Switching Gears - Part 18

Part 18

He shoots me a look and walks my bike back up the hill until we get to his, sitting a few yards down the trail. He leans my bike against a tree, gibing me a look not to touch it, but I grab it with my free hand anyway.

I can take it. Im standing. Im talking. Im perfectly capable of walking my own bike down the hill.

He frowns as Kelsie answers her phone. Kelsie? This is Cole. Theres been a yes. No, shes okay. Yes. No. Shes bleeding, but shes shes okay. Yes I hear Kelsies panicked voice on the other end and hope she doesnt do something stupid to try to get to me. I reach for the phone and Cole hands it over.


Emmy! What happened? Are you okay? Cole said youre bleeding. Do we need to call an ambulance? Im sitting on the stupid ski-lift right now and its taking forever to get me back down. Are you stuck up there? Can you get down yourself? What"

Kelsie. Im okay. Coles helping me down.

Ill meet you in a second. Dont go into shock!

I hang up and roll my eyes. Sorry. She likes to freak out He touches my shoulder to steady me as I trip over a rock. Careful.


He lets go of me, a deep crease in his forehead from frowning. Im not gonna lie"I sort of freaked out when I saw your bike without you on it. And when I saw you with the blood all over your face? Almost gave me a heart attack.

I almost gave myself one. I suck in a breath as pain shoots through my head. At first I didnt feel it, but now I shouldnt have pulled on my brakes. Im so stupid. Ive never crashed in the three years Ive been biking.

Youre not stupid.

I am.

Hes silent for a moment. Im glad youre not hurt worse. If something would have happened to you He trails off, and I let the emotion in his voice sink in.

Im fine. My bikes broken, but Im fine. I frown. And Whitney won again.

Dont worry about her right now.

Okay. I promise I wont mention her again. Until I see her at the bottom, shouting how awesome she is to anyone who can hear.

Deal. He nods and grabs the handlebars to my bike. Why dont I walk yours, since its injured. He gives me a smile. And you walk mine.

Okay. I take it and walk next to him, my frown deepening at the thought of the repairs Im going to have to do because of one stupid mistake.

Im sorry, Emmy, he says.

Dont be. This isnt your fault.


I shake my head and sigh. It was my fault. I guess I dont know how to race.

Neither one of us says anything else.


Ive never been so afraid of calling my parents in my life.

Ill do it if you want, Kelsie says. They dont scare me. She stares out the window as I sit between her and Cole in his truck.

After my sad attempt at racing Whitney, she went off to celebrate her victory at some salon. She didnt even ask if I was okay. Not that I ever expected her to.

They dont scare me either. I just dont want to freak them out. Especially my mom. I dont want her to worry at all. Shes got enough going on as it is. And secretly, I dont want her to ground me for the rest of my life.

Why do you think theyll freak out? Cole asks.

I give Kelsie a look and dont miss the tiny head shake she gives Cole. She knows I lied to Mom.

Theyll be fine, I mutter. Hopefully. I push the call b.u.t.ton with one hand, while the other holds Coles shirt on my head in place.

Dad answers. Hey, Bug.

Uh hi. Im glad Dad picked up, but Im positive hes going to freak out as soon as I tell him what happened.

When I dont say anything, he asks, Is everything okay?

I hesitate. Um yes and no.

Honey, whats wrong? His voice is more panicked than before. I can just see him standing in the kitchen with his eyes wide.

I kind of crashed riding my bike. Im fine, but Im pretty sure I need to get st.i.tches.

What? Where are you? Im coming right now.

In Park City.

What? Why are you in Park City?

Uh racing?

Hes silent and I squeeze my eyes shut. I hate disappointing Dad. Did you tell Mom where you were going?

No. I uh told her I was going to Ogden.

More silence.

I didnt want her to tell me I couldnt go. Im sorry. Really. He wont say anything and now hes making me panic. I avoid Cole and Kelsies concerned looks and focus on the dashboard in front of me. I try again. Dad. Im fine. Its not that bad, I promise.

I know hes standing with his fingers on the bridge of his nose, the way he looks when hes trying to control his temper. Is anyone with you?



Kelsie and Cole. Im okay, Dad. Its a cut on my forehead. Not a big deal. More like a scratch. Ha. Its stinging so bad I want to cry.

Cole shoots me a look and shakes his head. Its definitely not a scratch.

Youre going to need insurance information. Do you have your card in your purse?


Okay. If the hospital needs anything else, call me back.

I will.

You come home right when youre done.

Dad, Im fine. I swear.

I mean it, Emmy. Well talk when you get home.


He hangs up.

I stare at the phone in my hand. Dads never hung up on me before. He must be really mad. Which makes me feel even more awful.

When we pull into the parking lot of the hospital and Cole puts his truck in park, I sit there, my heart racing as I stare at the white building in front of me.

You should probably put a shirt on, Cole, Kelsie says.

Probably. He fishes in his biking bag and grabs one, pulling it over his head. I glance at him a moment and turn my attention back to the building. I dont want to go in there.

Emmy? You okay? Kelsie asks.

I dont answer, but keep my eyes on the hospital, remembering the last time I saw Lucas alive.

Em. She reaches out and puts a hand on mine. Lets go get you cleaned up, okay?

I nod but dont say anything. Memories of Lucas are rushing back in, hitting me full force right now, and if I talk, the floodgates will open. So I clench my jaw and take my time walking up to the doors.

You sure youre okay, Emmy? Cole asks, worry creasing his brow.

Im fine.

They share a look, and I ignore them both.

Were in a totally different hospital than Lucas was in, but still. Everything smells the same. And the walls. White and plain. The same.

I bite my lip to keep myself under control.

Once I get checked in and put into a room, I wait for the doctor to come in.

Have you ever gotten st.i.tches before? Cole asks.

I shake my head. No. I stare at the floor.

Its not too bad. I glance up and by the look on his face, I know hes lying. I got my first set of st.i.tches when I was eleven. Slammed my finger in the door after I came home from school.

Really? Distraction from the pain. Keep talking, Cole.

Yep. I had to get half my fingertip sewed back on. Went to school with a bunch of gauze and tape that made my finger look freaking huge.

I glance over at him and grin. That would have scarred me for life seeing that.

You should have seen underneath the gauze.

I shiver. No thanks.

Kelsie shoots him a glare. Not helping the situation.

No, hes fine. I need him to keep talking. My heads killing me.

He folds his arms and leans against the wall. Lets see. When was the last time youve been in the emergency room?

This is a first.

Really? Youve never had a broken bone or anything like that?


He frowns. First time for everything I guess.

Hes got that right.

Eight st.i.tches and a huge monster headache later, were on our way home. After we left the hospital, we picked up Kelsies car at the ski lodge.

Cole drives in front of us, my broken bike in the back of his truck. I dont want to think about my bike. If I would have been more careful, my wheels would be fine. But no. One rookie mistake.

I think of all the hours I put into that bike and try not to cry.

You okay, Em? Need any more pain meds?

No. Im tired. And Im pretty sure I do need more pain meds. My head hurts and so does my pride, but I dont tell her that. Im trying to be tough.

Im so sorry you crashed.

I sigh. So am I.