Sweet Rustic Love: Four Brothers' Wife - Chapter 879 - Wang Xiangyun Could Not Believe It

Chapter 879 - Wang Xiangyun Could Not Believe It

Chapter 879: w.a.n.g Xiangyun Could Not Believe It

Little Tian started listing all the people whom w.a.n.g Xiangyun cared about.

“Or, perhaps, my lady, you really don’t want to see Master Dongfang again?”

Little Tian carefully observed her lady’s expression once she finished recounting.

She really wanted to know whether w.a.n.g Xiangyun intended to continue mulling over the past or see her loved ones in her current state.

Initially unresponsive and lost in her thoughts, w.a.n.g Xiangyun reacted when Little Tian talked about not seeing Dongfang Ming ever again.

“No, I want to see Brother Ming! I want to! I want to!” she said, exasperated.

“Then you have to pull yourself together, my lady!” Little Tian struck while the iron was hot. “My lady, you need to show Master Dongfang your beautiful self, not this depressive st–”

Before she could finish, w.a.n.g Xiangyun had gotten up and rushed behind the screen, where her selection of toiletries, makeup, and mirror were placed.

She felt appalled when she saw her sickly and scrawny reflection in the mirror.

The hollow eyes, the sunken face, the pale complexion… was that really her?

No, no, no! I can’t let Brother Ming see me like this! She mumbled.

“Little Tian, I’m going to take a bath, please prepare some food for me. I’m starving!”

Little Tian wept tears of happiness as she replied, “A-Alright, I’ll get them ready. Wait a moment, my lady, I’ll be right back.”

And she exited the room to inform the other servants…

Ming Yan arrived at Wansheng Building. When he found w.a.n.g Xixuan still kneeling on the floor, suddenly the words got stuck in his throat.

He walked to the kneeling man’s side, stooped low, and sighed. “Master w.a.n.g, you should head home. My master says if you keep it at, he’ll no longer be friends with you.”

w.a.n.g Xixuan shook.

He never imagined that his childhood friend would have a heart of stone.

He had put aside his dignity and begged, and yet his friend’s decision was absolute.

Filled with dread, w.a.n.g Xixuan wobbled as he got up. His legs, exhausted by the long hours of kneeling, had lost all feeling and he found himself tilting sideways, about to fall.

Quick as a flash, Ming Yan came to his aid. “Master w.a.n.g, why do you do this? You wrecked your body and, at the same time, severed your relations.h.i.+p with my master! Th–”

Before he could finish, w.a.n.g Xixuan cut in. “Say nothing more!”

He had not drunk anything in a while. His throat had gotten hoa.r.s.e.

He rejected Ming Yan’s a.s.sistance and slowly hobbled away.

Ming Yan had nothing to say to the man’s lack of grat.i.tude.

Ming Yan trailed after w.a.n.g Xixuan and made sure the man got home safely before reporting back to his master.

Dongfang Ming intended for a short reprieve, but he eventually fell asleep.

He even had a dream.

He had his eyes closed, but the corners of his mouth curled up in content.

Upon his return, Ming Yan found his master sound asleep, so he chose not to interrupt him. He wondered what kind of dream his master was having, to sleep with a smile that bright.

Soon, an hour had pa.s.sed.

“Has Brother w.a.n.g left?” Dongfang Ming asked Ming Yan when he woke up.

Ming Yan approached him, serving water. “Yes, he has.”