Tattooed - 42 First Contac

42 First Contac

Seeing that Mo's face keeps on changing, Kim's curiousity was picked.

"Big bro, is there any problem? Why does your face keep on changing?" She asked

"Hmm? Ahh, nothing. That last skill that Akke used. It feels like I've seen it before." Mo said.

"That s.h.i.+ny powerful skill?" Kim said.

"Why not just invite her to sit with us~ Seems like she isn't having an easy time now~" Sing casually said while pointing towards platform 2.

Meanwhile, after killing Troy, Akke who used that powerful skill was greatly weakened and was left panting. The students from the School of n.o.bles were dumbfounded on what they witnessed. They were greatly shocked that someone is really audicious enough to kill the son of the president of their school. Suddenly, a raging blue aura erupted.

"Audicious! Who gave you the courage to kill a prestigious n.o.ble in front of me!" a powerful voice bellowed.

The aura pressed towards the weakened Akke pus.h.i.+ng her down so much that she couldn't help but cough out a mouthful of blood.

"A murderer and a r*pist doesn't deserve to be called a n.o.ble." Akke retorted resolutely.

"Arrogant! I shall sacrifice your useless blood to heed justice for the School of n.o.bles!" a man clad in golden robe raged and jumped towards platform 2 as he casted. "King's Wrath - Justice Hammer!"

A huge golden hammer suddenly materialized in mid air threatening to crush Akke into pieces.

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"I think killing a helpless weakened girl is not what a n.o.ble should do." a voice suddenly sounded calmly. "A barrel conquers all with my blood as bullets!" "Alucard's Gun - Blood Bullets"

Five blood colored bullets burst towards the incoming hammer. At first the crowd was doubting if these small bullets can defend against the golden hammer but right after the first bullet collided with the hammer, a scary blood colored explosion erupted causing the hammer to stagger a bit. Followed by the other 4 bullets, which also exploded horrifyingly, causing the hammer to be moved aside missing the weakened Akke.

When the hammer user saw that he missed, he was so enraged that he bellowed.

"Audicious! Who dares challenge the dignity of the School of n.o.bles!"

"I suggest you stop shouting nonsense Vernon~ My arrow might just slip and make a barbeque out of your head~" a casual voice retorted.

When Vernon looked at the source of the voice, a young man with black hair and a carefree smiling face was aiming an ancient looking bow towards him. A powerful blue colored aura was gus.h.i.+ng out from it.

"Lei Sing! Why are you interfering in the School of n.o.bles' business?! Does the Sing Family want to wage war with us?!" Vernon was frustrated. He know that if Sing really wanted to protect Akke, he couldn't do anything about it.

"I'm just helping my litte brother over there~" said Sing casually.

Vernon glanced at what Sing was pointing out. He saw a boy with sky blue hair clad with commoners clothing standing in front of the weakened Akke. His navy blue eyes were like the wide sky seemingly emitting endless possibilities. On his right hand was a silver colored pistol which was larger than normal. Intricate ancient carvings can be seen on its barrel.

Realizing that this kid was the source of those powerful bullets, Vernon questioned.

"Commoner brat! Who gave you the courage to disturb me?!"

"No one, I just don't want to see a helpless girl die from your so called "n.o.ble justice"." Mo responded calmly.

"You....!" Vernon was about to continue berating when suddenly a super powerful pressure pressed towards them.

A voice reverbrated with authority, "Who gave you brats the authority to disturb my tournament? It seems that you little kids don't want to live anymore."

Mo, Sing and Vernon struggled withstanding the powerful pressure causing them to involuntarily kneel down.

Seeing that the situation is getting out of hand, Xiu who was standing by walked forward and bowed towards the clone on the platform.

"Master Ros.h.i.+, please forgive my friends for their reckless actions, we will not cause you anymore trouble in the future." he calmly said.

"Mei Xiu, I and your father are good friends so I will forgive you this time, but if something like this happens again, don't blame me for being cruel." Master Ros.h.i.+ said coldly before withdrawing the pressure.

"Thank you for your grace Master Ros.h.i.+." Xiu bowed and sighed.

The heavy pressure then suddenly disappeared without a trace causing the kneeling trio sigh a breath of relief.

"Brat what is your name?" Vernon who snorted and was about to leave suddenly asked.

"Mo Hardinger, a wandering warrior." Mo said.

"Very well! I, Vernon Elliot, will remember this humiliation and personally behead you to atone for your sins!" Vernon announced before jumping out of the platform.

Ignoring Vernon's provocations, Mo approached the weakened Akke and gently asked, "Can you stand up? If it's okay with you, you can rest with us until you recover. Don't worry, no one can do anything to you as long as we are here, just focus on recovering."