"Frank!" She went to slug him, but he caught her hand and kissed it.
"Nice thought, but I'm talking about something completely different, like forgiving me and letting me back into your life." Snuggling closer, he said, "I'm sorry I never understood your research. I'm also sorry for all the awful things I've ever said. I'm an idiot."
"You insulted my research." She paused for effect.
"I'll make it up to you, I swear."
Frank's apology meant a lot, but she had other worries. "So Liz's is in Dornia. Let's work on a plan."
"What about my apology?"
"I accept it wholeheartedly, Frank." It was the second time a man had apologized to her that day, only Frank's meant much more to her than King Victor's. "How could I hold a grudge against you when you're here helping me find my sister? And yes, that apology is a good start." She reached up and threaded her hand through his thick hair.
Frank pulled her next to him, his face so close that she could feel his hot breath and his hammering heart. "I've been wanting to hold you since the second I saw you wearing that sexy Indiana Jones hat and camouflage," he said.
"I've been dying to run a hand through that gorgeous hair of yours from the moment I laid eyes on you at base camp. And you're right."
"About what?"
"It was awe when I first saw you, not fright."
"I knew it! You're crazy about me."
"Let's not get carried away now." When she touched his face, she knew every defense she'd built against him was starting to melt. He had to care about her, even if they hadn't seen eye to eye in the past. No man would dive deeper into some bizarre world they knew nothing about, especially while being placed on Tastia's most wanted list, just to rescue a girl unless he cared deeply for her. Closing her eyes, she let go as he captured her lips with a slow and gentle kiss. She felt the familiar flutter and wrapped her arms around him. She had to admit to herself that she had missed him. He didn't push any further, and she rested in his warm, comforting arms.
She tried to forget about everything, but the events of the day marched through her mind, making her tremble.
"Are you okay?" he asked.
Slowly, the words came out. "No, I'm not."
Stroking the side of her cheek, he whispered, "Everything's going to be fine."
"But what if it isn't?" she said.
"We have the ring. It's the answer to all of our problems."
"I don't think so. I have a feeling it's only the start of all our problems."
"No, it's our way out of here, babe," he said.
"But Mia said I'm bonded with this king."
"She's filling your head with crap she's been taught since birth, like some of those religious zealots try to do back home."
"I don't know what to think anymore." She took a deep breath. "We've actually seen Bigfoot for ourselves. We're not even in our own world. My sister's out there somewhere. I'm married to a real-live king. I'm wearing a ring that is a key to some mysterious portal. We're on the run. And last but not least, Mia told me that if you're royalty, you're an Immortal."
Moonlight pooled in through the cracks of hay piled above them. Sarah's eyes locked on Frank's magnetic gaze, quivering from his gentle touch as his fingers brushed her cheek.
"It's a lot to process, I know," he said. "The whole idea of another dimension is deeply, shockingly unlikely, but here we are. I mean, I'm blown away by all of it-maybe more than you are because I'm a skeptic by nature-but we're going to get through this."
Before she could respond, the king's voice burst through her thoughts. Come back to me. It disappeared as fast as it came. "Get out of my head!" she yelled, pressing her fingers against her temples. She sat up, droplets of sweat rolling down her forehead. Mia was right, for the king could clearly somehow jump inside her head. It was either that or she was going crazy from lack of food and water. Worst-case scenario, she was having a mental breakdown. She began to wonder where the men in white coats were, as she was just about ready for her straightjacket and her trip on the paddy wagon.
"What's wrong?" Frank asked. "I'm only trying to help."
She worried he'd think she was nuts, and she hoped she was just imagining it all based on what Mia had told her. "I swear I heard King Victor's voice in my head, begging me to come back."
"Whoa. That's weird. What did he say exactly?" he asked.
"You wouldn't even believe me if I told you, Mr. Skeptic."
"I'm trying to have an open mind here. Did I make fun of you? No, I didn't."
"Never mind. I'm stressed out right now. Let's not talk about this. I-I think I'm going to close my eyes for a little bit."
"Okay. You've been through a lot. Try and get some rest. Goodnight, babe," Frank said, turning the other way.
"Hey, Frank. I won't get mad if you decide to hold me-you know, just for tonight. Just remember it doesn't mean anything."
"It means absolutely nothing. I got it seared into my memory, just like the kiss that you so didn't slap me for."
"Just shut up and hold me," she whispered.
He wrapped his arms around her, and she closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep.
The ground thundered underneath pounding hooves, jolting Sarah out of her sleep. She shook Frank's arm. "Why are we moving so fast?" She moved one of the haystacks over and peeked out. She saw no trees, just the rising light of morning spilling through the clouds. She realized she must have slept all night.
The horses neighed and came to a stop in a meadow at the border of a towering forest. "We have a big problem," said Jules in a rushed tone.
Frank jumped off the wagon. "What's up?"
The king's voice rolled across Sarah's mind. Please stop running. You're going to get us both killed stepping into enemy territory. She reasoned that if he was so worried about getting killed, he shouldn't have his men chasing her into dangerous zones. He would have been safe and sound if he'd just stayed in his fancy castle. A picture sharpened into focus, and Sarah felt like she was up in a helicopter looking down; there were swirls of dust, knights, swords, crossbows, spears, and war-adorned horses. Millions stretched out across the land, thundering toward them. An icy chill ran through her, and panic ensued. "The king's men are close! He didn't just send a platoon. He sent his entire freaking army!"
"For one person? How do you know?" Jules asked.
"I saw a vision."
Frank shook his head. "Visions? How's that humanly possible?"
"I've been trying to outrun a few soldiers for an hour now through shortcuts. I didn't know he had his army after us." Jules took a breath, his voice frantic. "Our only choice is to take another short cut, through Shadow Forest. If we take the long way around, we'll be caught."
"Cut through the forest then," Sarah said. "They're coming! Legions of them!"
Jules looked at her like she'd said the most taboo thing in the world. "It is forbidden. If we get caught, we're dead. Then again, if the king's men catch us, we're dead anyway." He glanced away. "Either way, we're dead."
"We can't sit here and wait for the king's men to kill us," Frank said.
Sarah shot him a look. "Or steal this ring off my hand. We can't wait here like sitting ducks. I say we take our chances in the forest."
"You don't know what you're asking," Jules said. "Even the king's men won't follow us in there."
"Perfect," Sarah said.
Jules stepped back. "I'm not taking one step into those woods. Nobody-and I mean nobody-ever comes out alive."
"You said we'd be dead only if we get caught," said Frank. "We won't get caught if they won't follow us in."
"I'm not doing it." Jules ran a hand through his blond hair. "You two are crazy!"
No, crazy is sitting here and handing ourselves over on a silver platter to a bunch of psychopathic swordsmen. "Please take the chance, Jules, or I swear I'm going to knock you out and carry you over my shoulder into that forest."
"I won't be the cause of your death," Jules said. "The more I think about it, King Victor might kill Frank and me, but he won't kill you, as long as you beg him for mercy."
"Now's not the time to play martyr," Sarah hissed.
Jules threw his hands up. "You'll fare better with your husband than this forest. I can assure you of that."
"My fake husband. And remember, I deserted him on his wedding night," Sarah said. "Nobody does that. He'll make an example out of me."
Frank grabbed Jules's shoulder, shaking it furiously. "We don't have time for your superstitious bull crap. Give us two horses or I'm taking them!"
Hooves echoed off in the distance, and Sarah swallowed. "They're getting closer!"
"Take us in the woods, Jules," Frank demanded. "You're playing with our lives here, and this isn't a freaking game!"
Jules pivoted back, fear etched in his features. "You'll be slaughtered."
"By what?" Sarah asked, her eyes wide. "Tell us what we're up against."
"Magical beings," he answered. "They turn into different forms."
"Frank shot him an amused look. "Shape-shifters? How do you know they even exist if no one has ever made it out of there alive to tell the tale?"
"They're real!" said Jules.
"Nonsense!" Frank yelled. "Get these horses moving NOW!"
"He might have a point. Something in there is scaring these people." Sarah looked off into the distance; she could make out men heading toward them on horseback.
"Have you seen these 'shape shifters' with your own eyes?" Frank asked.
"No," Jules said. "Anyone who has ever lain eyes on them is dead."
Frank pointed toward the forest. "I'll take my chance with them."
He started to frantically unloosen the reins when Sarah grabbed his arm. "I'm not leaving Jules here to die."
"I'm not getting my head chopped off just because he's afraid of some stupid myth. That king's not laying one of his filthy fingers on you, Sarah!"
She glanced over her shoulder. Thousands of mounted soldiers thundered into the open field where they stood. A shiver slid up her spine, and she pointed toward the forest.
Arrows flew over their heads, and Sarah ducked behind the wagon.
"Forget the horses!" shouted Frank. "RUN!"
Chapter 8.
Sarah couldn't believe she had defied all reason and escaped the king's clutches. Thinking back, she doubted she could do it again a second time. Nevertheless, that was all the more reason to get moving and escape all the madness. The king's men were gaining on them, getting closer and closer. She took a steadying breath. It was like she had been thrown into some horror flick set in the Old West, minus the Indians and add the knights. She set her jaw and sprinted for the front of the wagon, dashing for the high seat and grabbing the reins all in one fluid moment that would have made any stunt double proud. "Come on! I can drive this thing." She hoped Jules would cooperate and hop onboard. If he doesn't, I'm gonna have to throw him in the wagon myself, she thought, determined to have things her way.
The horse neighed, ready to jump into motion. The cart rolled into gear, but it was way too slow. If the horse didn't speed up, they'd be back in a cell within minutes...or dead.
From the corner of her eye, she caught Jules waving his hands. "What!?" she yelled.
"Get off of there, you two!"
"Why?" She glared at him as if he was insane. Maybe he was sick and tired of running, but giving up without a fight wasn't her style. She started to yell but instead switched to a soft voice since yelling at him hadn't accomplished anything. What is that they always say? "It's easier to catch flies with honey than with vinegar"? Well, personally, I'd rather just swat him, but..."Jules, dear, you already said we're dead either way. Let's live for a few more hours, take the gamble. If not for yourself, then do so for Mia. Please? She doesn't want to see you die...and neither do I."
"Perhaps you're right. But you must move over. I'm driving," Jules said.
Sarah stifled her satisfied smile and crawled to the back of the wagon, adjusting her dress as she sat on top of the haystacks next to Frank. Somewhere in the distance, shouts echoed and dogs barked, and she knew their pursuers might be there within seconds. "Get a move-on, then, Jules," she muttered under her breath.
The agitated horses neighed and abruptly stopped, stomping their hooves. Jules snapped the reins. "Come on!"
But the horses didn't want any part of crossing the perimeter into the mysterious forest. Sarah had to wonder if they sensed something she couldn't. Glancing over her shoulder again, she gasped. Horsemen were less than 200 feet away, the sun glinting off of the polished metal of their armor. She could hear the troop leader call his men to arms. Their galloping hooves kicked up clouds of dust as they thundered along, just as it had in her vision. The dust made her eyes water. She ran a hand over her face, rubbing, but the friction only made it worse. "They're coming!" she shouted. "Get those horses moving!"
Jules gave a curt whistle and snapped the reins again. The horses snorted, and the wagon lurched forward. He tried to steer them into the forest, maneuvering through the giant ferns. "I hope you know you're ordering us to our doom!"
"No, Jules, doom is coming up behind us. I think the king's wrath is far worse than anything we're going to find in there," Frank reasoned.
Sarah glanced behind her and scanned for anybody following them. "Do you think they will follow us into the forest?"
"I don't think so," Frank said. "Look how scared Jules is-and even the horses. I think they'll respect the myth simply because they fear it. Walking into this forest is a death sentence, in their opinion anyway."
Sarah blinked as every detail along the forest's edge sharpened into focus: the feathery green of a fern, the uneven bark of a tree, even a tiny, six-legged insect scurrying across a red-veined leaf. Unless she had suddenly developed superhero vision, this couldn't be.
Sunlight shimmered through the towering trees, and a blanket of cold, damp fog surrounded them, sending goose-bumps up and down her shivering arms. The wagon bounced down the rocky path as the horses galloped on. Shivering, she pulled her hood up around her ears to keep warm.
Frank squeezed her hand and pulled her down into the haystacks. "No use getting yourself all worked up. I've learned a lot in my years of reporting, Sarah, and one of them is that magical beings don't exist."
"Like the Immortals?"