Although Lionel was already starting to believe Wen Ting Ting's words and was feeling angry at Ning Hua, he still remained rational and calm.
"Yes. My previous makeup artist and the others saw what he did to me."
Wen Ting Ting's hand gripped tightly because it was as much a humiliation to be slapped in front of the whole team as how broken she was to be slapped by Ning Hua.
"Did he slapped her?" Lionel asked Ning Hua's team inquisitively.
"No! She is lying! She fell in the toilet on her own."
"She came out of the toilet with a scar and said that she had fell and knocked her head."
"Her original injury wasn't a fingerprint. It was a reddish on her forehead that was caused by a fall.
"She is not telling the truth."
Ning Hua's team answered without hesitation because if things got out, they would lose their jobs.
Wen Ting Ting looked at them, and she internally mocked herself for thinking that they could be trustable. She thought that she ought to have known that they were all selfish people and would not hesitate to side him because he was more powerful than her.
Meanwhile, Jiang Xue Zi laughed when she heard their words.
"You are saying that a fall could cause those marks? Are you saying that there was a hand on the floor or that the floor had a hand-like design? And that's what resulted in her face having those marks?"
Wen Ting Ting's face was red with the print of five fingers, so there was no way that a fall could have caused the mark.
Without waiting for any of them to rebut, Jiang Xue Zi spoke again.
"You are saying that she fell in the toilet and hit her head, and then she slapped herself after you guys left just to frame Ning Hua? What would she benefit from lying here or framing Ning Hua? Her whole life was practically dedicated to Ning Hua, the Ning's family, and the Wen's family. So, tell me, what could she get for injury herself to frame him? Besides, seriously, that slap mark, how could she have been able to slap herself and leave that kind of mark? Or, are you going to say that she got Lu Jin Sheng's team members to slap her and frame Ning Hua? Seriously? Who would believe your words that Blue Diamond Entertainment would resort to such low methods to get what they want?"
Even though it wasn't Jiang Xue Zi's place to talk, but she still couldn't help but stand against such things. They couldn't believe how Ning Hua's team could lie so blatantly without blinking, but she knew how people were like.
Everyone is selfish.
It was the extent of selfishness that determined the seriousness of the matter.
Despite hearing Jiang Xue Zi's words, Ning Hua's team remained firm and denied everything.
"She must have slapped herself after she left our room."
"We can swear that Designer Ning did not harm her in any way."
"All of us were there, and we clearly heard her saying that she had slipped in the toilet."
"Do you have any evidence to prove that you didn't leave the mark on your face, but he did?" One of the senior models, who was also a judge, asked Wen Ting Ting.
"Yes. I have a video. It is on the phone as well."
Wen Ting Ting then got the a.s.sistants to look for the video on her phone.
The moment the video played, everyone gasped because Ning Hua was like a mad man in the video!
"From that angle, you are not the one that took the video. Who took it?" Lionel asked.
"I did." Wen Ting Ting's main makeup artist, who was also in Ning Hua's team, spoke.
That makeup artist was the only person that Wen Ting Ting could fully trust in Ning Hua's team after she got back her memories.
"Why did you take it? You look very prepared to have taken the video."
"I am prepared because it isn't the first time that Ning Hua physically abused Ting Ting. He would slap her, push her, and kick her whenever he was angry. I am brought into Ning's Fas.h.i.+on because of Ting Ting. Without her, I wouldn't have been here. That's why I couldn't tolerate it when he hit her, and I took those videos so that I could reveal them one day."
"Why didn't you report this to the police?" One of the judges implored Wen Ting Ting.
"That's because he is my fiancé and I didn't want him to go to prison. Moreover, I thought that he wouldn't harm me that often and that he was just angry."
"She brought you here, so you would definitely help her and speak bad things about me!" Ning Hua exclaimed.
Ning Hua still couldn't believe that Wen Ting Ting had betrayed him, and he finally realized that the situation was not in his favor when he saw the video.
"Silence! If you are going to make a ruckus here while we are trying to sort things out, then get out!" Lionel shouted angrily.
"Do you have any other videos to proof whatever you are saying?'
"Yes." The makeup artist then pa.s.sed her phone to the a.s.sistants, and Ning Hua tried to s.n.a.t.c.h it instinctively.
"If you break that thing, we can charge you for destroying evidence of crimes."
The a.s.sistants swiftly connected the phone and the projector and played the video.
Indeed, Ning Hua abused Wen Ting Ting more than once, and most of it left scary marks on her body or face. Although those marks had already disappeared, the videos still act as evidence against Ning Hua.
"So, why did you continue to model for him? Or, should I ask why you decided to model for another team at the last minute?"
"I want to destroy him."
"Because he abused you?"
"Not just that, but also because I know what else he had done."