Tattooed - 36 Battle Royale Star

36 Battle Royale Star

After a.s.sasinating Ron, Mo quietly came back towards his tent.

When he first scanned the surroundings for possible enemies, Mo has already discovered the hidden scouts that are observing them from afar. At first, he was not sure if the scouts are enemies so he decided to tail them. He hid under the cover of the night and listened to what the scouts reported. After hearing that Ron wanted to kidnap Kim, he was enraged and decided to send him to the afterlife.

Mo who is always unafraid of trouble did not care what the consequence are. As long as someone threatens the safety of his friends, specially his little sister, they would pay with their lives.






-Isla De Hielo Ancient Doors Location-

2 days have pa.s.sed by quickly. Almost all the partic.i.p.ants have arrived and now waiting for Master Ros.h.i.+'s presence.

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"Yo yo yo yo~ seems like you're all here~" Master Ros.h.i.+'s voice echoed. When they saw Master Ros.h.i.+ at the top of the ancient doors sitting leasurely, they can not hide their shock on their faces. They didn't even feel when the old man appeared.

Without further delay, Master Ros.h.i.+ gestured and casted, "Freezing Hand - Form"

Suddenly, circular platforms made from the ice island's ground sprouted. 4 huge platforms are properly aligned.

"These 4 platforms will be the fighting stages according to your cities or affiliations. Platform number 1 will be for the geniuses from Dawn City, number 2 will be for Amethyst City, number 3 will be for Brook City and number 4 will be for the wandering warriors, pirates and other forces." said Master Ros.h.i.+.

"White Brand Warriors will be competing for 8 slots to enter the "Faith Pa.s.sage" while Blue brand warriors will have 12 slots. We will first commence the White Rank warriors in these four platforms." Master Ros.h.i.+ continued.

"Freezing Hand - Clone" Master Ros.h.i.+ muttered and suddenly, ice clones resembling him sprouted from the ice ground. "These will be the ones that will watch over the results of the match to make sure that none of you are treated unfairly. Yo yo yo yo~"

"Since so many of you are here, the 1st part of the tournament will be a Battle Royale. We only need 12 warriors in every platform. The last 12 warriors that will not be kicked out of each platform will be competing for the respective number of slots by battle rank." Master Ros.h.i.+ concluded.

"Are there any questions?" he asked.

"Is killing someone okay?" a wandering warrior loudly asked causing stares from the crowd.

"Killing is part of the harshness in the battlefield. To become a true warrior, you will need to experience these things. There will be 3 ways to win. First is to make your enemy surrender, Second is to push them off the stage and third is to kill them." said Master Ros.h.i.+ harshly.

"Now we will start the White Rank Battles!" Master Ros.h.i.+'s real body then vanished while his clones spread out towards the 4 platforms.

Without delay, White Brand geniuses from the 3 cities and wandering warriors jump up to their respective platform to battle.

Hundreds of young warriors are on each platform. Tattoo skills of different variety were thrown and used to prove their power.

In platform 4, the leading young warrior was a purple colored loli with a fairy like beauty. She was using her arms made of ice to push the enemy down the platform. Different variety of ice forms are used by her catching the attention of old man Ros.h.i.+.

In the other side of platform 4, a young wandering warrior was also using her body made out of wood to either make the enemies drop or surrender. Young warriors from the 2 pirate groups are also unexpectedly performing well.

The members of the sects/schools from the other platforms are also in an all-out battle. Each of them want to prove their worth and honor the name of their proud sects/schools. These youngsters also want to change their own fates with the help of the "Faith Pa.s.sage."





Half a day had pa.s.sed and the best 12 of each platforms are already clear.

At platform 4, the purple haired loli and the wood warrior were among the 12.

"The best 12 warriors are selected. Now for the second part of the Battle Royale, everyone that were not convinced by their loss will have one chance to challenge a warrior in any of the platforms. Which means, warriors from platform 1 can challenge warriors from platform 2 and so on. Remember! Once the warrior you selected won twice, they can't be challenged anymore. Yo yo yo yo~" Master Ros.h.i.+'s voice announced using the 4 clones at the same time.

"Hahaha! Now I have my chance! How can those savages from platform 4 compare to us!"

"Kekeke! What is that little loli doing? Pitiful savages can't even win against a child!"

"Bwahahaha! Now I can kill a n.o.ble! I wonder if Young Boss Tanasha will reward me if I do that."

The atmosphere instantly become heated after Master Ros.h.i.+'s introduction of the 2nd round. Defeated warriors started to target the warriors on the platform specially the ones from platform 4.

Mo, Lei Sing, Mei Xiu and Glenn who were sitting together were leasurely watching the match while occa.s.sionally cheering towards platform 4 where Kim and Shao is a part off.