Sword Saint’s Disciple - Volume 3 Chapter 4

Volume 3 Chapter 4

『Where should I do it?』(Cathy)

『This place is good.

Hey, you guys, take things away and make s.p.a.ce!』(Van)

Certainly the inside of the workshop is wide, but ….

Won't there be problem if the tools are moved?

There are quite a lot of craftsmen who were looking at this situation.

I guess they are all people who care about the condition of Van-san.

And everyone seems to be happy move things somewhere else after listened to Van-san who ordered loudly.

『Master! I've been waiting for your return!』(Craftman 1)

『It won't be the same if our workshop doesn't have your loud voice leading us!』(Craftman 2)

『Master!』(Craftman 3)

『Shut up and get out of the way!』(Van)

I guess this is the original form of this workshop.

It seems that the mood of the entire workshop has improved.

The craftsmen moved things away and cleared up the place.

『Well, will you show me, how far will you do?』(Van)

How far? Is he mean the secret technique or a consideration for a swordsman who might not want to show their strength?

『There is nothing to hide』(Cathy)

Grandfather was only teaching me primary and basic.

It was nothing but practive the basics everyday.

If there was anything special, it was having battle with grandpa everyday.

It's like a secret in a way.

『Thankfully, then may you show me your skill like in a real battle?』(Van)


Van-san urged.

At the moment, the gaze of the craftsmen is focus on me.

I haven't been gazed at like this again, since the training site in Raza town.

Well, it's the second time so I'mm not feeling too tense.

I lowers my hips and a.s.sumes that there are enemies in front of me. Then I activate the aura, pull out the sword and it with my right hand.

Because Van-san asked like a real battle, I also take out the Main Gauche and hold on my left hand.

And then I put the Main Gauche in front with my left hand while holding the sword behind with my right hand.

『… …!』

The tension in the workshop is high.

But as I holding swords on hand, I don't feel bother with the gaze from other peoples anymore.

I just concentrate to do the image training that I usually do.

The virtual enemy is the strongest opponent that I know … Grandda before his health went bad.

From that point on, I imagine a state that he has about twice the speed.

Not white hair but black hair that I remembered in my memory.

His weapom weapon is broad sword, holding by both hands, the stance is positive.

『Here I go』(Cathy)

And the one who went first was me, the imagine was the same from my experience.

Because this sword is longer, I can take advantage of reach and slash with the black sword on my right.

However, although he blocked a lot of slashs from my sword and however his body didn't move from that spot.

And then I aimed at him with the main gauche on the left to fill up the gap.

My grandfather is good at counters.

If I show a gap even for a moment, it will be my defeat at that point.

In other words, I can't show any gap when attacking him.

I occasionally received counter-attacks with extremely small motion.

Desperately deal with counter-attacks with the Main Gauche. Attack with the black sword!

I desperately attacked simply because I can't win against him if I went on defense.

That's why I must attack, attack, attack without interrupted.

Attack with my  Main Dauche on left and sword on right.


And there is a small gap on the image.

I use my full strength to swing my the black sword on my right on that small gap!

… but.

Just when I thought I can put my sword on his neck…

However my Main gauche can't block his sword in time.

The grandda's image laughed hard.

I felt like I was told I still have a long way.

I couldn't win.

I can win if I can raise my speed with about 1/8 more…

Returning from the thrust position, I put the sword back in the sheath.

『It's so beautiful …』(???)

Who was mutating?

Starting with that voice, the cheers rose in the workshop which was still silent.


I withness a great show!』(Craftman A)

『I get motive and idea to make “Parrying Dagger” now!』(B) (Parrying Dagger in English)

『It seemed like not using much for “Parrying” , but it depends on intervals』(C)

『Jolting …!』(D)

No, what's with the last guy.

Where were you looking at?

『Cathichan, thanks for your hard work, it looks like you were dancing with a sword somehow!』(Fina)

『Oh, Finsan. I see, dancing, right?』(Cathy)

It seems like my body was moving without stagnation.

Well, the point of this display is the movement itself.

『Thank you for your hard work.

Well, I also want to swing sword now!』(Neil)

『Oh, Neil-san, what is Van-san doing?』(Cathia)

『After seeing Cathisan's show, he was taking notes with furious momentum』(Neil)


Oh, he came back.

He certainly has a bunch of paper.

『You guys, return to work now! Hey, give those papers to everyone!』(Van)

After hanging the papers over to the clerk, Van-san called out to me.

『Well, it's irresistible! The ideas just keep springing out like a hot water!

It seems like a lie that I didn't have any motive just a while ago』(Van)

『Have I met your expectations?』(Cathy)

『It was more than I expected! Thank you very much!』(Van)

I'm glad that I came here.

『By the way, your sword move remind me of something …

will you tell me your full name again?』(Van)

『I'm Cathia Myer』(Cathy)

『Just as expected, are you related to sword saint Tim!』(Van)

『Yes, I'm his disciple, do you know about grandfather?』(Cathy)

『Disciple ……?

I can believe that.

And, I don't know him, but I heard about him and knew about that sword!

It was made by my rival fellow, Mark.

It was when we compete with each other make a good swords』(Van)

The blacksmith Van is receiving a large number of orders from the country.

It's no wonder that he got to know about grandfather who was the Royal Knight.

I have heard that Mark weapon shops and blacksmith Van competed to make weapons in the past.

Perhaps they were doing something like a weapon compet.i.tion.

『That sword is a sword for the royal family.

Even though it was an old sword, but I remembered it』(Van)

『So, It's such a sword with such “impact”』(Fina) (Impact in English)

Finsan, that one word …

『d.a.m.n it! Right where it hurts!

But I were certainly saved by that sword this time.

I wonder if I lost forever to his old smithing technology!』(Van)

Well, it seems like Van-san gets motivated now.

『Just as promist, I will make special sword for Neil』(Van)

『A special made?』(Neil)

Neil-san's eyes s.h.i.+ne.

Van-san's face seems to have fun like a mischievous child.

Finsan has a slightly disturbed face.

I remembered something about Finsan's face.

When I was an elementary school student in my previous life, when the boys were excited with a story of robot animation.

Finsan's face looks exactly like Yamadsan, a girl who happened to be near when the boys keep talking without a care.

『First of all, we need materials, but we can't do anything until the mines' problem solved』(Van)

『Well, we will investigate about it tomorrow』(Cathy)

『Oh, actually, we need some ore that can only get in the 5th tunnel』(Van)

『The 5th tunnel, isn't it?』(Cathy)

We planned to go in the sixth tunnel.

We planned so, but wouldn't it be more convenient to go in the 5th tunnel now?

Well, if something goes wrong, we can return to the 6th later.

『I'd like to use it as a material, but stock is not enough enough. So, unfortunately we have to wait for materials…

Well, there is no choice but to lend you another weapon for the time being』(Van)

『Oh, thank you very much』(Neil)

『You used a b.a.s.t.a.r.d sword, right? You can take whatever you want from our store』(Van)

『I can have the Blacksmith Van's weapon?』(Neil)

『Hey hey, take the weapon that I made a while ago, if you are okay with that』(Van???)

『Yes, it was so exciting』(Neil)

Neil-san is really cheer up.

I know that you are happy to get new weapon, but don't be so work up about it.

『Well then, we will excuse ourselves today』(Cathy)

『Oh, I'm waiting for your good new, but I guess I don't have to worry about Tim's disciple!』(Van)