Survival Records Of 3650 Days In The Otherworld - 305 Negotiation 1

305 Negotiation 1

"Humans! Betray! Lies!"

"Lies! Goblins! Attacked!"

"Kiiiek! Village!! Attacked!!"

Multiple attacks on goblin villages caused Keruk the Goblin Negotiator's att.i.tude to change. He became violent and angry.

"Hey! Keruk, we didn't betray you," Duvall answered calmly. Keruk became angrier and pointed at Duvall while shouting.

"Kiiek! Lies! Human lie! Attacked!"

"Hey, we never said we were going to stop attacking, did we? And my name is Duvall."


"Think about it. We said okay to negotiating, but we never said we would stop the attacks. If we don't finish negotiations, we have no choice but to continue the attacks. You're smart, so you should know this."


Keruk became shocked. It was what Duvall intended.

'There we go. He's bitten it.'

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The recent ambushes on the goblin villages were to force the goblin king's decision to change, and it sure had an effect as more goblins arrived to send new messages.

'How far they will go this time?'

"Human prisoners! Free! Give weapons!!"

"Bows. Swords. But that's it."

"Kiiiek! Want more! MORE!"

"I can give you liquor. Armor. Medicine."

"GUNS! Need GUNS!"

The negotiations kept dragging on. As time pa.s.sed, they were given food and liquor. Keruk began to drink like crazy.

"Kiiek! Good liquor! More liquor! More cigarette! More durans!"

"Oh! We need fields. Give us large fields so we can raise durans. Then we'll give durans every year."

"Good! Plains! To the sun setting place! Large plains! Take! Give duran!"

Keruk began to lose control as he got more drunk. It was time to finish the deal. Duvall came closer and whispered, "I'll give you guns. Guns so you can protect you and your king. Wouldn't that be enough?"

"Gun… GUNNNNNS!!! King and ME?"

"Yeah! Who cares about other goblins? Aren't you and the king the most important?"

"Kiieeek! How many? How many?!"

"10 rifles for the king's guards. And two pistols for you. How about it?"


"No. I asked my king to give this to you because I consider you a friend. If my king becomes angry, there will be more war."


Keruk then began to shake. It seemed that the thought of the human king made him shudder from fear.

"Yeah. Don't be too greedy. Keruk, you will get the guns. Send us those humans."

"Kieek… o-okay."


Duvall imperceptibly smiled, satisfied that he had finally finished negotiations.

"Kiiek! Deal! I will send good news!"

"Good. Keruk, I will also give precious liquor to you. Only the royals of our country drink it."

"Kiiek! Thank you, Dubaal! You want pretty girls?!"


"My daughter! Very pretty! Kieek! I give you!"

Duvall became dumbfounded. Keruk rolled his serpent-like eyes and continued, "Not enough? Good! More daughters! Young, but pretty too! All for you!"

"N-no… that won't be necessary…"

"NO! My present! Present to you!!"

Keruk shouted as he kept drinking. Duvall stared at Keruk who drank so much that he pa.s.sed out and thought—

'…Should I run away?'

End of Chapter