Sweet Carolina Girls - Part 25

Part 25

Molly rose from behind the desk and joined Harper and Lauren, by the laptop Harper had set up on a nearby table. Harper played the first video, which Molly agreed showed Shelby driving carefully. She pointed out that the video in no way cleared Shelby from the DUI charge, just because she appeared to be careful.

The second video however, interested Molly immensely. She too was shocked, by the terror in Shelby's voice. Molly immediately asked for the phone and a copy of the videos off of Harper's computer. She had the two women sit down and write out exactly how they found the phone and what they had done with it from that point. She needed the name of the Apple store worker who had helped get the screen fixed and anyone else who may have come in contact with the phone.

Molly asked if Shelby knew about the video. Lauren answered, "No one knows, except the three of us."

"That's good," Molly said. "I'll show this to the DA, in the morning. If he does what I think he'll do, since this is an election year and he's going to look like s.h.i.t on this, he will drop the manslaughter charge and only charge her with DUI. While the accident may have been caused by Miss Hill's actions, it does not negate the fact that Shelby was driving the car while intoxicated. She can't fight that, but it's her first offense, so I think she will get off with a light suspended sentence and probation, with community service and driving school mandated."

"Do you think she'll keep her job?" Lauren asked.

"If she doesn't, tell her to come see me. Those boys over at UC have a lot of skeletons they don't want on the street. She'll be alright," Molly said, as she was showing them to the door. "Leah's family may file a civil suit, but we will deal with that when the time comes."

"Thank you so much, Molly," Lauren said, shaking her hand.

"Don't thank me till you get my bill, I understand it's you who will be paying."

"Yes, I didn't think Shelby could pay her medical bills and you too," Lauren replied.

They were now outside, on the steps to the door. Molly put her hand on Harper's shoulder, "I hope you two have a wonderful life together, when all this settles itself out. You make a lovely couple."

Molly went back inside and the two lovers almost skipped to the Tahoe. They were heroes. They had solved the mystery. Harper lifted Lauren into her arms and twirled her around before setting her down by the SUV.

"I'm proud of you, Lauren. You are loyal to a fault and I am so lucky to have you."

Lauren kissed her softly on the lips and whispered, "No, I'm the lucky one. You are one of a kind."

"You know what kind I am?" Harper asked.

Lauren looked puzzled, "No, what kind are you?"

"The hungry kind. Let's go eat spaghetti."

They drove away from Molly's office feeling like part of a huge weight had been lifted. They still had to get Shelby on her feet, but at least now she might not be going to prison. Harper was able to toss away the image she had conjured of the two of them visiting Shelby in jail, every weekend for the next ten years. It was an image involving Shelby and a bedpan that she was struggling with now.

Chapter Twenty-Seven.

Tuesday morning the Lynch-Zachary household got back into a routine of running, breakfast and then off to the UC campus, where Harper went to the lab and Lauren to the hospital. Harper felt great this morning, a fact noticed by her fellow lab mates, who commented on her elevated mood. She had hoped that all the stress from the past weeks hadn't shown at work, but it obviously had. Harper really wanted to tell the people what she and Lauren had uncovered about the accident, but she had to wait until Molly said she could.

Harper had liked Shelby, before she became involved with Lauren. She guessed she would still like her if she hadn't acted like such an a.s.s, when Lauren left her. Harper couldn't say that she would have acted any differently, had she been the one losing Lauren. Still, she didn't want Shelby taking all the blame for Leah's death, when Leah had been the one to cause the accident. That didn't dismiss Shelby's drinking and driving, but that's different from manslaughter.

About mid-morning, she called J.R. and left a message for him to call when he got back in town. She also called her grandmother and by the end of the conversation had promised to visit very soon. When she hung up she checked her text messages and found one from Lauren that she must have not heard come in. It read only, "s.h.i.t, MY MOTHER IS HERE!" It had arrived while she was out in the lab area where phones were not allowed. Harper had not noticed it, when she called J.R. The message arrived nearly an hour ago.

Harper texted Lauren, "What can I do?"

She waited and soon received, "Lay low."

Harper shut the door to the little rectangle she called an office. She collapsed into the chair and stared into s.p.a.ce. Loving Lauren had to be the most complicated thing she had ever done in her life. Harper didn't have complicated relationships. Her relationships never interfered with her life before. With Lauren it was one hurdle after another. It was exhausting. And just when she thought it was getting better, another mountain rose up in the form of Lauren's mother, Martha Anne Zachary.

Harper was sitting with her head in her hands, elbows on the desk, just trying to gather up strength for the storm, she was sure was going to hit any minute, when a light tap on the gla.s.s of her office door startled her. It was quite a surprise to see Abby standing there. Abby turned the handle and opened the door.

Harper stood up, "I'd ask you to come in, but there really isn't an in, so to speak. It's really a rectangular fish bowl, so you Doctors can watch us lowly grad students sweat."

"You looked a little preoccupied. Is everything okay?" Abby remained in the hallway, leaning on the doorframe.

"Yeah, yeah everything's okay, just trying to wrap some numbers around my brain," Harper said, sitting back down. "What brings you to my world, Dr. Sandbourne?"

"I have been sent on a mission," Abby smiled mischievously.

"And who sent you on this mission?" Harper grinned back at her.

"Well, it seems that Lauren has been kidnapped by her mother, who swept into the hospital this morning demanding to take charge of Shelby's care and chastising her daughter, for not having called her back from her European vacation."

"So what is the plan? I take it there is a plan," Harper stood and removed her lab coat.

Abby continued, "All of this was witnessed by Julie, who stopped to drop off a book for Shelby. Julie is waiting for us now, at the Hill brewery, and she'll fill us in.

Abby and Harper found Julie at a window table at the Hill Restaurant and Brewery. The early lunch crowd was just coming in. Julie looked about to burst with the news of what had transpired at the hospital that morning. Harper was beginning to take this a little more seriously than she had earlier. She thought it wouldn't be that big a deal to meet Lauren's mother, until she saw the text message and now everyone's reaction was making her nervous.

"d.a.m.n, it took you long enough," Julie said, before they got all the way to the table.

"Calm down, gossip girl, we're almost there." Abby reprimanded her.

Harper barely had time to say, "Hi Julie," when Julie began, speaking in hushed tones, as if they were trading national secrets.

"Martha Anne showed up this morning in her fur cape with a.s.sistants in tow. She swept in like the Navy Seals and commandeered the place, you should have seen it."

"We didn't, so please go on," Abby encouraged her.

"She threw around some names and the doctors and nurses started scurrying like rats. She engulfed Shelby's room like it was a stage and her long lost daughter had been found alive. It was disgusting. Lauren was stunned stupid for a few minutes. I tried not to be a target and hung back behind the main action."

Abby leaned up in her chair, "What did Shelby do?"

"Oh my G.o.d, that's the worst part. Shelby did an aOh, momma, I've missed you so' routine that would have won an Oscar." Julie grew more animated, as she told the story. "I think that's what sent Lauren over the top."

Harper sat up now, "Why, what did she do?"

"First she cleared the room, so I only heard what made it through the walls. I heard several loud aLauren Annes' being shouted and a few ad.a.m.n it, Mothers, and at least one acut you off.' It didn't sound good."

Harper said it, but they all felt that way, "Oh, s.h.i.t!"

"The next thing, Lauren was following her mother down the hall toward the elevators. She turned around and mouthed, aget Harper.' So I called Abby and here we are."

Just then Harper's phone rang.

It was Lauren. When she answered Lauren said, "Where are you?"

"The Hill," Harper replied.

"I'll be there in a minute." Then she hung up.

Harper told Abby and Julie, "That was Lauren. She'll be here in a minute."

Abby laughed, "So she escaped from Cruella's clutches."

Harper looked from one woman to the other, "Who is this woman?"

Abby explained, "Martha Anne Zachary is a force to be reckoned with, if she sets her mind on something. She's really not all that bad and has indulged her daughter's many whims, but when she pulls on the purse strings, she expects to be listened to. It's her way of maintaining control over Lauren."

"Lauren seems so independent, I can't imagine that going over very well," Harper interjected.

Abby continued, "They work out their differences like most well bred Southern ladies, they stop speaking for awhile and then one gives in and they compromise. Their compromise on Lauren being a lesbian was Shelby. For some reason Martha Anne took to Shelby, at least that's what Lauren told me."

Julie added, "That all happened before they met us."

Lauren appeared at the table. Harper, intent on the conversation at the table, hadn't notice Lauren approach. The waiter arrived with Lauren and was told to fetch four sweet teas and make it quick. Lauren sat down and gathered herself, before she leaned over and kissed Harper on the cheek.

"Hi sweetie," Lauren said, "how's your morning been?"

The women all looked at each other and then burst into laughter, which eased the tension considerably.

Harper said, "I hear you've been busy," when the laughter subsided.

"My mother is a piece of work, no doubt about it. She has decided that Shelby will have the best private care, at her expense. Which is fine by me, but she insists that I move back into the house with Shelby, until she is able to care for herself, which is not fine by me."

"Me either," Harper said, quickly.

"Don't worry honey, that's not going to happen," Lauren said, taking the tea from the waiter, before he could get it off his tray, almost causing the tray to topple.

Julie wasn't buying it, "What did you say to Martha Anne?"

"I told her she could move in with Shelby, if she felt so pa.s.sionately about her not being taken care of by strangers. This, from a woman who just returned from a Swedish spa, where she depended on strangers to do exactly that."

"And she just accepted that as your answer? I don't believe that," Julie was unmoved.

"I'd say she's at the country club having a good stiff drink and mulling it over," Lauren answered.

"That doesn't bode well for the home team," Abby chimed in.

"Look I'm new here, so may I just say, what the f.u.c.k!" Harper didn't like feeling clueless and she needed more data to access this situation. She looked at Lauren, "You said your mother was okay with you and Shelby splitting, after you explained it to her."

"She was, but then her heightened since of drama makes her think that I should go back to Shelby, while she is in aher time of need'," Lauren mimicked her mother.

"Lauren, just how much power does your mother have over you?" Abby asked, adding, "You are a grown woman."

"Oh, not nearly as much as she thinks she does. I have my own money, daddy saw to that long ago, so it's really a matter of how much c.r.a.p I can take, while she tries to bend me to her will."

Julie was like a dog with a bone, "Then what did she mean by acut you off'?"

"Cut me off socially, cut me off from family, cut off what little bit of money she still thinks she has control of, whatever it takes to make me miserable. It worked when I was a child, but not anymore, which I explained to her this morning. She did not take it very well. She is now just angry out of spite and nothing more."

Harper asked about what concerned her the most, "So how does this affect you and Shelby?"

Lauren looked at Harper and seemed to realize how anxious she had become, "Not at all. It only means Shelby has an ally, who will listen to only her side."

Lauren reached out with her left hand to touch Harper. That's when Harper saw it.

"Then where's your ring?"

Abby and Julie looked at each other. This was more drama than they originally thought it'd be and it was getting better. Harper stared at Lauren, while Lauren reacted by digging in her purse and producing the ring from a side pocket. She slipped it back on, as if by doing so the memory of its absence could be erased. She looked back up at Harper and must have known Harper wasn't pleased.

"Harper, I chickened out. I didn't wear it yesterday or today at the hospital, because I do not want to deal with Shelby's reaction right now. I just want her a.s.s out of that hospital, so I can get on with my life."

Abby broke the moment with, "Oh, my G.o.d. Look at that ring." Then she saw Harper's, "You have one, too. d.a.m.n, they're beautiful."

Julie grabbed Lauren's hand and Abby grabbed Harper's. They examined the rings, while Harper and Lauren stared at each other. Harper was fighting an anger she didn't want to expose.

Harper slid her chair back, "Well, since there doesn't seem to be a real emergency, I really need to get back to work. I'll see you at home tonight, okay."

Julie, who had not been looking at the faces across the table from her, chided them with, "Oh, at ahome.' You two have moved in together?"

Lauren stopped Harper from standing, by placing a hand on her leg, "Don't be mad, please."

Harper managed a smile, "I'm not mad. I think you have a lot to catch your friends up on. I'll see you tonight."

Abby tried to stop her, "Harper, you haven't eaten yet and if you'll remember you rode with me."

Harper stood and kissed Lauren on the cheek, "I'm not hungry, really and I could use the walk, clear my head, before I tackle those numbers again."

Lauren started to stand, "I'll walk you out."

Harper stopped her, "No don't, stay here, really I'm fine. I'll see you two at the game tonight, if the weather holds out."

Harper hit the outside air and took in a big breath. She walked briskly away from the restaurant knowing Lauren could see her from the window above. How much more did Lauren want from her? How much more would she be asked to endure, for the sake of Shelby, for the sake of Lauren's mother? She took out her cell phone and called the lab to let them know that she would not be back today and to email all the afternoon data to her at home. She found the Hummer in the parking lot and eighteen minutes later she walked in the utility room door at home.

Jasper was ecstatic at her arrival. He was even happier when she came back down the stairs in exercise apparel and let him into the garage with her. She loaded his pack with water bottles and fastened it to his back. She found the paw protectors for running on asphalt and put them on Jasper. Harper took her mountain bike off the rack on the wall and strapped on her helmet. She put her keys in Jasper's pack, after they exited and closed the garage door.

Harper and Jasper went riding in the country, far away from Lauren and all the problems she brought with her. The two of them rode up and down two lane roads with names like Old Road and Ridge Trail. Occasionally, when they came upon a place to rest, they would fall down on the gra.s.s together sharing water and companionship. That's what Harper loved about Jasper, his needs were not many and his love was unconditional.

Harper needed to talk and since he was the only one around, she spoke to him, "Jasper," he perked his ears and c.o.c.ked his head to one side, "what kind of mess have I gotten myself into this time? Was I thinking with the wrong end? Jesus, how could I trust her that fast? My brain is so jumbled up. I don't know if this is for real or if I just want it to be."

Jasper moved his head from side to side as she spoke. When she paused, he put his big paw in her lap.