Survival Records Of 3650 Days In The Otherworld - Chapter 273

Chapter 273

"Power is like a monster in itself . How can you trust me?"

"You could've thrown me out a long time ago if you wanted to . Why would I not trust you?"

Joonb.u.m smiled and Jackson smiled back .

"You've got me . "

"But seriously, do you want this seat? You can have it if you want it . "

Jackson paled and shook his head .

"No thanks, Your Majesty . No one in their right mind will want to take that throne . I'll have insomnia worrying every day about the day I sit on that throne . "

"It's not that bad . "

"No, it is . "

Jackson then realized something and asked, "When did you last sleep?"


"Do you even remember the last time you slept?"

Joonb.u.m then realized what Jackson was trying to say .

"Oh, I probably slept for twenty minutes about two months ago?"

"Look! You spend twenty-four hours always doing something . Everyone knows that you are special in that you don't need sleep . "

"Right . "

Joonb.u.m answered as Jackson continued, "If I sit on that throne, people will compare me to you . Even if I sleep a bit more, I'll be known as the lazy emperor that sleeps all day . Ugh, I would never want that position, nor would anyone in their right mind . "

"Haha!" Joonb.u.m smiled, "Keep the empire safe . "

"Goodbye, Your Majesty . My hair will be covered white by the time you get back . "

"Yeah… . I guess so . "

People gathered around the parade . It was a day when millions of troops marched towards the mountain where the Gate was . The red Marauder leading them drove in front .

People shouted, chanted, and cheered . Tens of trucks played marching music as they drove past . It was the finale of the beginning of the war celebration . Joonb.u.m hated stuff like that but Jackson insisted on having a celebration to have people remember it for a long time .

It was going to be a ten-year-long memory . Jackson was right in his choice . He said that people in their right mind would not want the emperor's seat, but there were a lot of people who had crazy minds .

"Ugh, I don't like this," Joonb.u.m smiled as he commented .

"But it will serve as a warning to those who might become greedy . We can't leave our kids with our troubles . "

"Hmph! They should grow up rough, that will make them strong . They need to fight their own way out," Jinpok retorted grumpily .

"The first troops should have finished by now . "

Jinpok spoke as he reclined back on his seat in the Marauder .

"I received a report that they have secured the perimeter by the Gate . I think it was easier than we thought . However, we have pictures of destroyed buildings and plants blocking our way . "

He then showed a few pictures to Joonb.u.m .

"It's as Taesoo said . "

"Yeah . It really is a mess . I guess human civilization has no chance against natural disasters . "

The photos showed buildings that had collapsed or had sunken deep into the earth, and they were covered with trees and plants .

"However, we have a good chance . "

"Right," Joonb.u.m answered .

Jinpok then hesitantly opened up, "By the way, I heard that they have complaints relating to residence limitations and permits to exit the empire . "

Jinpok was talking about the people from Earth . It had been 10 years since they arrived and the Eepire had welcomed them with open arms . They were the ones with higher education and ample experience . They needed protection and help and the empire provided it to them in return for their knowledge .

However, as time pa.s.sed, they wanted more . There were some who wanted to move out of the empire .

"I heard that there are some who dream of becoming the 2nd Emperor or King . "

"Is that possible?"

"It should be . Humans can do such a thing . "

Jinpok mused and Joonb.u.m laughed .

"Well, we've got time . We'll see what happens when we return . "

Soon, they were out of the city walls . A path opened up before them as the troops parted . The Marauder's engine roared .

"Let's go!"

It was sunset by the time they arrived at the Gate .

"It's been a while . "

It was a sight that Joonb.u.m used to see every day . He remembered the past when he was mesmerized by its majestic nature .

'I used to love this view . '

Those were the days when he would look out at the view in astonishment . The days when the stars in the night sky were enough to get him excited . Those were the days of his youth .

'It has already been twenty years . '

End of Chapter