Survival Records Of 3650 Days In The Otherworld - 279 Beginning Of The Invasion Earth 4

279 Beginning Of The Invasion Earth 4

"Isn't it because of them?"

"No . The empire was ahead of its time even before them . But they helped speed it up . They helped advance many areas . The most interesting thing is their education . "


The middle-aged man nodded and looked at the people who came from the emperor's homeworld .

"Do you see him? Black hair, brown eyes . He's one of the people from the Emperor's homeworld . We will come across many of them . As far as I know, there are a huge number of them out there . "

People were confused by what he said, and so the middle-aged man lowered his voice and continued, "The emperor's homeworld has advanced technology . What do you think it will happen when we acquire those people? It would be impossible under normal circ.u.mstances, but this place is in chaos . What if we save those people?"



"Yes . People from other countries are trying to do that as well . "

"Those fools . I wondered why they joined the war . "

"Do you think the empire is too naïve to not think about the possibility?"

"No . There are eyes all over the place . "

"Oh . "

"We can't hide anything from Khalodian here . "

The merchants agreed with each other . They valued information above all, and it was Khalodian that held all the information in the world .

"Khalodian is a scary place . "

"Yes . But they are not tyrants . "

"Yes, that is fortunate . "

As the merchants continued discussing with each other, people walked out of the Gate and headed to their stations .

Joonb.u.m stopped as he heard a distant growl . He raised a hand as soldiers turned their weapons in that direction . Something shot up into the sky .

"Whoa . "

"It's big!"

Jinpok spat out in shock and Joonb.u.m was equally astonished . It was a weird animal he had never seen before on Earth .

"It's really huge . Since when did Earth have such a thing?"

It was a black bird with a wingspan of ten meters . One flap of its wings caused a gale as the bird screeched and flew away .

'So, Earth is a monster world now . It's good that we came here . What would've happened if all of those monsters pa.s.sed through the Gate into Khalodian?"

It was definitely fortunate for them . If those monster birds were to come through, there was no way to stop them with the defensive walls constructed around the Gate .

That was just a small issue, the bird was actually one of the smaller ones . There were some beasts that could be easily considered as dragons .


"Wow! Is that a dragon? How can it fly with such a body?"

Joonb.u.m knew about dinosaurs, but there was a dinosaur with large wings flying around .

"It defies physics . "

"Our scientists will be dying to dissect it . "

"Yeah . "

Joonb.u.m and Doral nodded . Then, they frowned .

"There was a reason why they wanted a dragon specimen . "

Jinpok cackled as he gleefully declared .

"It's coming . "

One of the Ainos pointed in a direction . It was right after the large dragon flew away . Tall gra.s.s shook from all sides . Earth without humans was full of plants all around .

"It's their territory . "

They were monsters called Amon . They had slitted mouths, long ears, elongated arms that were also used as legs, and thick hair all over their body . They looked like pre-human primates . They loved hunting humans .

"They look disgusting . "

They were very quick . After the empire cleaned out the territory of the Arachne, those monsters began to appear .

"Yeah . This area is in their lands," Jinpok mumbled . Scouts had already reported encountering these monsters a few times .

"There's about fifty of them . "

The Amon circled around Joonb.u.m's group and began to sniff the air . Joonb.u.m raised his hand up and dropped it .

"One o'clock!"

"Two at six o'clock!"

"Three at three!"

Rifles fired as the Amon screamed and began to run . But some that weren't shot charged at the troops .

"They're coming!"

"Kill them!"

A large spear penetrated an Amon and pinned it to the ground .

"Kill them at melee range!"

Joonb.u.m roared as he drew his sword . The troops fell back on their swords and s.h.i.+elds to fight the monsters .

End of Chapter