Survival Records Of 3650 Days In The Otherworld - 344 Beginning Of New Beginning 2

344 Beginning Of New Beginning 2

Taesoo nodded. This world was surely very huge. He had found out that there were still many unexplored areas in this world.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Chulmin asked as everyone turned to Taesoo. They all knew what Chulmin had asked.

"And what does everyone think?"

Taesoo looked around at everyone. Some were confused, while others were surprised.

"I think we should go back."

An older man, who seemed to be around the same age as Taesoo, spoke up.

'Doctor Chulhee.'

"We should be prepared and go back once the Gate reopens."

Taesoo saw determination in Chulhee's eyes.

'I believe he will want to return for sure.'

Doctor Lee Chulhee had family beyond the gate. His wife and five children were hiding in Incheon when they pa.s.sed. No one was sure about what had happened as ten years had pa.s.sed, but it wasn't hard to understand why Chulhee wanted to go back.

"We should go. We can fight back now."

"They will be waiting for us."

"We must go."

"He's right! We are prepared! Emperor Joonb.u.m will also…"

"No, I object."

Someone shouted an objection, and the atmosphere turned cold. Some frowned and became angered, but others seemed to agree with the objection.

"I-I don't think we should go either."

"We should not go across the Gate!"

People started shouting.

"W-what are you talking about? This isn't Earth! This is not our home!"

"No. Earth is the place where we were born and I wish we were back home, but we can't put our lives at risk just for that. I do not want to return, I do not… want to live in fear. In hunger. With death all around us. I… I do not wish to return."

The woman, Lee Jungmi, began to cry as she finished. And the heated air quickly died down. Everyone knew what she was talking about. This world was heaven for them after all.

End of Chapter