Swordmaster’s Youngest Son - Chapter 589

Chapter 589


"Hahaha! What are you talking about? Did the Vermont Imperial Family find the body of the first patriarch of the Runcandel?"

Margiella rolled her eyes to the side and said.

"Don't pretend you don't know. You surely had that information."

"Well, what do you base such a claim on?"

In the past, Margiella visited the Garden of Swords with Berakt and informed Jin that the imperial family was searching for Temar's Tomb.

At that time, Margiella said that if Jin joined Kinzelo, she would tell him why they were looking for Temar's Tomb.

Naturally, Jin flatly refused and later found out the purpose of the Imperial Family and the fact that they already possessed part of Temar's body without Kinzelo's help.


At Jin's curt response, the expressions of Kinzelo's executives wrinkled.

"I thought Jin-nim is a very rational, pragmatic, and impressive person. Just like my elder brother. But intuition is a word that doesn't suit you, Jin-nim, right?"

"Miss Margiella, this devil is originally that kind of person. Do you know how much trouble I've had because of his fiery temper?" Said Bouvard.

"This guy is the Jin Runcandel that our friend Bouvard cursed so much about. I'm Ainas Kaligo! the princess of the Kaligo Family and I love sweet potato croquettes. I challenge you. How many can you eat?"


"How many sweet potato croquettes can you eat at once? Probably five at most. I can eat the whopping five hundred... hehe! It'll be a massacre."

"Haha, enough, Ainas..."

"Listen carefully, inferior human. If my Unnie hadn't stopped me, you'd be dead!"

Suddenly, Jin remembered that Amela might have been among those idiots.

His head throbbed for some reason when he thought that if it had been Amela, she would have fit in well among them.

"You have more interesting friends since the last time I saw you."

At Jin's sarcastic response, Bishkel's face seemed to redden more, almost as if it were about to explode.

"And you said it's not like me to propose based on intuition? I guess you misunderstood me. Whether it's my intuition or anything else, it doesn't matter. What matters is that if you don't release information about the Imperial Family, you can't examine the objects I brought."

"Haha! You're going too far again! How are we supposed to know how they obtained Temar's body?"

"If you don't know, you should find out, Bouvard. I think you're the one who wants to analyze the blueprints and the machine the most among Kinzelo. Since we shouldn't waste time, it would be good if you told me later if you really don't know. Then I'll leave immediately."

Saying this, Jin took out a machine and a blueprint from his pocket and waved it in front of Kinzelo's executives.

'Murakan often said that gentleman had a very unpleasant side, but I think it's the same case right now...'

'This guy, whether in the cockpit or now. There seems to be something inhuman about roasting people.'

While Jin smiled cheerfully, his companions pondered on those things.

Kinzelo's executives struggled to contain their boiling emotions.

"Zephyrin? It seems Margiella and you are the commanders, except the leader."

"Our vice-leader is Bishkel Ivlianos," said Berakt with a twisted expression.

With Zephyrin's arrival, Berakt felt a slight crisis in his position.

"Is that so? Whoever the leader is, decide quickly. Time is money, haven't you heard that saying?"

"Wow, today's Jin-nim is somewhat unfavorable."

"I don't need to favor you."

"Why are you doing this? Have you forgotten how my good friend and I helped you, Jin-nim?"

"I've forgotten all that, but I remember everything you did to the Holy Kingdom and the Sword Emperor Castle..."

Margiella's eyes smiled, but there was malice in them.

After a moment of contemplation, she finally decided to accept Jin's proposal.

"Jin-nim. First of all, we really don't know how the Imperial Family got the body of the first Runcandel patriarch."

"Then, goodbye."

"Instead, we know what part of Temar's body is in their possession. If I tell you this, will you share information about the objects?"

"Tell me right away."

"Intimidation at its finest. Curse it. Margiella, is there any reason to listen? Jin-nim, I don't know what you believe in and you're poking your nose into it again? This is Kinzelo's land. Even if we just entertained the idea of having bad intentions, wiping you out would be a piece of cake..."

"Of course, there's something I believe in. Mort!"


As Jin shouted, Mort and Siris, who had been hiding nearby, appeared. First, Jin and his companions rode Mort to find the land of the beastmen.

"Thank you, Lady Siris. And to Mort. I wouldn't have come here without some security measures, Zephyrin."


"And this is just a security measure. Do you think you can take us down if you set your mind to it? It's an exaggeration."

Jin wiped his smile and began to reveal his energy.

As he did so, vibrations occurred in the area, and a blue lightning spread in all directions.

Members of the Red Tiger Tribe and the White Wolf Tribe, patrolling or waiting near the market, sank to the ground, faltering.

'He's grown...'

Of course, Berakt didn't flinch at all at the aura of the Tribe of Legends spread by Jin, but he was shocked by the fact that Jin possessed an aura different from what he remembered.

The pace of growth was too fast.

Although he was only twenty years old, Jin was emitting an aura close to ten stars.

Even the flow of energy is unusual.

Chaos energy is also mixed in and, given the right opportunity, is in a state where it can explosively become stronger at any moment.

Did he transcend during the war of the Sword Emperor Castle?".

Jin glared at Zephyrin.

"Also, you're in a situation where you can't use your strength properly. That's why Talaris-nim hit you unilaterally in Tikan. Seeing that the leader hasn't come out now, you won't be able to use his power either. Am I wrong?"

"Oh! Zephyrin-nim, he's right... Oops."

"Then the one who punched the Grand Duchess in the chin at that time...! Ugh!"

Bishkel covered Bouvard's mouth, and Bianca covered Ainas's.

"So, if you want to fight, I'll accept it."

"You're too arrogant, Jin... How will you deal with the aftermath afterwards?"

"I guess you've forgotten that this land of the beastmen is very close to Zhan Kingdom. Zhan Kingdom is Runcandel's territory. So if a fight breaks out here, we'll have to hold out until support from my Family arrives. It seems that Stam-nim has something in store for you."

Of course, since they've just used the leader's power again, they can't really attack.

In the end, as always, Zephyrin had no choice but to give in.

"Now that you seem to understand the situation a bit, let's get into details, Miss Margiella."

"The part of Temar's body that the imperial family possesses is an arm."

Valeria's Record Magic only knew that a "part" of Temar's body was being used.

Jin felt his heart sink upon hearing the direct name 'arm' instead of such an ambiguous expression.

It means that even after death, his body was torn apart and used in various ways.


"Yes, his left arm. As you may already know, the Imperial Family is trying to complete the transformation of Demon Men through it."

"How did you know they had a left arm?"

"Because we made a deal with the Imperial Family."

Indeed, it was recognized by the leader's ability.

Jin didn't bother pointing out that part.

"For what we've seen, Temar Runcandel's body itself is no different from a collection of Ancient Magic information from his prime days. Because the deal went sour, we didn't have the chance to analyze it properly."

Valeria had also hoped that Temar's body would be a collection of Ancient Magic information.

"You're not going to ask how to prove this, are you?".

At Zephyrin's words, Jin nodded.

"I'm not that distant a person."

"How did I know that the Imperial Family had Temar's body, Jin-nim? I don't think you even tortured the Emperor... After all, is it because the Record Magician is with you?".

Jin didn't answer and pocketed the objects he had taken out again.

"Why are you storing them like that? Now that you've found out, don't think you can escape. If so, this won't end with just words. No matter what damage we suffer, we'll fight."

"Ah, don't misunderstand me, I just stored them because it's uncomfortable to hold them. The conversation window is still open. Originally, I was only planning to listen to information about Temar's body, but just now, another annoying crime was added. You're going to wipe us out. What can I do? I don't feel well after hearing that."

"Hey, Twelfth Flagbearer of Runcandel. Calm down. I can't tolerate this anymore."

Berakt spoke as he drew the large sword hanging from his back. Margiella smiled as she grabbed him by the arm.

"Uncle Berakt, it's okay. Let's listen to him. It seems today is the day Jin-nim has a lot of questions for us. And Jin-nim, it would be good if you remembered my appearance again today. This pathetic effort to resolve things by talking, let's try to make the most of it."

"Let's make an effort, okay? Alright, this is the last question. Kinzelo, what is your ultimate goal?"

In his previous life, Jin never felt curious about Kinzelo's goal.

Jin only thought of them as a third-rate terrorist organization that began causing some problems worldwide shortly before his death in his past life.

However, the current Kinzelo was on another level.

To be precise, Kinzelo had this power back then, but they probably concealed it.

'Many things have changed thanks to my regression.'

Margiella's and Jin's gazes met.

"As far as I know, your goal is to elevate your leader as the sole king of the world. But I believe that's not all."

"That's it."

"It's all about making your leader the sole king of the world. So, is world domination your purpose?".

Then Margiella smiled and replied:

"I mentioned it once, didn't I? We just want to create a better world. So instead of the word 'conquest,' I think 'purification' suits us better."