"A medic? Wow. Lucky for me. I drank way too much, huh?"
"Yeah, that's putting it lightly. Do you remember me cutting you off?"
She offered a half-smile. "Yeah, but I still sneaked drinks behind your back."
Knowing it was important to keep Julie awake, I engaged her in conversation until the woman came back.
"Can you give me a hand?" the woman said to Jesse.
"Sure," he said.
She then went to work to cleanse the wound and put a sterile white bandage on it.
Once Julie was all fixed up, Jesse and I helped her back up to her feet.
"See? Good as new," Julie slurred.
"It'd be best if she gets some rest now," the medic said.
"But I-I can't drive," Julie stuttered. "I'm toasted...and now wounded from a pissed-off vase."
Jesse pulled me to the side. "Can you get her home?" he whispered.
"This is so embarrassing, but her car's a stick shift, and I've got no idea how to drive one. I probably can't drive any safer than she can right now."
"Lucky for you, I can."
"But then how will you get back?" I asked.
"I can walk."
"No, it's way too far, Jesse."
"I'll be fine." He bit his lip and looked down at Julie as if he was worried. "It's best we sneak out of here."
I furrowed a brow. "Sneak out? Why?"
"You see that guy she was dancing with?"
"Yeah. She told me his name, but I forget."
"It's Jonathon, and he's an absolute psycho. I'm afraid he might follow her home if he sees her leaving."
I shook my head in disbelief. "Are you sure? That's insane."
"I heard him claim her, and I heard some of the other guys claiming you. They may look like your average drunken frat boys, but they're beyond dangerous, Taylor. The nice guys are outnumbered here. I've got a couple of buddies here, but we're no match against the others. They'll jump us, and I'm not sure I can protect you."
"Wait...claiming people? Just what kind of party did she bring me to?" I muttered to myself.
"A dangerous one," he retorted, overhearing my conversation with myself. "My buddies will distract them while I sneak you two out the back door."
"Great idea," I said. "Maybe they won't see us leave."
"That's the plan."
Jesse wrapped his arm around Julie and helped her walk out the back door of the cabin. Gripping my purse tightly, I followed. A cool breeze blew through my hair, and I shuddered, wishing I'd worn a coat. I couldn't believe the extreme temperature change; earlier that day, I'd been sunning on the beach, and now Mother Nature had invited Jack Frost over for a nightcap.
"How much did you have to drink?" Jesse asked Julie.
"She's had way too much," I answered for her. "I bet she'll puke all over the truck."
"Hey!" Julie said. "I can answer for myself." Her gaze turned to Jesse. "Mr. Gorgeous, Handsome Prince, I had lots of beers, a Long Island iced tea, beers, and some shots," she answered. "Oh, and there was this one bubbly purple thing the color of that dinosaur on the kids' show and-"
"Do you remember where the keys to your truck are?" he said, cutting her off before the confession could continue.
"Hmm. Maybe you'll have to frisk me, Officer McHottie," she said in a flirty tone.
I rolled my eyes, mouthed an apology to Jesse, then reached into her pocket and grabbed them. "They're right here."
"Hey!" she said. "I didn't want you to frisk me!"
"This isn't the time for games, Julie," I said. "We have to get out of here and back home."
"I'm freezing!" she retorted. "Who turned on the air?"
I reached in the back seat and handed her a blue sweater. "Wear this."
She put it on and smiled. "Mmm...so warm. Gosh, I'm so drunk. Thank you though."
Jesse helped my intoxicated new best friend into her pickup. She sat between us and laid her head on his shoulder, and when he glanced at me questioningly, all I could do was shrug and apologize again on behalf of my drunken friend.
"I guess she had a little too much to drink," I whispered.
"A little?" He laughed.
Julie tapped him. "Are you Prince Charming?" she asked.
"What?" he asked, turning the key in the ignition. "Because I helped bandage you up?"
"Are you the hot guy from the woods?" she asked. "The hero who saved Little Red Riding Taylor from the big, bad mountain lion?"
My cheeks blushed. "Julie!" I said.
Before he could answer, she continued, "You have black hair and eyes like that crayon. Taylor told me all about you."
My cheeks grew even hotter with embarrassment, and I suddenly wished with all my heart that my life had a rewind button.
"And Taylor was right," she continued. "Your eyes are gorgeous, like the sky."
I cleared my throat and glanced at him awkwardly. "You do have pretty eyes," I admitted.
He grinned back at me. "And so do you."
I couldn't stop grinning from the compliment as we sped along the road, until something jerked us forward.
"What the heck?" Julie said, stunned.
"Feels like we blew a tire," I said as we came to a jerky stop.
"That sucks," Julie slurred. "I don't have a spare."
"We can just walk," I said. "I don't think we're that far away."
Jesse shook his head. "Absolutely not. I'll call somebody." He flipped his phone open and began talking to one of his buddies.
"Julie," I said, "how are you feeling? Are you doing okay?"
"I'm fine. I forgot to tell you I drank a Long Island iced tea. Do you know how much liquor they put in those things?"
"Yeah, you told me already. How's your neck?"
"Fine, but that stupid vase nailed me real good. Wanna know the worst part though?"
"I didn't even get the blond's phone number. He was so hot."
Jesse cut in. "Trust me, you don't want that guy's number."
"Yes I do."
"He's way too dangerous."
"A bad boy, huh? I like that."
"Not a bad boy. He's a bad man-a real bad man-and like many of the guys back there, he's nothing but trouble," Jesse said. "You two had no business being at that party out in the middle of the woods with a bunch of older strangers."
"Yeah? Well, I guess we were lucky you were looking out for us," Julie said.
He smiled.
"So what can we do about the tire?" she asked.
"My friend's coming," Jesse said. "I'll wait outside for him. You two stay put."
"Why not stay in here with us?" I asked.
"Because I have to make sure the big, bad wolf doesn't come and eat you."
"Ooh. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!" Julie slurred.
I laughed as he slammed the door shut.
"He's cute," Julie said, "and funny too."
"Yeah, but if that party was so dangerous, what was he doing there?" I asked.
"Maybe he's just as dark and dangerous as they are," she said in a creepy voice. "Boo!" she said as she grabbed my arm.
I jumped and screamed, "Julie! Stop that!"
She began laughing like a crazy person. "Oh, man! You...Taylor, you shoulda seen your face! Priceless."
"Ha-ha. Very funny."
"I'm sorry the party didn't work out, but at least you found Prince Charming. Wasn't that the important thing?" She shot me a sly smile as she gave me a fist-bump.
Grinning, I bumped her back.
"Look at you, all lust at first sight for our bad boy."
"There's definitely a connection, but I don't think it's lust...and I don't think he's a bad boy."
"That's too bad. But anyway, it's obvious that you're attracted to him like there's no tomorrow."
I smiled and couldn't possibly deny it.
"You've got it for him big time, don't ya?"
"Yes," I admitted.
"Then why are you sitting in here talking to me when he's out there all by himself, glistening in the moonlight?"
"I'm sure girls throw themselves at him all the time. I don't wanna be like that."
"Going out there and saying hello would not be throwing yourself at him, unless you intend to take your top off while you do it," she said, then winked.
"Very funny," I said, then laughed again. "Okay."
She grinned as I hopped out of the truck.
Outside, Jesse was sitting in the truck bed, his gorgeous black locks blowing in the wind.
"Hey," I said.
"Need some company?" I asked.