Taming The Villainesses - Chapter 99.2

Chapter 99.2

(EP-99.2) Cannot Be Buried #2

099 The Truth Cannot Be Buried #2

Stellas attitude was strangely passive, which made me feel kind of sorry for being so aggressive. Thus, I tried to tone it down a little.

Then tell me the truth. I am busy, I dont have time for games.

Alright, Ill be frank. Your guess is very close, good enough to be correct. And its the most accurate Ive heard so far.

Oh, I see.

I felt a refreshing sensation as if a jumbled ball of thread finally got untangled. Perhaps, it was because of Calm Thinking, but I seemed to have a knack for guesses.

However, one question remained.

Then why didnt it happen? Where is Isaiah Angmar?

Actually, I knew where he was.

He was probably dead.

Just that, how did he die?

This was what I wanted to ask.

But Stella shook her head.

I dont know. Isaiah Sunbae just dropped out and suddenly disappeared one day. The club disbanded right after, shifting responsibilities to and doubting each other-.

I see.

Is that all the questions?

I said, Just a moment-, in response as I organized my thoughts.

Professor Stella then looked up at the ceiling again, I miss those days.

It felt like theyre just yesterday. Dungeon crawling with the Sunbaes and searching for the Demon Kings treasure.

Then, a shadow casted over her expression.

We dont know where he is or what he is doing. We have searched all over the continent to find him, but couldnt. He might have gone beyond the barrier.

That was the end of Stellas story.

It had a lot of weight behind it, but there wasnt a lot of information. Still, this was a considerable harvest. Id confirmed that my guess was more or less correct.

But you managed to deduce what we had kept hidden. How did you do it?

Then Stella veered the conversation towards me.

Well, I had enough information to go off of because of my involvement with the different families. I also knew that there was an Angmar survivor in advance.

However, from an outsiders perspective, it might seem like I had deduced something out of nothing.

As I was thinking, Stella scrutinized me from the bottom-up and continued in praise.

Theo Gospel, Angmars Demon Monk. It seems that the rumors arent just rumors. Do you want to be my assistant? Or do you plan on going to graduate school?

No, thank you.

Hmm. Well, anyway, thats the end of the story. The Adventure Club building has also been long closed.


Speaking of building, I remembered something. I then took out a book from my bag and showed it to Stella.

Do you know any of the names here? Priga Nightfall and Theo Gospel. They seem to be around the same time before the Wish Hall got closed.

Priga-. Its the Saintess name. And Theo Gospel-.

Stella started reminiscing with her slender eyes.

I do remember one instance. It was during the time when I was away in search of Isaiah Sunbae, but the Saintess definitely joined the club with a strange man.

By strange man, do you mean Theo Gospel?


Was it me?

I really wanted to ask this. However, Stella beat me to it.

Come to think of it, his name is the same as yours. Of course, you two look completely different.

Do we?

From what I remember, he was tall and handsome. And every time he passed by, everyone would look his way.

It was then.

Bang, bang, bang-.

Someone was banging on Professor Stellas door like they were going to destroy it.

Professor Stella! I know youre in there! We need to talk about the people you brought in. Come out here!


Hearing so, Stella opened the window and literally flew outside

* * *

I left Stellas lab and headed back to the dorms. Meanwhile, I organized the information that I just obtained from her.

First things first.

Isaiah, the Demon Kings son, was supposed to be the next king, but he suddenly vanished.

The question here was, why did he disappear? Was there some kind of danger threatening him?

So did he die and I, his son, was the only one who survived?

Thinking of this, I might be in danger if I couldnt figure out why Isaiah went missing.

Now for the second one.

There was a high chance that the Theo Gospel staying with the Saintess was not me. As Stella described, the fella was a tall and handsome looker.

I was a Half-Fairy so my looks could meet the criteria, but I was not very tall.

Moreover, if we were the same person to begin with, Stella would have recognized me.

Anyway, I guessed we could call this a good harvest?

With quite the fruitful day, I turned and headed towards Airas dorm. I thought she might want to hear some kind of report.

But I didnt know how Aira, the current Queen, would react if I told her that her family was involved in trying to make Isaiah Angmar the king.

Should I hide this part?

But if I got caught hiding it, I could get in deep shi.

As I was thinking about said dilemma, I already arrived in front of Airas door.


Aira-nim, its Theo.

The door then swung open.

In the sun lit room, which was coming through the open window, I could see other people drinking tea at the table.

Elga and Mirna were here.

Seeing the two of them together made my whole body tingle, as if hundreds of ants were crawling on my back. I couldnt even catch a glimpse from these two before, so why were they suddenly here?

Then Aira said.

Ah, Theo, we were just talking about you. Ive heard a lot of interesting stories about you, but I think its best if youre the one explaining it.

Interesting stories?

Those words made a lot of things come to my mind

Edited by: faker