Tangled Hearts: Theirs To Keep - Tangled Hearts: Theirs to Keep Part 27

Tangled Hearts: Theirs to Keep Part 27

Merrick ran his fingers up and down the cleft of her ass, spreading the lubricant liberally around her entrance. Then she felt both hands cup her cheeks and gently spread.

She went still, and Cade automatically lifted his hands to her waist, holding her and caressing up and down her sides in a soothing pattern.

"Relax for us, honey," Cade murmured.

It was hard to do when she was burning with anticipation. She let her breath escape raggedly and forced herself to go limp.

The tip of Merrick's cock pressed against her opening, and it took everything she had not to jerk in reaction. Her breathing sped up, and his grip tightened on her behind.

He pressed firmly, and she began to open around him. She closed her eyes against the burn and threw her head back.

Cade caressed his way to her breasts, cupping and mounding them with his palms. He caught her nipples between his thumb and forefinger and gently squeezed, sending an electric arc bolting through her body.

A soft moan fluttered past her lips when Merrick exerted more pressure and he pushed in farther.

"Halfway there, baby. Push against me. I want all the way inside you."

God, she wanted him to be all the way in. She wanted to know what it felt like to have two men deep inside her body.

One of Cade's hands left her breast and trailed down her belly to where their bodies were tightly joined. Carefully he slid his hand between them and fingered her clit just as Merrick's hips met her ass.

He was all the way in. She was stretched so tightly around both of them. She couldn't even process the bombardment of sensation. Her body shook and spasmed as each nerve ending twitched in utter delight.

"Oh hell yeah," Merrick breathed. "Ours, baby. If you only knew how often I've dreamed of having you this way. I'll never get enough. Never."

Cade arched his back, pushing upward, and she gasped at the fullness, the intensity of being so stretched. She was hypersensitive to every movement.

"You're so damn beautiful," Cade said in a strained voice. "I love the sight of you astride me, your hair down your shoulders and that drugged look on your face, the way your eyes glaze over. So fucking beautiful you make me ache. Let us have you now, honey. Trust us to give you what you need."

"Take me," she whispered. "I need you. I love you both so much."

Her words incited an instant response. Their hands tightened on her body. They began to move with greater urgency, foregoing the lazy pace they'd previously set.

Merrick began to thrust, withdrawing and then plunging deeply into her ass while Cade lifted her hips and then pulled her downward to meet his upward thrusts.

The ferocity of her orgasm frightened her. It was unlike anything she'd ever experienced. It was so powerful. So intense. Building...building...and building still. Every time she thought surely she would topple over, the tension kept rising and the pleasure intensified until she was nearly delirious.

Her body was no longer her own. It belonged to them. They commanded it. She writhed uncontrollably, her hands everywhere on Cade's body.

She panted breathlessly and squeezed her eyes tightly shut, her teeth clamped together to keep from screaming as her orgasm swelled, becoming an enormous ball of tightly leashed fury.

When she thought she couldn't stand it a moment longer, Cade flicked his finger over her clit, and she hurtled out of control.

She had to have blacked out momentarily, because the next thing she was aware of was being sprawled over Cade, her cheek pressed tightly to his chest. She couldn't suck in enough air to appease her burning lungs, and her entire body tingled, so sensitive that each of Merrick's thrusts sent aftershocks racing through her abdomen.

Cade stroked her back. Up and down. Slow, loving and achingly gentle. And then Merrick growled low in his throat and thrust into her so hard that it rocked her body upward. Cade anchored her to him and held her as Merrick slowly settled down over her back, sandwiching her firmly between the two men.

A sigh of utter bliss escaped her. She was numb. She couldn't feel parts of her body, and she couldn't care less. She'd never been so at peace in her life.

This was her life. Her future. Her past no longer mattered. Where she belonged was here. Between these two men. Men she loved with every bit of her heart and soul.

"Love you," she whispered. "So much."

"Love you too, baby."

"I adore you, honey," Cade said as he stroked her hair. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"Fuck the championship. You're definitely the best thing that's happened to me," Merrick said with complete sincerity. "I could hang it all up tomorrow as long as I have you."

Tears pricked her eyelids, and she bit her lip to prevent them from leaking down her cheeks.

She turned her mouth down to kiss Cade's chest, and she lay there, content to remain blanketed by so much delicious male flesh.

"Want to talk to you, baby," Merrick said, his words a little slurred.

"Mmmm," was all she could muster.

Merrick kissed her shoulder. "How about I order some breakfast, and we'll talk while we eat."

After the room service cart was wheeled into the sitting area of the suite, Merrick signed the check and then pushed it the rest of the way into the bedroom.

There was something supremely decadent about having breakfast in bed with two deliciously gorgeous alpha males.

Elle sat cross-legged in the middle, her back against a pillow, while Cade reclined on his side next to her. Merrick served up the plates and then crawled up on the other side of Elle and propped his back on the headboard.

"What did you want to talk about?" Elle asked as she cut into her omelet.

Merrick paused and glanced at Cade before lowering his fork. Cade pushed up to a sitting position that put him more at eye level with Merrick and Elle.

Then Merrick cleared his throat. "You said you wanted to wait until after the fight to get married. Okay, so the fight's over, and Cade and I would like to marry you if you're still willing."

Elle's hand shook, and she had to set her fork down to keep it from falling onto the plate. She'd been so happy and...content...over the last weeks that she hadn't given marriage any further thought. All her focus had been on Merrick and Cade and the impending fight.

"I want that more than anything," she said, her voice trembling as hard as her fingers.

The relief in Merrick's eyes was stark. Cade's eyes darkened, and he slid his hand over Elle's leg, gently squeezing her knee.

"Then I'm going to book an afternoon flight to Vegas," Merrick said. "We'll be there tonight. Tomorrow we'll take you shopping for a kick-ass dress and everything you need to look and feel your best. Whatever you want, you'll have."

Elle smiled, her heart fluttering wildly at the tenderness-and excitement-in Merrick's face. She reached down to put her hand over Cade's where it rested on her knee, and she squeezed, her own excitement overtaking her.

"After we go shopping, I'll book you into a spa where you'll be pampered. You can have your hair and nails done, and then Cade and I will pick you up and take you to the chapel in the hotel."

"You both spoil me so much," Elle said.

"Get used to it," Cade said in a gruff voice. "We plan to do a lot more of it."

Her face flushed with happiness, she threw her arms first around Cade, squeezing him fiercely. He laughed as he caught her and returned her affectionate hug. He kissed her temple, and then she pulled away and launched herself at Merrick.

She pulled up at the last second, remembering how sore and bruised he was. But he wouldn't let her get away with that. He hauled her up against him.

"Don't hold back with me," Merrick said. "I want all of you all the time. Stop worrying about hurting me. I'm fine."

But still, she carefully wrapped her arms around his neck, and though she hugged him, she didn't squeeze as fiercely as she'd done with Cade. Then she kissed the side of his neck and whispered next to his ear, "I love you so much."

"I love you too, baby. Always. Remember that. It's not going away. I'm not going away."

She sat back against the pillows and surveyed the gorgeous specimens in front of her. A feast of male flesh. Finely toned bodies. She could look her fill for hours. And touch. She loved touching them. Simply running her fingers over their skin, feeling the hardness of their muscles.

"How long do we have until the flight?" she asked.

"I haven't booked it yet," Merrick said. "Was going to call Cathy and have her do it."

Cade studied her curiously. "Why do you ask?"

She grinned slyly. "Because I wanted to know if there was enough time to show you and Merrick just how much I adore you both."

"Oh hell," Merrick breathed. "Let me call Cathy now. I'll make damn certain we have time for whatever it is you want to do."


SHE'D NEVER HAVE IMAGINED CADE or Merrick dress shopping, or that they'd be so patient. They indulged her every whim, though, and encouraged her to find the perfect dress and not to settle.

In the fifth shop, she found perfection. It was a strapless silver dress that fell down her legs in a shimmery curtain. It conformed to her every curve and gathered gently at her ankles.

Next she bought a pair of three-inch Cinderella heels that sparkled and caught the light, reflecting it so they shimmered when she walked.

Afterward, Cade and Merrick carried the bags to the spa and handed them over to the receptionist with strict instructions to pamper and indulge Elle and then have her dressed for the ceremony.

If the woman thought it strange that two men would be so adamant about having her ready for a wedding, she didn't say anything. But when it came time for the two men to leave and they both kissed her long and hard, Elle could swear she saw a look of pure envy on the other woman's face.

For the next two hours, Elle was immersed in pleasure. She was massaged, her toes and fingers done, and then her hair was swept into an elegant knot and arranged so that several tendrils floated down her face.

Then it came time to put the dress on, and Elle's stomach was in knots as her excitement grew.

It was really happening. She was dressing for a dream wedding in Las Vegas, and Cade and Merrick would be here any moment to pick her up.

She slipped on the heels and surveyed her reflection in the mirror. She looked...radiant. Blissfully happy. Just like all women should on their wedding day.

As she stared back at herself, an image flashed in her mind. A fleeting memory, or maybe it was just a sensation.

Will he ever ask me to marry him?

It was a thought she knew she'd had before. More than once. There was lingering sadness-and worry-feelings she knew she'd experienced before.

Who was she thinking of?

The knot of anxiety grew in her belly. Was she doing the right thing? Was it really fair to Cade and Merrick to commit to them when she couldn't remember her past?

"Miss Walker, Mr. Sullivan and Mr. Walker are here for you."

Elle shook off the lingering uneasiness and turned to the woman standing in the door of the dressing room. Cade and Merrick were waiting. For her. They wanted to marry her and build a future together with her.

No matter what was in her past, they were her future.

At peace with her decision, she walked out the door and into the waiting room where Merrick and Cade stood. When they saw her, their faces lit up and there was approval in their eyes.

When she saw them, her heart pounded a little harder.

They were both wearing black suits. Expensive. Well tailored. They looked absolutely mouth-watering, and they were all hers.

"Elle, you look beautiful," Cade said as he came forward.

"You look fucking amazing," Merrick breathed.

Cade reached into his pocket and pulled out a jewelry box and handed it to her. With shaking fingers, she opened it to find a pair of glittering diamond earrings.

Merrick held up a necklace that matched and motioned for her to turn around so he could clasp it around her neck.

She felt like a fairy-tale princess.

They both reached for her hands after she'd attached the earrings to her ears, and they led her out of the spa to the waiting limousine.

Fifteen minutes later, they pulled up to a casino and were ushered out. The two men led her to the wedding chapel, where they were met by a couple who explained how the ceremony would be held.

Though the legalities concerned Merrick and Elle, there would be a special vow exchange between her and Cade at the beginning. At the end, instead of pronouncing Merrick and Elle husband and wife, the declaration would be made that Elle was given into the care of Merrick and Cade and that they would love and cherish her all the days of their life.

She was so jittery as they walked into the room where the ceremony would be held that she nearly stumbled. Cade caught her elbow, and then he pulled her in close to his side as they continued forward.

Positioned between the two men in front of the man performing the ceremony, she turned first to Cade as they exchanged vows.

His eyes were full of love as he held her hand, his thumb stroking over her knuckles. To her surprise, he produced a sparkling diamond solitaire and slid it onto her ring finger.

It was the most gorgeous ring she'd ever seen, and it fit her perfectly.

When their vows were said, Cade leaned in and kissed her long and deep, his hands framing her face.

"I love you," he whispered.

She smiled and kissed him again. "I love you too."

He gently let her go, and she turned to Merrick.

His eyes were fierce, and to her complete shock, they glittered wetly. He caught hold of her hands and held on so tightly her fingers were bloodless. It was almost as if he were afraid if he let her go, she'd disappear.

His voice was choked with emotion as he recited his vows, and when she in turn recited hers, he swallowed visibly.

Then, as Cade had done, he produced a ring. He slid her diamond off and pushed on the platinum band before sliding her solitaire back in place.