Taming The Villainesses - Chapter 86.1

Chapter 86.1

(EP-86.1) Club #5

086 Adventure Club #5

The metal ladder was so old that it creaked even if you just put your hand on it.


The red rust clinging on my hands made me worry of getting sick from tetanus if I accidentally got wounded.

Just one glance was enough to tell that it had not been touched for decades.

Then Marmar, Ill go down first. Just shout if anything happens.

Will you be alright? That ladder looks very old.

I could only hope that it wouldnt suddenly break on me.

I was very careful in moving my limbs.

Kiiik, piguk-.

The further down I went, the louder the creaking noise was. As if the nails and screws that drove the ladder into the wall were on the verge of snapping.


Comrade! Whats the matter!

Nothing, its just that the ladder is old and dangerous. We cant go down together, otherwise itll break. Stay there for now.

Fortunately, Theos weight was on the lighter side for men, so I was able to reach the bottom somehow.

There was a door in front of me.

There were words that said Underground Shelter. It was the thickest and most sturdy of the doors I had seen in this building.

Tuk tuk-.

Kicking it a few times made my feet throb in pain. From this, one could tell just how thick the door was.

It was like the entrance to an underground bunker built to avoid disasters or wars.

That door looks tough.

At this time, Marmar came down next to me.

How do you open this?

Marmar tried to move the reinforced bar-shaped locking device that was inserted outside. But because it was rusted, it wasnt loosening or moving at all.

It doesnt budge!

More importantly, Marmar, isnt this door a little strange?

Really? Well, it certainly looks old, but it doesnt look strange.

Marmar tilted her head in wonder. At first glance, it looked like an old bunker entrance, but there was definitely something off about it.

No, think about it. Why is the lock on the outside?

Youre right!

Marmar nodded as she finally realized my point.

Most locks would usually be installed to prevent people from coming in from the outside.

And yet, this door looked like it was the opposite and was instead blocking something from the inside.

I couldnt tell what was there, but if I carelessly opened the door, wouldnt we be in big trouble?

In horror movies, it was always some vacationing college students opening these things out of curiosity, and ended up awakening ancient curses or mutant monsters, before finally getting horribly murdered.

Maybe that would happen to me too

If I died because of some supid shi like this, my soul wouldnt be able to rest.

Should we just come back next time? At least, we now know the location.

It was better to come back in the future, after doing more preparations. After all, it would be too reckless to enter this place with just me and Marmar right now.

With that thought in mind, I climbed the ladder with Marmar to the third floor.

Then, my fairy sense suddenly noticed that the place was different from before.

Comrade, can you see that?

It seemed that Marmar thought the same.

Comrade, there are spider webs everywhere!

Yes. Spider webs.

Before, when we went down to the basement, the building was just old and worn out, but now, every corner of the building was covered with huge spider webs!

Its sticky!

Marmar shook the spider web that stuck to her feet.


I asked Marmar to not make a sound and listened intently. Then, it felt like there were multiple sounds echoing through the space from somewhere.

We were in big trouble!

Marmar, were there webs like this when we first arrived!?

No, Ive never seen them before!

If possible, try not to touch anything! Lets carefully go to the first floor!

As Marmar and I moved towards the first floor, I realized that we could no longer continue forward. There were webs everywhere, and unless we burned or cut them, we wouldnt be able to take a step.

We were trapped!

Right on this third floor!


My hair stood on ends, and I could feel goosebumps on my arms and back. I had a bad feeling that if we stayed here any longer, something big was going to happen.

Is there no other way down!?

I was furiously looking around, when Marmar said.

How about the window!?

The window?

However, the moment I looked at the window, I was greeted by eight red eyes that were directly staring at me.


The terrifying sight sent chills down my spine. A spider, no, did that qualify as a fcking spider? The spiders I knew werent that big!

It was a spider as big as a car! It was sticking to the exterior wall of the building and was looking inside the window!

Comrade, lets run away!

I could barely move even with Marmar tugging on my arm. At the same time, the giant spider disappeared from view.

Marmar, have you ever seen anything like that!?

What? What happened?

Did Marmar not see? Anyway, I quickly explained the situation.

There was a spider as big as an elephant!

A spider as big as an elephant!? No way!

Its probably the monster living here.

So this building was some kind of a gigantic spider web and we unknowingly entered into a trap?

Truly, I could now understand why people abandoned this building and ran away without bringing anything!

Theo Gospel eaten by a spider.

I dont like that at all!

I whipped out my wand and stood at the entrance of the stairs.



An air bullet tore through the spiders web and created a path. I then hastily moved towards the open road.

Marmar, lets go!

Edited by: faker