Surnames as a Science - Part 23

Part 23

_Dill, till, bonus._

A.S. Dilla, Tilla, in Dillingas and Tillingas--O.G. Dilli, Tilli, Thilo; Tilli, _Lib. Vit._; Dill, Tilly, Tille, _Hund. Rolls_--Eng. _Dill_, _Dilley_, _Dillow_, _Till_, _Tilley_--Germ. _Dill_, _Till_, _Tilo_--Fr.

_Dilly_, _Dille_, _Tilly_, _Tille_--Ital. _Tilli_.

Ending in _ec_, probably diminutive.

A.S. Tilluc--Eng. _Dillick_, _Dilke_, _Tillick_, _Tilke_--Fr. _Dilhac_.


Eng. _Tilling_--Germ. _Dilling_.

Ending in _en_, p. 27.

Tilne, _Lib. Vit._--Eng. _Dillon_--Germ. _Dillen_--Fr. _Dillon_, _Tillon_.


(_Fred_, peace), Tilfred, _Lib. Vit._--Eng. _Tilford_. (_Gar_, spear), A.S. Tilgar--Dilker, _Hund. Rolls_--Eng. _Dilger_, _Dillicar_. (_Had_, var), Tilhaed, _Lib. Vit._--Eng. _Tillott_--Fr. _Dillet_, _Tillot_.

(_Man_, vir), A.S. Tillman--Tilmon, _Lib. Vit._--Tileman, _Hund.

Rolls_--Eng. _Dillman_, _Tillman_, _Tileman_--Germ. _Dillemann_, _Tilmann_--Dutch. _Tillemans_--Fr. _Tilman_. (_Mar_, famous), O.G.

Tilemir--Eng. _Dillimore_. (_Mund_, protection), A.S. Tilmund--Fr.

_Tilmant_. (_Wine_, friend), Tiluini, _Lib. Vit._--Eng. _Dillwyn_.

(_Her_, _heri_, warrior), A.S. Tilhere (Bishop of Worcester)--Eng.

_Diller_, _Tiller_, _Tillier_--Fr. _Dillery_, _Tillier_.

The following stem may be taken to be from A.S. _hyge_; O.H.G. _hugu_, mind, thought; A.S. _hogian_, to study, meditate. The form _hig_, which seems to be more particularly Saxon, intermixes considerably in the English names.

Hig, hog, hug, _thought_, _study_.

A.S. Hig, Hicca, Hocg--O.G. Hugo, Hug, Huc, Hughi, Hogo--Eng. _Hugo_, _Hug_, _Hugh_, _Huie_, _Huck_, _Hogg_, _Hodge_, _Hoe_, _Hick_, _Hickie_--Germ. _Huge_, _Hugo_, _Hucke_, _Hoge_--Fr. _Hugo_, _Huge_, _Hug_, _Huc_, _Hue_, _Hua_--Ital. _Ugo_.

Ending in _el_, probably diminutive.

A.S. Hicel--O.G. Hugila, Huckili--Eng. _Hugall_, _Huckell_, _Whewell_, _Hickley_--Germ. _Hugel_--Fr. _Hugla_, _Huel_--Ital. _Ugh.e.l.li_.

Ending in _lin_, probably diminutive.

A.S. Hugelin (Chamberlain to Edward the Confessor)--Hugelinus, _Domesday_--Hueline, _Lib. Vit._--Eng. _Huelin, Hicklin_--Fr. _Huguelin, Higlin_--Ital. _Ugolino_.

Ending in _et_, probably diminutive.

A.S. Hocget--O.G. Huetus, thirteenth century--Hueta, _Domesday_--Eng.

_Huggett, Howitt, Hewitt_--Fr. _Hugot, Huet_--Ital. _Ughetti_.

Ending in _es_, probably diminutive.

O.G. Hugizo--Eng. _Hughes, Hewish, Hodges_--Fr. _Hugues_.

_Kin_, diminutive.

Hogcin, _Lib. Vit._--Eng. _Hodgkin_.

Ending in _en_, p. 27.

A.S. Hyeken--Hygine, _Lib. Vit._--Eng. _Hoggin, Hucken, Higgen_--Fr.

_Hugan, Hogan, Huan, Hoin, Hienne_.


(_Bald_, fortis), A.S. Higbald (Bishop of Lindisfarne), Hibald--O.G.

Hugibald, Hubald--Eng. _Hibble, Hubble_--Fr. _Hubault_--Ital. _Ubaldo_, _Ubald_(_ini_). (_Bert_, famous), A.S. Higbert (Bishop of Worcester)--O.G. Hugubert, Hubert--Eng. _Hibbert, Hubbard_--Germ.

_Hubert_--Fr. _Hubert_. (_Hard_, fortis), O.G. Hugihart, Hugard--Eng.

_Huggard, Heward_--Fr. _Hugard, Huard, Huart_. (_Laic_, play), A.S.

Hygelac--O.G. Hugilaih--O.N. Hugleikr--Eng. _Hillock, Hullock_--Fr.

_Hulek_. (_Lat_, terrible,?), Hugolot, _Lib. Vit._--Eng. _Hewlet, Higlet_. (_Lind_, mild), O.G. Hugilind--Eng. _Hewland_. (_Man_, vir), A.S. Hiccemann--Eng. _Hugman, Hughman, Human, Higman, Hickman_--Germ.

_Hieckmann_--Fr. _Humann_. (_Mot_, courage), O.G. Hugimot--Eng.

_Hickmot_. (_Mar_, famous), A.S. Hykemer--O.G. Hugimar--Eng. _Hogmire, Homer, Highmore_. (_Wald_, power), O.G. Hugold--Fr. _Huault_. Perhaps also, from _noth_, bold, though I do not find an ancient name to correspond--Eng. _Hignett_, and Fr. _Hugnot, Hognet_.

I will take for the last example the stem _magin, main_; A.S. _maegin_, strength, force; Eng. _main_, which is rather better represented in French names than in English. There are names, Maia.n.u.s and Meinus on Roman pottery, which might, however, be either German or Celtic.

O.G. Magan, Main--Main, _Lib. Vit._--Eng. _Magnay, Mayne_--Germ.

_Mehne_--Fr. _Magne, Magney_--Ital. _Magini_.


(Bald, fortis), O.G. Meginbold--Fr. _Magnabal_. (_Burg_, protection), O.G. Meginburg--Fr. _Mainbourg_. (_Frid_, peace), O.G. Maginfrid--Fr.

_Mainfroy_. (_Gald_, value), O.G. Megingald--Fr. _Maingault_. (_Ger_, spear), O.G. Meginger--Eng. _Manger_. (_Gaud_, Goth), O.G. Megingaud Fr.

_Maingot_. (_Had_, war), O.G. Magenad--Fr. _Maginot_--(_Hard_, fortis), O.G. Maginhard, Mainard--Eng. _Maynard_--Germ. _Meinert_--Fr. _Magnard, Maynard_--Ital. _Mainardi_--(_Hari_, warrior), O.G. Maganhar, Mayner--Germ. _Meiner_--Fr. _Magnier, Maynier_--Ital. _Maineri_.

Perhaps also to this stem (with _nant_, daring) we may put Magnentius, the name of a German who usurped the imperial purple and was slain A.D.

353, also the Fr. _Magnan_ and _Maignan_.

These three stems, in one of which the Anglo-Saxon predominates, and in another the Frankish or High German, while in a third there are two parallel forms, Anglo-Saxon and Frankish, running side by side, may be taken as fairly representative of the system upon which Teutonic names are formed.