Sword Saint’s Disciple - Part 3. Supreme Sacred Sword

Part 3. Supreme Sacred Sword

3. Supreme Sacred Sword

Despite being troubled due to the fast progression of the situation, I decided to begin my preparations for the trip.

I looked around my simple room composed of only a bed and a small cabinet where few books are placed.

Because I lived a life that only revolves around honing my sword skills, my possessions are few and dull.

The books are about learning magic, too.

With a condition like that, I have nothing to bring in particular.

“Should I only prepare clothes…?”

I muttered to myself in case I change my mind.

I’ll somehow prepare other things in the village.

There’s a village at the foot of the mountain…that is the Kaisa Village. I earned food and other provisions in exchange for monster extermination.

There are a lot of kind people there, so I would be able to use a little a.s.sistance when I depart.

I wore the complete leather equipment I always use for monster extermination then hanged the broadsword and main gauche on my waist and then returned to where Grandfather is.

“Grandfather, I’m done with my preparations.”

I called out as I returned to the living room.

At the same time, Grandfather also appeared from his own room.

He’s holding a sword I haven’t seen before.

“Oh, so you’re done Cathy. Let me give you this before you leave.”

While he said those words, I gave a look at the unusual decorative sword he handed to me.

“What’s this? This looks like it can build a luxurious mansion.”

I returned a slightly exaggerated reaction while accepting it.

“This is the sword King Spike bestowed to me when I earned my t.i.tle. The inscription is lost so they don’t know what it is. It became nothing more than something kept in the royal family’s treasury, but I’m certain it’s a kind of a sacred sword [Houken].”

Eeeeh!? It wasn’t an exaggeration at all!

It can build even a small castle!

It’s the royal family’s sword, y’know?!

…still, the fact that it got handed down to me in this kind of timing――

“Is this perhaps a subst.i.tute for my identification papers?”

If I go to the royal palace, should I display this by all means?

“No, that’s different. That sword doesn’t have the royal family’s crest. To begin with, I mentioned Cathy’s appearance to Spike in one of our correspondence before. Also, the person himself will know immediately when he meets you.”

Which means――

“That’s something for you to use. You need more than those two you have.”

Draw it out, Grandfather urged me with his eyes, and I slowly pulled it out from the scabbard.

―― A brilliant black sword appeared.

The length of the blade is about 80 centimeters, it’s longer than the broadsword I’ve used so far but still a little shorter than a b.a.s.t.a.r.d sword.

It’s the first time I’ve seen that kind of metal.

“A scholar in the palace told me that it’s very likely to be orichalc.u.m. But since it’s an extinct metal, there are no methods to ascertain it.”

Isn’t that the king of fantasy metals~~!

I’ve gotten tired from too much surprise…

Wait, pull yourself together…ahem!

“Thank you very much, Grandfather. I’ll make an effort so I won’t be told that it’s a weapon not befitting of my stature.”

“Hmm, be sure you use the sword. Make use of it continuously.”

I wanted to say a lot of things about Grandfather’s valor as he handed the sword to me, but in the end I just accepted the sword with feelings of grat.i.tude.

“At any rate, Grandfather never used this sword even once, isn’t that right? Why is it?”

I asked because his previous remarks were contradictory.

“That’s because, if someone sees me waving around such a conspicuous sword, wouldn’t they attempt to uncover my personal background? That sword can only be bestowed through a ceremony. The reason I retired is to get away from those kinds of irritating and idiotic n.o.bles.”

Well. That’s for sure.

Excluding the n.o.bles who are Knights of the Royal Guards, Grandfather seemed like he was hated by them for being a Knight and a close aide of the King despite being a commoner.

He talked about that before.

They were especially cruel after he was allowed to have a family name.

In this country, the n.o.bles among the humans are basically those who possess family names.

Am I also going to suffer through the same thing after being in the center stage of politics? I thought about it, but from the contents of his story, it’s very likely to happen. Thus, I remained silent.

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