Survival Records Of 3650 Days In The Otherworld - 367 Alien Invasion 3

367 Alien Invasion 3



"This is…"

What they witnessed was a giant entrance.

"It wasn't so big when I found it, but I got bored and dug in. It was huge."

The giant gate was also very huge. It was as huge as a building. Joonb.u.m then stopped in one of the locations of the gate. Jinpok and Doral also seemed to be watching it. There was some damage where the gate and wall met.


Everyone thought of the same thing.

"Did you go in?"

"Yeah. Nothing's in there. It's all messed up because of the monsters that lived there. I did clean the place after I ate them, though."

Garent answered Graham's question.

"OH, and there are tons of doors inside too. But I didn't open any of them."

End of Chapter