I wake up very early in the morning, heavy-eyed from my deep sleep, I looked around my dorm room which is very different from my own room back at home, and for a good moment I totally forgot where I am and feeling shocked and frightened a little bit of the unfamiliar place, I jumped off my bed trying to get into my best fighting stance, but it was so pitiful since I tripped over my own suitcase and fell head first on to the ground.
I hear a voice speak to me as I get my face off the floor, "hey why are you awake so early, Caelum?"
I look up and see that it is Lee who spoke to me then I understand where I am, it is Hogwarts, dang I feel like such an idiot.
I look back up and see that Lee is sticking out his head from his bed still waiting for an answer I would guess and there is no way I am telling him that I was spooked and thought that I was kidnapped or whatever else that ran through my mind at that moment so I decided to just come up with an excuse, "what do you mean," I ask as I try to stall, I look around my dorm room for something that would save me from humiliation then my eyes catch sight of my watch sticking out from my coat.
I look at the time on my watch then I look over at my three roommates who have yet to get out of their beds. I turn my head up to Lee and click my tongue, "It is 6 o'clock and you guys are still lazing around in your bed and you are wondering why I am awake, well, have I good day I am getting started on my day quite early today."
"Well, you can do whatever you want, I am going back to sleep," says Lee as I hear him turn around in his bed to get into a comfortable position. I get off from the floor and wipe away some sweat, good G.o.ds that was a really close shave, good thing he bought it I think to myself, I head to the restroom to get freshened up.
I came down to the dining hall of Hogwarts, look around the hall and saw that most of the Slytherins are here including their Head of House Professor Severus Snape, it seems like there is 'no rest for the wicked'.
Then I looked at the Ravenclaw table and see that a lot of them are up and about, they even have their school books out in front of them as they are having breakfast, I spot the Ravenclaw Head of House, Professor Flitwick, and see that he is having a conversation with my Head of House, Professor McGonagall.
I look at my house's table and see only a handful of students, with a shake of my head I start walking to my house's table and look around for the best seat which is where all the good food is near, I see Percy at the table and he has the best seat, a little part of me wonders if he is always up this early just because he wants to get his hands on the good grub and not act as a model student.
I sit down next to Percy, he greets me and I greet him back then after he turns around to get back to his breakfast, I stare at his back trying to somehow, I would think, get answers. I snickered a bit at the foolish idea and hold back the laughter so as not to draw Percy's attention. Man o man, I should really tell my suspicion that I have come up with to the twins, they sure as h.e.l.l won't leave it alone for a long time.
As I am mulling over my thoughts Percy voice broke throw it all as I heard him ask, "are my brothers still asleep?"
I get out of my thoughts and answer back hastily, "yeah, they are still sleeping just like logs."
He shakes his head and sighs, "did you at least try to wake them up?"
I look at him in incredulity "No way, you know how cranky they are this early in the morning, they will fire dozens of spells at me if I had woken them up." I am really serious, those two are all fun and dandy throughout the day but in the early mornings, it is like a flip was a switch somewhere in their brains.
I continue talking to Percy, "it is the first day after our holiday break, so no sweat, our cla.s.ses are going to be easy today. Anyways, look around not that many people from our house are awake at this time."
I get back to my food as I am eating I look at Percy who looks kind like he is constipated or maybe I am just looking at it all wrong and this is just his thinking face, anyways I ask him, "hey, what is wrong?"
"It's nothing, forget it," he said to me. I looked at him and shrug my shoulder, well have your way I think to myself, as I am getting ready to leave, Percy speaks up, "it is just that all the other houses are already awake and look at our house, basically n.o.body is here."
"Well, there is not that many Hufflepuff that are awake," I said, which is correct since I only see their Head of House, Professor Sprout and two or three groups of Hufflepuff.