System vs Rebirth - Chapter 419 Demon Hunting Squad

Chapter 419 Demon Hunting Squad

Chapter 419 Demon Hunting Squad

"We've arrived," shouted Jonathan, informing the people who were inside the carriage.

Everyone instantly took a peek to check the city's outer appearance. They wanted to see whether the enemies had destroyed the city or not.

But from the looks of it, the monsters seemed to be unable to deal a significant blow to the city.

Blood might have dyed the wall red, but there weren't a lot of scratches on the wall, so it was clear the soldiers managed to deal with the demons.

"There seems to be no problem. It's just that the battle should be quite brutal." Jonathan said while observing the city.

They nodded in agreement, having no problem with his observation. Rose, of course, had to look at it more carefully than the others to confirm the conditions.

"The soldiers look energetic. Their morale is quite good."

"Then, there shouldn't be too much problem with the city itself." Paul nodded in agreement. "We're probably sent here to chase after those demons and eliminate them outside."

"That's probably the reason why they also bring the Demon Hunting Squad."

"Fair enough."

After confirming the condition of the city, they immediately went straight to the city. It didn't take too long for them to enter after showing their badge.

There was a soldier guiding them to the lord's mansion. In the meantime, they also observed the living condition of the city.

Despite facing a dire situation, the people were still br.i.m.m.i.n.g with energy. It seemed they managed to hold on for quite a while.

"Water and food don't seem to be their problem." Rose frowned. "Why are we sent here then?"

"Maybe we have to open up their supply route. From the looks of it, they have enough strength to repel the demons," Zion replied.

"Well, we'll know about it after meeting with the lord of this city. Who is the one controlling this place again?"

"He's a new baron called Evander Ravendli. He was a former magician from the Tower a.s.sociation. His rank was quite high, so he became a baron after retiring from there." Rose gave the information as usual.

"Since he doesn't seem to be corrupt, I guess we can rest a.s.sured with this one. At the very least, there's no need to be a confrontation between us." Paul chuckled. "Since the city is quite good, I guess we all can go there to discuss the situation with him."

They nodded in agreement. As soon as they arrived in front of the lord's mansion, they were greeted by a middle-aged man wearing a purple robe.

"Welcome to my city, esteemed guests from the Demon Relief Squad."

"Hmm?" The people were surprised by the words he spoke. The fact he claimed this was his city meant he was the lord.

Although he was a baron, it didn't change the fact that he didn't need to welcome them here.

It seemed his position didn't go into his head, making him arrogant.

Paul stepped forward and smiled. "We're overwhelmed by the warm welcome, Milord. To think you would personally greet us"

"Haha, I'm the one asking you to help, so of course, I should be welcoming you personally." The man smiled and extended his hand. "It's my pleasure to meet you."

"We too. I'm Paul, the Vice Captain of the Demon Relief Squad." Paul shook his head firmly.

"Please come into my mansion. The Demon Hunting Squad should be arriving sooner or later. So, you should get some rest first." He asked them to follow him inside, indirectly implying that he wanted to tell them about his plan when the Demon Hunting Squad arrived.

Paul had no problem since the city was well-managed and the lord was kind. "Of course. We're honored."

He guided them until they were inside before a butler took over.

Because he was only a baron, his mansion couldn't be compared to that of a Count or above it. And to avoid troubling him, Paul asked for one big room, so they could rest together.

The butler ended up bringing them to the biggest guest room so that they could stay there together until the Demon Hunting Squad arrived.

While waiting, Paul asked, "So, what do you think, Rose? Do you find anything weird from their behavior or expression?"

"Not at the moment. It seems they're sincere." Rose shook her head.

"In that case, we don't have to do anything until the Demon Hunting Squad comes." Paul shrugged.

"Well, we can get some rest then." Stella instantly took off her shoes and jumped onto the bed, stretching her body while yawning. "Wake me up when they've arrived."

The others could only shake their heads, looking at the free-spirited Stella. As always, she did everything at her own pace.

As the lord said, the Demon Hunting Squad came three hours later.

Noel was watching the gate through the windows. When he spotted the master of the mansion, he instantly alerted the others. "It seems they've arrived."

The Demon Hunting Squad only sent six people this time. However, Noel knew each of them was as strong as Stella and the others.

However, his eyes were glued to the young man that stayed with them. The guy had short spiky hair with a long sword on his back.

Despite his tiny figure, the guy was carrying a sword almost as big as his body.

"So, that's the new kid. It's said he has a good fighting sense and extraordinary strength despite his small body." Paul took a peek, curious about the Demon Hunting Squad.

"Well, how is he compared to our guy" Jonathan glanced at Noel as if expecting him to be stronger.

"Don't put too much pressure on him. Though, I still believe our Iadre is stronger." Rose added with a smile.

"Yeah, yeah. We're here not to compete with them, but to complete our mission. Just don't forget that." Zion sighed.

"Since they have arrived, I guess we have to leave this room now." Ben nodded while waking Stella up.

"Let's go then." Paul smiled as he glanced at the door, hearing someone knock on the door.