Swordmaster's Youngest Son - Chapter 491

Chapter 491

Published at 4th of February 2022 11:57:15 AM

Joshua and his party decided to follow suit and head slowly toward the two-horse tower.

Zipple and Kinselo in the following areas were both massacred, so there was no situation where they had to get caught in battle or hide.

The body, blood, and destruction were continuing. From the back, the vibrations and noise of the battle continued, and at this rate, the entire construction site was likely to collapse.

I think it's time for us to be dragged by Joshua.

Dipus retorted Jean's last words while on the move.

'Yes, even the youngest can't have a perfect grasp of everything.'

The fact was not entirely disappointing.

"Joshua, even the snake is good at scheming and has the power of a prophet."... it's great to have grasped all this flow so far. Honestly, I couldn't even keep up.'

Deepus was distressed that he was still not doing any other good.

Second Brother, I honestly didn't mean to suggest this to you. Because I think I can kill Joshua enough by myself. But my sister Mary asked me a favor. Just like you, don't get hurt and come back.

Just before the start of the operation, Jin remembered what he had heard.

If it continues this way, it would only be Jin carrying Joshua on his back, even if he really killed him, as the youngest said. As the same rider, also as the older brother. Such an outcome was unacceptable to himself.

'It should be helpful. Like Barton, if you're not the youngest, you shouldn't make a picture of yourself having to stand down.'

Just as Jean said she didn't know what Joshua's confidence was right now, neither did Dipus come up with a way.

However, it was important to hold on to the spirit and will that had been floating for a while with excitement that Joshua could be killed.

Deepus has rarely failed to do what he ate in his village.

Soon, the group crossed the 19th zone and reached the 20th zone.

According to the structure of the construction site, there was an emergency passage closest to the two-horse tower.

Looking around, there were signs that Joshua and Black Knight had already forcibly opened the destroyed passageway.

"The youngest, there must have been no fighting on the aisle. Did Kinselo use the other aisle?"

"Or he might have used the iron gate of the High Leader.

"That ability you saw at the time of the black terror, damn it. Everything except Looncandel is going beyond the limits of the mobile gates.

"Vimment has never shown such a new technology or power yet."

"The Empire can't be compared to us. That's why they're not here yet. Anyway, I have a stomachache. Let's go out."

Outside the aisle was the Sota desert.


A fierce and strong sandstorm covered the entire desert. The huge sandstorms standing all over the place gave the feeling of ominousness.

Naturally, there were no signs of movement between Joshua and Black Knight from here. The footprints were covered with sand without being held for a moment, and it was difficult to breathe without forming a protective shield with an oracle.


Natural disasters and bad conditions, which are catastrophic for the general public, have not had a fatal effect on most trained fighters.

Even if they were struck by lightning in vain by falling rocks, or even by lightning with astronomical odds, the fighters of more than eight stars would never die.

Not to mention the superhuman fighters of Qin and Dipus.

The environment of the Sota desert, now threatening the party, was far beyond that general level.

It's not a joke..'

It was a vicious environment that ordinary people couldn't endure for even a second. The heavy sanding wind was scratching the shield as sharp as a knife.

The whole desert seemed to be seething with terrible destructive magic.

It really was.

'These are the large-scale solidarity and solidarity defense magic that are always being maintained. To protect a two-horse tower from intruders.'

The two-horse tower is one of the most important areas of the Jipple. This is near the center of the Rutero Magic Federation, and right next to it is the home base, Draca.

This level of determination and defense magic was natural.

The dipus pointed out the other side with his hand. In the far air, covered by the sandstorm, I could see the tower of the night.

The problem was that the tower was not one.

"It's a fantasy fault."

"It was never observed before you came, when you were scouting all the way."

"It would be a fault that would only manifest itself if we went out of a set path or within a certain area, as we are now. That fantasy chain and all the defensive magic."

There are five towers in total.

Except for one of them, all of them were fakes caused by illusions. And as with all these faults, when you reach the fake, another trap will be triggered.

This time, Murakhan jagged toward the sky.

"Hey, I was wondering what was so dark...... Kid, Dipus. Look at those."

The sky was full of flying ships.

At first glance, the ship seemed to be easily over a hundred. If there had been a fear of jipple on the inside of Qin, Murakhan and Dipus, it was certainly a sight that would have loosened the strength of the legs.

And unlike the tower, the flying ships that cover the sky like a swarm of whales could not be certain to be illusions.

Considering the size of the drying plant we just checked, suppose there are a few more such drying plants. It was a number that could exist as many times as possible.

In other words, those vessels may be finished products of the mass-produced ships that have been provided to the construction site.

"Let me go into the sky first and clean up all those things first? Make sure which of those towers is real."

"The moment you fly in your true form, all three of us are dead, Murakhan. And there's more than a hundred in sight.

It was crazy for ships to fly in the middle of the magic federal center with lute, even if they were fantasies like towers. If it had been such an easy problem, there would have been no need to map out a infiltration route.

"Oh, this is the terrible horse breed."


"Yes. I'm not good at unsecretizing these bonds. I don't know if I'm going to break it with force."

"I can see roughly what the basis of Joshua's confidence is. He had a way not to be exposed to the scaffold. Unlike me, he was planning to rob a two-horse tower instead of the inside of the building when he set up the campsite, so he must have prepared the necessary means in advance. With the power of the prophet."

said Dipus. I was thinking of progress.

"And he wouldn't have judged that we wouldn't let go of this. I didn't have to look at it because it meant I'd use it if you followed me.

a back-to-back dipus

As he said, Joshua had an ulterior motive to "actively utilize" the Jin group.

Jin and Kinselo will not be able to break through as quickly as they have keys, so they will naturally use them as bait after opening the safe.

Even if the safe is broken through the key without a trace, it will soon be revealed that there were intrusions and extortion.

Naturally, Jipple should track down the criminal.

In order to do so, we must remove all ties near the two-horse tower to make it easier for our troops to search, and then Jin and Keane Zelo, who are still struggling in the chain, become the leading suspects on their behalf and are being intensively pursued.

Among the paintings Joshua wanted was this development.

Stuck! A faint guess at the process, the Dipus clenched his teeth.

I couldn't let it flow.

"Mr. Marmurakan."


"Why don't you go ahead and fill it with your body? I'll try to get through the traps in the lead, so the youngest and Murakhan are following Joshua as quickly as possible."

"Really? Are you as strong as Looncandel's first or second daughter?"

"It's almost as good as it gets."

"Do you know how destructive the traps will be?"

"As the youngest said last night, it's just a moment of adventure. Didn't you say that even this dangerous opportunity might never come again? We enter the two towers, get real information, and kill Joshua."

"Strong, yes. I like it. Let's give ourselves up to overcome the crisis."

Once said yes, Murakan glanced at Jean. As usual, the decision meant you should.

Jean refused in a single stroke, with an attitude that she didn't have to worry.

"No, it's the last resort. If Mr. Dipus gets caught, the power loss is too great, and if our position is exposed due to the actuation of the nodule, there's really no answer."

"I knew you'd say that, the youngest. Is there any other way?


Bradamante's sword escaped the cut.

"......I've been through this awful desert before. I got a sword with enlightenment, and I think it might work."

Sword type 1 soul cut.

Jean had passed the last gate of the Mitra Great Membrane with the very sword. It was not likely that it would be superior to Soldert's test, even if the determination and magic of the Jipple were great.

Even when the remnants of the former ghostly Seigal family attempted to self-destruct in the unnamed desert east of the Empire of Cascal, after becoming blood-bred with the Ghosts, soul-bashing worked effectively.


The bradamante was dyed black.

"If the sword doesn't work, then I'll use all my knowledge to solve the problem and the magic tricks myself. If that doesn't work, I'll consider putting you ahead then."

Jean closed her eyes and began to concentrate.

The desire to cut, the belief that you can cut, the will to cut through. The determination and realization from the Mitra Great Membrane seemed to pierce the whole body and mind vividly.

Soon before swinging the sword, a smile spread around Jin's mouth.

It was because a mysterious sense that was hard to describe, as if it had already seen the future and results, was spreading at the end of the knife.

A gentle stroke cut the chastity and magic.

Each time Qin swung a sword, the sandstorm died down, and the fantasies covering the tower were washed away.

Jean kept swinging the bradamante until it was all wiped out, and it seemed like she was dancing a sword dance.

When I woke up again, I felt refreshed as if I had taken a bath.

The terrible sandstorms and storms have vanished like lies. In the middle of the dusk of the calm wind, there was a tower of the hundred nights standing alone.

The White Night Tower stood far closer than the illusion had been obscured.

"The second time your brother has to risk his life for his family, it's not just this kind of chasm.

Jean, who said so, waited for Dipus' answer to be heard. I think I owe him a proper debt.

But somehow I couldn't get an answer for a few seconds.

Instead, I could hear Murakan kicking his tongue.

"Hummy..."... yum. Ha, me. That's all real...?

Dipus was momentarily bewildered by the fact that all the airborne ships were "real."