Chapter 20
True Opinion and Official Stance
While giving off the sound knack-knack every time his leather boots threaded on the stone floor below him, Isaac was walking on a corridor in the Nelsons residence.As always, Isaac wore the same piece of leather light armor but instead of the sword he usually carried, he now held a brightly colored yellow bouquet on both of his hand as if it was something very important.
After walking for awhile he reached his destination in front of a certain door, Isaac, who became nervous, took a deep breath.The sunlight that came through the opened window was bright and sometimes, pleasant wind could be felt caressing him.While struck by the genial winds, Isaac who carried the bouquet closed his eyes. Ormasior-sama[1], please grant me a courage..... He lifted up a prayer to the War God he believes in with a small voice, and then he opened his eyes. Ugh, why do I become this nervous? Maybe its because this is the first time well meet after 4 years.... Isaac put his hand on his chest that thumping wildly against his own intention and took a breath again.He combed his short golden hair using his hand, after 10 seconds passed by, his had adjusted his breath, and with a small voice cheered to himself I can do it!. Then, he opened the door in front of him slowly. Ahhh, really, that buffoon is too insistent! Its fine if he just gave me a gift, but why I need to hear that buffoons boastful speech? I dont want, even not for a split second, to get married with that merchant. I just dont understand it. Below the shade of a tree in the nook of the well maintained courtyard at Nelsons residence, a young girl of approximately 15 years old could be seen resting her head on the wooden table in front of the tree.Next to the young girl was a young maid whose composed face had little marks of freckles that made her stand out. The young girl whined and grumbled with an irritated expression on herThe girls current location was completely surrounded by head-height garden shrubs, so her currently languid pose couldnt be seen by others.The girl wore a high quality dress with white undertone and frills, her waist long dark brown hair was gently flowing and had a beautiful luster.She had well featured face; her long, slit eyes were impressive. Without a doubt she would grow into a splendid beautiful lady that will draw the envy of many.However, that beautiful face was now distorted in irritation, her high quality leather shoes, which she wore in her feet, kicked the table where she was lying now and make an intense pounding sound.Because she kicked the table, the copper cups that were arranged on top of it made a clattering sound. But, Liese-sama[2], if it is really that unpleasant to you, why Liese-sama didnt just reject the gifts and then just said to the others that Liese-sama didnt had any intention to get married.... The maid, who now had tired expression, began to address the girl who continued kicking the table Liese. Liese turned her face and sternly glared at the maid. Ill tell you something, Ayla[3]. If I really said that, I wouldnt get gifts anymore, right? I will take the grandiose gifts that those stupid merchants and other men had brought with great pleasure, and then vaguely ward off any marriage talk with empty conversations and friendly grins, while giving them a little bit of flattery. After that, they will become more assiduous in bringing me gifts. If I clearly refuse any marriage preposition, then it may be gossiped that I am interested in Isaac. My Fatherotou-sama already wishes me to marry Isaac, if there is a chance, he would really make it to come true. The maid, Ayla, was sighing inside her heart, as she made a light bow to apologize.Liese and Ayla were used to converse like this, as for Ayla, she really hope that she didnt need to say anything, as if she was a piece of furniture.But if she didnt speak a word then Liese will become angry at her, so she just helplessly kept her company and heard her story.Afterwards, Liese kept complaining and grumbling, then from a distance, the sound of the door that leads to the courtyard opening could be heard. She sensitively reacted to that sound and quickly fixed her slouching body posture and corrected her disheveled garment. She then took a cup from the table and drank from it with a graceful manner. Good morning, Liese-sama. May I intrude on your tea drinking? Her previous irritated complexion was completely disappeared, Isaac came from a place that was 45 degree from Liese, who was already on standby and prepared her attitude. She put the cup on the table when Isaac came from behind the garden shrubs and greeted her while weakly smiling. Ah yes. The green trees are so beautiful that they made me want to drink some tea while looking at the scenery, so I asked Ayla to prepare some. Do Isaac-saa also want to join? Invited by Liese, Isaac seemed to be regretting it from the bottom of his heart. I am honored to be invited, however, I will be travelling to inspect the new fortress that is under construction alongside the border of Balveil. Although it is a precious invitation and extremely joyful.... Liese already know from his father that Isaac would go to inspect the fortress today. Yes, I know it. She murmured softly, while she look at Isaac and put her hand on her mouth and made a deliberate surprised expression. Oh my, that is so very far away..... The other day you already went to conduct an inspection on a faraway village and today you will go to inspect at the fortress? Father is too harsh on his men...... Fufu, I think you are right, however, even if I am only an inexperienced person, to be entrusted with an important duty to inspect the fortress, I am very happy. Although it will be a difficult task, to think Nelson-sama will be helped by this, I will preserve through any hardships. Isaac said this while showing a truly happy expression, Liese immediately looked at him with a blank expression. Thank you. She replied Isaac with a floriferous smile[4].Until then Isaac was pinned down by the nervousness, however he somehow can hold a normal conversation, but after receiving that smile his face immediately flushed red and he averted his eyes to the surroundings to calm himself. N-Noo! Umm, I think you would be pleased to receive it and so I brought this with me! He said while presented a yellow bouquet that he had brought to Liese. Oh my, what a beautiful bouquet! Thank you very much, Isaac-sama.
Liese and Ayla (behind her)
No, we just stopping by to sell Arcadian Bugs, however would you like to buy some? Oh.... Arcadian Bug is it? Recently it became hard to get these.... Valetta took out a bag with Arcadian Bugs and the shopkeeper was confirming the inside of it.After confirming the content, the shopkeeper took out an Arcadian Bug and knocked it to its back. Seems like he wanted to measure the size and complexion. Hmm. Ill buy this 8 of this for 15 Ar each, how do you think? As expected from a shop that handle high grade ingredients.Compared from the previous shop that could only purchased it for 12 Ar, this shop purchased it for 15 Ar, 3 Ar higher. Hmm well, 15 Ar is it........ Could you purchase it at a little higher price? Hmmm..... Im sorry, but our shop limit is 15 Ar, you see. Valetta thought that it would be waste to sell it on the first shop after taking trouble to come here to this high class business district. She had nothing to lose, but it seems that this shop cant buy it higher than 15 Ar.Valetta said that she will see what the other shop will offer and after putting away the Arcadian Bug, she went out from the shop. Then, shall we go to the other shops?(Val) Um, I have a preposition. While Valetta-san is selling the Arcadian Bug, how about I go buy the nails? Since I think it can save us some of our time.(Kaz) Eh..... Kazura-san will go alone?(Val) Since Kazura understood that Arcadian bugs could be sold for a higher price in here, he talked in high spirits about going to another shop to Valetta, but she looked at Kazura with an uneasy expression. It will be all right. Since the other shops displayed the price on the board, I think they wont sell at an unreasonable price.(Kaz) I also will go, so it will be fine!(Myra)[8] Valetta smiled after seeing Kazura and Myra who was also smiling and making an eye contact as if saying please~. Is that so? Then, please procure the nails. About the money..... Ah, you dont need to worry about the money. Since, I have brought some goods from my country to sell. Valetta tried to took out the bag with the money from selling the firewood, but Kazura displayed the goods inside the sack-bag to her.Valetta looked at Kazura and the bag he carried, and then she became uneasy about what kind of goods that Kazura will sell. She worried that Kazura would sell something outrageous. I understand. But, please take the money just in case if it is not sufficient. I think that the price is about 40 Ar for a bundle of 100 nails. I understand. After Kazura said that, he saw Valetta off while she entered another shop. He surveyed the plaza for a shop that had the appearance of a general store and after finding it, he went to that shop while olding Myras hand. Good morning~, excuse me, I have something I want to sell~ Kazura, who was now inside the general store, called to the shop inside.Inside the shop were various wood accessories in the shape of animals, glittering polished copper hand mirrors, and various goods displayed.The ones that were located in the interior seemed to have a higher price, like the green turquoise gem necklace and other goods.When Myra came across the copper hand mirror she rushed to it and raised a voice a Wah. She was being careful to not touch it, while curiously peeking at her reflection that she seldom saw. Yes, yes, what kind of things doyou want to sell? The shopkeeper was an old woman who was wearing elegant clothes and was sitting at the chair inside the shop. In her hand, there was an account book. When Kazura called to her, her hand stopped working on it. A very kindhearted smile was floating in her face while rubbing her hand[9] and walking over to Kazura.Inside the sack-bag that Kazura brought with him there were 10 wooden ocarinas, he took out 2 of them and presented one of it to the old woman.These were handmade ocarinas that he bought personally at a general store in Japan for 2,980 Yen[10] each. The surface was coated in varnish so it had a pretty gloss.
How about it? I wonder if you could purchase it? The old woman, who received the ocarina, looked closely at it while her hand was stroking the surface as if to ascertain it. Uumm, what do you call this? Maybe because of my age I cant seem to remember it...... Uumm This is an ocarina, but do you know about it? Kazura inquired the old women who looked puzzled at the ocarina in her hand. Ah... Thats right, this is ocarina. Forgetting could be very bad when you become old. Hehehehe The old woman said that while laughing. (So, ocarina also existed in this other world. With this, I dont need to be worried about selling it.) Thought Kazura. He had checked it on the internet[11] that the ocarina is a musical instrument that had existed since ancient age. So he was secr