System vs Rebirth - Chapter 330 Suffer

Chapter 330 Suffer

Chapter 330 Suffer

The group didn't say anything as they left the city immediately.

They ended up creating a camp not far from the city to have their lunch before finis.h.i.+ng their mission.

"Still, why do you stop me?" Anna furrowed her eyebrows, asking the reason for Paul's action. "I want to smash a few soldiers and that guy's head. Argh I'm angry!"

Paul maintained his calm expression even though his heart was filled with anger as well. He took a deep breath and said, "Not everything can be solved by strength. I know that you are a n.o.ble lady, but this is the Demon Relief Squad. We're here to help the people, not harm them."

"But aren't you frustrated after all that?" Anna bit her lips.

"Well, calm down, Anna." Noel stopped her from causing more ruckus and bringing the mood down even further.

"This is involving you, Noel!"

"It's fine. I believe that our vice captain has a hidden intention with his action, right?" Noel winked at Paul as if he had understood the meaning behind the action.

"Huh? Hidden intention?" Anna frowned, staring at Paul.

"As expected of you, I guess my action can't escape your eyes." Paul smirked. He finally explained the reason why he held back this whole time. "As I said earlier, not everything could be settled with brawn.

"Sometimes, you have to take a step back and endure everything to get your revenge. I wanted to slam that table earlier, but I refrained myself. Our Demon Banner Army is fair and just, so if I destroyed the table earlier, it would also give a bad record to the Demon Banner Army, especially the Demon Relief Squad.

"The Earl could also use it as a way to lessen the damage he suffered. Then, if you made your move earlier, it would also give another way for the Earl to escape.

"Well, I was once in your position and smashed a lot of things and people to vent my anger. But that was where the reality struck me I couldn't even file a formal complaint because the damage was too excessive. There couldn't even be a negotiation.

"And the worse was when that guy sent to kill me It was where I knew how to draw the line.

"By not harming them right now, the negotiation could be formed and punishment could be delivered.

"Judging from his behavior, the condition he wanted us to make is probably to let him take the credit by making reports about mercenaries. He could claim he hired a mercenary group to fix the situation and boosted his status as the successor of the house.

"But he looked like a fool, so I'm pretty sure that the moment we finish this mission without telling him or anything. He'll still claim our work as his. And that's where we can strike him.

"The Lawrence will be fighting the commander himself, who will demand compensation after the Lawrences tried to claim our work, treating us badly and even pointing their swords at us. You should be able to see the end result from here."

When everything was revealed, Anna gasped. This was the politics that her father had handled this whole time.

Noel understood it better than Anna as he said, "Let's see The Demon Banner Army should be able to force the Lawrences to strip his position as their second son, reducing him to a commoner. With him being a spoiled guy like I was in the past, he wouldn't survive unless someone took care of him like how the Demon Banner Army took care of me.

"In the slum, he might get r*ped by frustrated guys, experience extreme pain from hunger, drink polluted water due to his thirst, and finally die without anyone knowing him. He'll probably think that death is salvation instead. It's a good punishment.

"Also, by acting like this, the action is still considered as Demon Relief Squad. It won't be Paul, who did it, but the Demon Relief Squad that did all this. This way, the Lawrences couldn't even try to lessen the damage they suffered, and the commander could extort him all the way."

The others were impressed by Noel's a.n.a.lysis while Paul smirked and gave a thumbs up as if he had found his comrade. "Hehe, you know it well."

"Of course. I know precisely that killing someone is the easiest escape for them. However, slowly dying is the hardest one, especially if you can drag the people around them. With this plan, that guy will die painfully, and the Lawrences even have to compensate us."

Anna dropped her jaw to the ground. She almost forgot how Noel tortured her with all his tricks. She didn't realize that Noel's actions and plan were still too soft this whole time. And it might be due to the influence of the Demon Relief Squad that taught him politics that he knew how to torture people.

'He is so bad. I know why I can't make him my enemy On the other hand, he'll be extremely reliable if he is my ally' Anna gulped down.

Paul cracked his fists and said, "Just you wait, you idiotic lord. The moment we finish this mission is your downfall. Hehe, prepare for trouble."

"That" Anna raised her hand. "Do you think it's possible to add my name to the list?"

"What do youAh!" Paul paused for a moment. "You want me to record how the soldiers pointed out their swords at you? Well your family could claim that as an attack and pressure the Lawrence Family, but those twenty knights would probably die. Just by looking at how they trembled easily, it was clear that they could only do it because they were forced by the lord. If we recorded this, they would die and their families would suffer after losing their income.

"They might have to go to the slum and sell themselves as slaves to pa.s.s this winter. If you don't mind about doing that, then I can add it."

"" Anna's body shook for a moment as she looked away, taking her words back. "Never mind. Sorry."

"No, it's fine. I've said this repeatedly. We exist for the people, not the n.o.bles. So, if the n.o.ble harm us, we try to harm only our enemies, not the innocent people." Paul stuck his tongue out.