Sword Saint’s Disciple - Vol 2 Chapter 4

Vol 2 Chapter 4

2-4. Old Soldier’s Advice

At evening.

In a place near the thieves’ hideout, at the top of the hill not visible to the highway.

Some tents can be seen in the small plaza enclosed with a mud wall that is rougher than the one in Kaisa village.

There is no doorway, it seems to have been shut from the inside using earth magic.

The height is 3.5 meters.

After the explanation, I decided to receive the commission from the Information Bureau.

Summarizing Nanas.h.i.+-san’s narration, there are for important points in today’s mission.

First, break out the kidnapped people in the hideout, delay the thieves’ awareness as much as possible to avoid a hostage situation.

The thieves placed a guard in a simple lookout stand, only a few people can be mobilized since the terrain doesn’t have places to hide a large group of people.

Second, it’s probable that the abducted people will be transported at night, so we only have right now to make a surprise attack.

The theives’ vigilance will be higher in the middle of transportation.

Three, rescue the agent of the Information Bureau, keep the thieves confined if we are discovered, or supress them otherwise.

Four, capture and make use of the thieves as much as possible to gain information about the n.o.ble.

However, not to the extent that their lives will be in danger.

In case a third party is discovered, “,” or so Nanas.h.i.+-san said.

When I heard that we didn’t have to kill the thieves, I felt pathetically relieved.

I don’t have to kill humans.

The number of people from Information Bureau including Nanas.h.i.+-san is five, while the combat group is four people in total— me, Neil-san, Dan-san who’s a dwarf (B-rank) and Mina-san who’s an elf (C-rank).

Will we be alright with just four people…?

Mina-san is female and Dan-san is male.

On the other hand, the thieves number about 40 people and the abducted people were believed to be about 20 people.

The difference in numbers is large but Branch Leader said, “It’s enough considering the ranks.”

But thinking about the common sense in my previous life, the difference is just unreasonable…

“Ooh, Redhead-neechan. Maybe you’re scared?”

Dan-san asked in a whisper while smoothing down his beard.

Mina-san, who is holding a magic staff, cut in through the conversation.

“That’s rude, Dan. We already did the introductions so call her by her name properly. Sorry, Cathia-san.”

Surprisingly, Dan-san and Mina-san are husband and wife.

Dan-san is 60 years old and even if she doesn’t look like it, Mina-san is around 30 (she didn’t tell her exact age). They don’t look like a married couple at all.

This world’s dwarves, elves and werebeasts have the same lifespan as humans.

Though they possess longevity in my previous life’s a.s.sumption, I never dreamed of meeting them personally.

Dan-san has a 150 cm long, white beard.

Mina-san has a semi-long pale blond hair and long pointed ears measuring 160cm.

“No, but I’m definitely nervous.”

I also responded in a whisper.

“There’s no need to think too hard. You just need to crush ten people while protecting the abducted guys.”

Dan-san said while shouldering his hammer.

It’s indeed a dwarf’s equipment.

His way of speaking come off as violent, but is it possible that he’s worrying about me?

“Uhm, we’ll get discovered if you talk too much-ssu.”

Neil-san drew our attention.

Judging from the length of his weapon, it appears to be a b.a.s.t.a.r.d sword.

Silence ruled the place for a while.

I braced myself again and prepared to move anytime.

Right then, Neil-san exclaimed in a low voice.

“Guys! It’s the signal-ssu!”

Neil-san pointed ahead where a small fireball made of magic is floating in the air.

I began to dash single-mindedly.

People’s lives are at stake here.

I saw a part of the earth wall collapsing while I ran.

Over there!

Inside the mud wall, I joined the Information Bureau and the abducted people making their escape near the hole I made in the mudwall.

According to the information, women and children are the priority.

I don’t see anyone injured.

Did we make it in time?

Without a pause, the thieves appeared with heavy footsteps and panicking appearance.

They’re holding weapons but there are many things showing that they came in a hurry, like how their gears are not put on properly.

I need to buy time for the prisoners to escape.

“Right here! Come at me!”

Drawing my sword, I deliberately made flames shoot out from it.

From the fact that I recently learned, if you think that magic and Aura cannot be used at the same time…

“This woman is stupid! Producing magic from sword!”

Alright, they took the bait!

Matching the baited thieves rus.h.i.+ng forward, I let Aura build up inside my body and made it erupt.

The enemy’s sword was cut into two by my black sword,


Then I bashed the thief’s solar plexus using the handle of the main gauge in my left hand.

One down!

The surrounding thieves watched while feeling shaken.

It’s a chance.

Among the people who stopped moving, I aimed at the comparatively older and well-dressed thief.

If my guess is right, the situation will become more advantageous.

I set a low-powered fire in front of the man, then I took the opportunity to go around the rear when he leaned back in surprise.

I drove a blow into his scruff using the main gauge’s handle.

Eh, I really don’t need this dagger….

Let’s put it away.

“Bo-boss! Hang in there! This b.i.t.c.hhh!”

My prediction was proven accurate, that man appears to be the thieves’ leader.

The chaos accelerated.

I was worried considering the difference in numbers, but it seems okay.

The theives were careless but they’re weaker than I thought.

I destroyed the weapons of the two who continued attacking, driving the bottom of my palms to their chins to render them unconsious.

This makes four of them.

“Cathia-san, are you all right-ssu!? You ran so fast and you knocked them out so fast-ssu! You already took down four people-ssu!”

Neil-san and the others arrived.

Nanas.h.i.+-san on the other hand…

“Cathia-dono! Everyone! I’ll leave the rest to you!”

He’s outside the wall.

Nanas.h.i.+-san used earth magic from the outside and blocked all possible exits.

The wall that is supposed to protect against the monsters changed into a prison in an instant.

“Now then, shall we begin? You better prepare b.a.s.t.a.r.ds~”

Dan-san twisted his lips covered by his beard and coerced the thieves.

From then on, it was a one-sided trampling.

Each swing from Dan-san’s hammer and Neil-san’s b.a.s.t.a.r.d sword decreased the number of thieves.

At the rear, Mina-san blew off the approaching thieves using wind magic.

In addition to the seven I rendered unconscious, the thieves which decreased into 1/3 finally surrendered.

“Woah, Redhead! You crushed those guys’ leader easily.”

Dan-san called out to me.

He’s still not calling me by my name as usual.

Honestly, I feel relieved that no one died in this fight.

But as a soldier, it would be impossible for me to avoid killing anyone…

“What’s wrong? You look depressed.”

Dan-san paid attention to me with his unusually rough tone.

“Dan-san…as a soldier, uhm…what do you think about killing humans? We didn’t kill anyone this time, but…”

Actually, I should find the answer by myself.

But if I continue worrying about these things, I feel like it will result in an irreparable situation.

As someone who only lived peacefully in j.a.pan during my past life, I can’t even begin to think about it.

That’s why I want to know Dan-san’s way of thinking as someone who had a long history of being a soldier.

“No way, are you are new recruit? To have that much skill… what kind of training did you do?”

It’s because my master is amazing.

I think I can now ask the topic I want to hear about.

“Yes, I’m a new recruit. Will you teach me about the mental att.i.tude needed for these situations?”

The subject change might be a bit forceful.

Though he had a curious expression, he answered back.

“It may sound somewhat preaching, but will you listen? This will seem like an old man’s talk.”

As I thought, he’s the type of person who likes taking care of others.

“Yes, I’d like to hear it.”

“Ohh. It’s just my personal opinion so I don’t know if you can use it as words of wisdom.”

Dan-san stroked his beard.

“Let’s a.s.sume I didn’t became a soldier because I want to kill humans or monsters. Do you get up to this part? How about you?”

“Yes. The same goes for me, too.”

He may be sometimes a bit of a madman but he’s totally serious now.

I became a soldier due to Grandfather’s request but now that I learned the situation, I serve the country for Kaisa Village. If the country of Garschia collapses, I don’t know what will happen to Kaisa Village.

I don’t have the heart to say something as grand as protecting the country, but I want to do my best.

“Then, you should feel good as much as possible when you kill someone!! It’s the job of soldiers to bring down judgement to criminals!!”


How excessively forceful…

“Listen, Redhead. For what reason do you kill monsters?”

“Uhm, to defend myself and so we can have something to eat?”

“Yes, yes. You do it because it’s necessary. Also to harvest goods. Everyone deprive others of their lives in order to live. There is both good and evil in that. How about the case this time?”

“R-right. This time we didn’t have to kill the thieves. But…”

The situation was just lucky for now.

“That’s true. I also won’t hesitate to kill the thieves if they tried to kill someone in front of me, y’know?”

I wonder what I would do?

I can’t confidently say that I can absolutely do that.

“The most important thing is that you’re prepared of that situation. Make sure of the things you want to protect, and have the resolve to cut down anything other than that. Think of the most necessary thing to you.”

Making sure of the things you want to protect…

So that’s it. I just realized.

Compared to the feeling of guilt over comitting murder, my heart gave priority to protect instead.

As for the side I helped, they must have wished for someone to come rescue them…

There are no casualities in the end, but I did not have enough of the necessary resolve when I accepted the mission.

“Luckily, this country’s abnormal system allows it. There’s some degree of freedom to choose what kind of mission and work you receive. A soldier doesn’t have to stop and reflect.”

What Dan-san says is not too complex.

Think wisely with your head and if it’s necessary, do not hesitate to display your power.

An answer that isn’t an answer…but strangely enough, that mentality turned out to be fit for me.

“Thank you very much. I’m really glad I met you today.”

I’m probably the only one who was able to meet with a character like this on my first day of being a soldier.

“That way of speaking is like a love confession! Redhead!”

Dan laughed heartily after saying that.

Did I do something wrong?

“The thieves’ arrest are over. What were you two having a serious talk about instead of helping?”

Mina-san came over to where we are.

“Well, Redhead here just confessed to me. If I were thirty years younger, I would accept—owww!”

Mina-san pulled on Dan-san’s beard.

Mina-san’s smiling face is scary…