A simultaneous blast of a thousand trumpets awakened the beings from different races from their slumber.
Overflowing excitement filled the air.
Everyone ran out in haste to catch the generous gifts dropped by the flying human griffins from the clear morning sky. These were magical rainbow flowers that could heal all ailments.
The grandiose performances displayed the Gryfon nation's joyous celebration for their crown prince's birth.
The human griffins' were revered beings.
Their bodies resembled the humans but s.h.i.+ny scales covered their forearms and feet, while their fingers and toes had hidden sharp claws.
They have human faces but their eyes had the superior eyesight of an eagle and ears with the exceptional hearing of a bat.
Their wings vary in color, distinguis.h.i.+ng their profession from birth.
The white-winged human griffins, wielding supernatural might were Vanguard Knights. Next in line in the army were the agile grey winged, possessing half of the white's abilities.
Red-winged were born mages.
Yellow-winged had profound intellects and a.s.signed in political ranks.
Black-winged filled other jobs like miners, office clerk, and others.
Though designated in distinct positions, discrimination did not exist.
While the king bore the countenance of an eagle, his body had the shape of a lion. However, what was terrifying was that he could transform into a human or a Griffin in an instant.
The birth of a Griffin king remained a mystery. Only one successor was born from any family to undergo the tutelage of its predecessor.
Other races feared and envied the Gryfonians because of their mystic abilities and their flouris.h.i.+ng nation.
"One should not be deceived by their angelic appearance for in reality are savages within," said the forefathers of other nations.
But these were all lies fabricated by greedy beings, desiring the source of the powers of the Griffin.
They also craved the Gryfonians' fertile lands which produced bountiful healing herbs and magical vegetations. Most of all, to own the overflowing divine spring water in the snowy peaks and the mines of expensive gems beneath the mountains.
These were more than enough for other races living in a wretched state to covet what the Griyfonian's had.
Hence, they instilled fear which turned into hatred, imploring other races to kill human griffins whenever they saw one.
Such misconception intensified through the years. It reached the point that the Gryfonians were shamefully used as the scapegoat for the sins of the evil ones.
One day, a serpent king gathered several rulers from the high-born goblins, lizardines, gremlins, and other races in an open a.s.sembly.
Deceitful King Kraitacht stood on his throne while his men dragged corpses of serpent children in the middle of the palace hall.
"My innocent children were attacked by those monsters. It's high time to unite and raise arms against this malicious race, or more of our children will suffer in the future."
Therefore, the alliance orchestrated simultaneous attacks, trapping the valiant Gryfonians. However, the Gryfonians' discipline and power wiped out the alliance instead.
Somehow, though victors, their losses were also great.
Gryfon's King Gahleth decided they leave the mountains and live somewhere far from any races.
Henceforth, the Gryfon nation vanished overnight.
There were rare sightings of human griffins but their whereabouts remained a mystery.
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Eighty years … swiftly pa.s.sed.
My Gryfon nation left the mountains of our ancestors and chose to live in these sky islands created by our late great king.
Somehow, the price for creating these floating islands costed his early death. He died at the age of fifty, one-tenth of the common age of deaths of previous kings.
King Thaegiarlel succeeded the throne at a tender age of ten.
Although possessing great powers, his experience was not enough to rule the powerful Gryfonians and slowly my esteemed nation drifted away from grace.
Insubordination and factions began. Prejudice crept in. We, the black-winged, experienced discrimination daily.
One day, out of the misery of his failure, King Thaegiarlel fell dead, leaving some sky islands lacking the resources for us to survive.
Unfortunately, his successor had not been born. We waited for years for the birth of our mighty griffin king to rebuild our nation back to its former glory, but he never came.
The outcome, the majority of the Gryfonians deserted the islands. Utilizing an ancient transformation spell, we chose to live amongst humans while searching for our ancestral lands.
The ma.s.sive migration began on the ninety-secondth commemoration ceremony of the deaths of our heroic Gryfonians.
(Please support the author JoanB by reading in Royal Road or in Thank you.)
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The great Griffin Halreom, the kingdom's sacred guardian, spread its wings to protect Lethenia's last living prince from the raging needles thrown by the rebel's giant knife eagle.
After receiving multiple needles on one part of his body, its steel-like feathers parted, giving enough opening for a needle to penetrate his flesh, straight into his heart.
Halreom sounded a high-pitched cry and hid the prince within his arms and wings before his feet staggered to kneel.
'Gylbart, don't try to come out or shout. Wait for the right time. You must survive and restore our nation. Farewell, my child,' said the Griffin in the eighteen-year-old prince's mind.
Gylbart heard a sigh and felt hot air engulfed his body. He had no inkling for what it was. Somehow, he cared less.
Gylbart pounded the griffin's chest and wailed, "Just let me die. I should be dead for being born weak and powerless," but stopped after he felt the griffin's whole body hardened like steel, dead.
"Halreom," he whispered and cried in silence.
After the war, one could see a huge Griffin kneeling in the vast plains of Cardlem, the borderland between the human kingdoms of Lethenia and Dessesiah.
However, the rebels had to secure the griffin's corpse to their camp.
Its body was worth a nation. Devouring the blood and flesh could transform soldiers wielding supernatural powers. The bone and feathers could be used as divine weapons.
The rebels tried plucking its feathers or slicing and poking holes on its body using magical weapons but failed. Even the knife eagle's needle that killed it, broke when pierced this time.
They had no choice, but to leave it there, expecting changes thereafter.
"Leave some men to protect it from thieves and scavengers. No one is allowed to touch it. Guard it with your life," said a man riding a white horse. His fancy attire and red cape signified his status, the rebel General.
Gylbart knew the owner of that voice, the former Major General Malech. He insisted on producing more weapons but the king opposed, so he left the army.
It turned out he was the rebel leader they sought.
Gylbart swore, "I'll kill you, b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Just you wait. I'll definitely kill you."
Suddenly, ice crystals materialized on his feet all the way to his head, sending him to sleep.
Days pa.s.sed, the griffin's corpse remained intact, frustrating the rebels.
A month after, Gylbart was awakened by excruciating pain in his body, somewhat like something inside was ready to explode any second.
He screamed in agony, waking the sleeping guards in the middle of the night.
Two protrusions formed on Gylbart's shoulder blades, increasing the pain as he yelled.
The guards witnessed a light emanating from within the griffin's wings. It slowly seeped through the feathers and growing brighter by the minute.
"Oh, no, the Griffin is alive. It's alive. It will kill us," said one of the guards, running away for his life. However, lightning struck and turned him into ashes.
"General Malech's instructions were clear. Those who leave, die," said the man with a glowing staff.
"Sir Wizard, please, we beg of you. Let's run away before it's fully awakened," cried an older guard, kneeling in front of the wizard.
"Don't be afraid. I will protect...," the Wizard stopped half-way when the light escalated in an astounding speed and swallowed the griffin's body.
They lifted their arms and s.h.i.+elded their eyes.
Then, they heard flapping wings . . . and the light subsided.
They slowly brought down their arms and peeked. And startled to find a winged naked human while the griffin's body disappeared.
His snowy white wings had red feathers at the tip and a lion's tail was on his behind. The being's hair s.h.i.+mmered like gold and his eyes ablaze like fire, softening the guards' legs in fright.
"Ahhh, no, please, don't kill us," begged the horrified guards, prostrating.
"Die, you, evil beast," shouted the wizard in righteous indignation while aiming his staff. Yet, a slight gaze from the being shattered the crystal on the staff, causing the frightened wizard to faint.
"Now, I remember everything. Halreom couldn't leave because I'm his only successor and also this country's prince," said Gylbart sadly.
He then glared at the humans.
"Tell your general, the Griffin King is back and he will establish justice in this land."
Gylbart spread his lofty wings and flew in lightning speed, vanis.h.i.+ng into the dark sky.
"I'll rebuild Gryfon nation together with Lethenia, Halreom."
(Please support the author JoanB by reading only in Royal Road and Thank you.)