Survival Records Of 3650 Days In The Otherworld - Chapter 271

Chapter 271

The two men stood proud with vicious smiles .

"Yes . We'll finally have a chance for vengeance . "

The others who stood nearby also gave vicious grins .

"Hey, Hawk! Did you hear? We can finally avenge our mother!"

"Yes! And our friends!"

A large bell sounded, and a man's thick voice was broadcast from a speaker .

-We are now finished with the minimum required amount for the Demon World invasion . We thank you for your support and hard work . The emperor sends his royal family's special whiskey and highest grade wine as your reward . Also, we have food prepared for us by our Great Mother in the great hall . You can now stop work and come to the hall-

Everyone cheered in excitement . But it wasn't due to the food or drinks, or even the rewards .



People shouted with joy .

"Sir, everyone's excited . "

"Yes . It's the day that everyone has been waiting for . "

"Yes, sir . It's already been nine years . "

"Right . It has been a long wait . "

It had been a long wait indeed . After the Gate opened nine years ago, people fought hard against the monsters unleashed upon them . The empire was well prepared for monsters and kept its people safe and sound, but the other kingdoms weren't . They did not heed the empire's warnings and that resulted in their kingdoms left in ruins from the monster rampage .

The small towns and villages were abandoned by the n.o.bles and their kings and they were left to protect their own from the monsters running rampant . But they were helpless against the horrific monsters .

One of the men, Gilter, remembered his old town . On the first day, his father was taken away by the monsters while trying to protect his family . Hidden, they had to watch their father being ripped apart . And on the second day, his mother and sister were taken away . And on the third, his brothers were taken as playthings . They ran around while being hunted for a sport before they were eaten alive at the end .

The day after that, Gilter just stared at the dried-up blood on the ground . There were bits of flesh scattered around, which had been his family until a few days ago . He just stared dumbfoundedly .

'Monster . '

Monsters appeared just then . He had to hide, but he couldn't control his body . Death was upon him . It was then that a silver light shone . And as it shone, the young monster screamed in pain . There were more screams of pain, pain and anger mixed together . And moments later, he was jolted back to his senses from the screams of the monsters .

What made him do such a thing? What part of him allowed him to do this?

By the time he realized he had run toward a monster that was skewered full of arrows and pounded on its head with a rock . He managed to crush the head and monster stopped moving, but he kept on pounding on it . He could barely raise his hand but he still kept doing it .

-Wow, you're one heck of crazy b.a.s.t.a.r.d . Hey, how about you follow me? I'll give you a chance to be mad . There's a lot like you . -

As he looked up, a giant man was smiling down at him . He declared .

-I am Hallis . My father is famous for being a Mad Dog . As am I . -

The people that had gathered here were the survivors of the other kingdoms that the empire was able to rescue . It was natural for them to want revenge .

"Gilter, we should go . The whiskey will run out fast . "

Gilter then looked around at the almost empty factory and moved toward the hall .

Three years quickly pa.s.sed .

The Khalodian Empire focused heavily on preparations . What Jackson did first was to let the world know about the existence of the Demon World . They warned the world of the danger and its existence which shocked the entire world . The surviving people of the world had been through many dangers already . They quickly realized the danger that Khalodian shared and began helping prepare the empire for the invasion .

Soon, the Emperor of Khalodian, Joonb.u.m, declared a crusade to the Demon World . Many countries quickly agreed to join .

The three years pa.s.sed quickly . It was the best days of the world without the danger of monsters, and it grew quicker than ever before .

End of Chapter