"So please believe me when I say, it was not us who unleashed that whole swarm of Doxies . We are only here to figure that out, and you standing in the way, will not be helping at all in doing so . Therefore, please let us through, so that we can get some answers pertaining to this incident . "
I stood back and waited silently and patiently, as I let Glanmore Peakes process and digest my short little speech . It is now time to let him come to his own decision about what I have said, whether it be good or bad, all I can do is await his judgment .
Glanmore Peakes looked at me, really looked at me . It was like the man was trying to peering into my soul to find out, if what I spoke was the truth and only the truth . And that looked like it seemed to work out for him since he has appeared to come to an answer .
"Ye know lads it did appear weird fer me that ye would destroy all o' yer hard work jus' so that ye could cause a bit o' chaos around th' school . It does seem like more sense that somebody was behind it all, instead o' th' three o' ye . Anyways sorry fer messin' wit' ye, go ahead 'n find out who be behind this whole mess . "
Advertis.e.m.e.ntWith that final line that Glanmore Peakes made, the door leading to our new shop opened wide for us to enter . Wow, I thought, I cannot believe that actually worked out!
I looked at Glanmore Peakes right in the eyes and nodded my head to him in appreciation for believing us and letting us through . No more delaying, now its time to find out the truth .
I turned back to face the two red headed twins and said to them, "Well then, now that everything is straightened out, let head inside and find the answers to our questions . " The twins bobbed their head to me solemnly and got in stride with me .
We walked into the place and as we did, behind us, Glanmore Peakes shouted out loud, "Ye take care boys!" I waved at him without turning back and before we know it, we were completely swallowed in by the darkness .
George spoke up at that moment before we were completely inside the new shop, "Are you guys, now thinking that this is a terrible idea?"
n.o.body answered his question since that is excatly what we were all thinking at that moment, just as we completely swallowed in by the darkness .
The place that we walked into right now, and the place that we walked out of, the last time we were in here, was quite different . First of all, each and every single light was turned off, giving the room a pitch dark tone .
Secondly, once the three of us used the Lumos spell, and shed some light over the place, we saw that the whole place was covered in a green stick substance . A green substance that I was quickly able to recognize, ectoplasm! That could mean only one thing and one thing only, ghosts are about the place!
In that defining silence that surrounded us all around, George spoke up, and when he did, I nearly jump out of my boots and up to the ceiling, as I came close to having a heart attack . That was seriously the worst time to ever speak up, you got to warn the people around you before you do that . It is just basic decency .
G.o.d d.a.m.n it, George, I thought angrily and a bit light hearted from my scare . I gave him the most gravest of looks, that I could muster, but it seemed like he did not see it in the small lighting that we had . or maybe he is just ignoring me, that is what I do to all imbeciles . . .
Still, if you ever want somebody to be silent and listen very closely to what you have to say, and remember it for all eternity as it engraves into their heart and soul . Well then, scaring the s.h.i.+t out of them, is one great way to go about it .
For example, look at me, I heard what George had to say, loud and clear, if I wanted I could repeat it to you again and again . "Hey guys, what do you think about getting out of here and letting the professors deal with it, what do you say?"
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"Hey guys, what do you think about get-" Ahhh! That is going to stay in my mind forever, but still, I couldn't help myself from agreeing with George wholeheartedly . This place has the creepy vibe toned up to 9000!
And if my knowledge on horror movies is up to date, then this totally reminds me of the first part of any horror movie out there . The three of us are kind of like the unknown and forgettable characters that get killed off in the first 5 minutes of the movie . The only thing we really are, is the people that established the tone of the movie, and set up the big baddy that will be defeated by the hero and his companions .
And I do not like that at all, first and foremost, I am not some f.u.c.king side character! I am the flipping protagonist of this era, b.i.t.c.hes!
It seemed like the universe did not agree with my statement at all, as soon as I thought those arrogant thoughts, a cold and chilly wind blow throughout the place, giving me a slight s.h.i.+ver . I looked around the place, craning my neck from side to side, trying to spot where the wind came from, but all the windows were locked in the place, and it was nearly summer, so where did that come from .
And the creepy s.h.i.+t did not stop there at all, no, no, no . . . it continued on . I heard a small banging sound like that of pots being hit by spoon coming from my left, then from my right, then back to my left .