All Four, Any Three and Any Two of a Kind, that Come Out in the Deal, Either Upright or Reversed, to the RIGHT of the Consultant--Their Meanings._

Four Kings--Removal.

Four Queens--Great a.s.semblage of ladies.

Four Jacks--An illness.