Supreme Tamer - Chapter 257: Chapter 136: Sealed Pet, Self-Destruction

Chapter 257: Chapter 136: Sealed Pet, Self-Destruction

Chapter 257: Chapter 136: Sealed Pet, Self-Destruction

Translator: 549690339

Why are you still here? Chu Yue glanced back at the stunned Chu Jia, frowning slightly.

Chu Jia noticed Chu Yues frown, and his face also changed slightly. He immediately picked up his pace to catch up with Chu Yue, looking at Chu Yues expression with lingering fear.

Chu Jia knew his brother very well. Chu Yue would never act so magnanimous after experiencing such a humiliating event

Sure enough, as Chu Yue left the mountain peak battlefield, his facial expression immediately collapsed, his eyes became cold, and even the corners of his mouth twitched.

Big brother Chu Jia followed cautiously and asked hesitantly.

Hmph, do you think I really want to let him join our Great Chu n.o.ble Family? Chu Yue snorted coldly.

Then why did you let him join as an external expert? Chu Jia asked in confusion. According to Chu Yues personality, if he lost in a compet.i.tion, he would definitely make up for it in other ways.

Kill all his soul pets! Chu Yue said with a cold look on his face.

Chu Yue underestimated Chu Mus strength, leading to the extremely humiliating scene just now, forcing him to display that unsightly att.i.tude and act as if he had high hopes for this guy.

Chu Yue was not the kind of person with a broad mind. Since his own soul pets couldnt defeat Chu Mus three, he would have a real compet.i.tion and naturally take care of Chu Mus soul pets!

Also, stop thinking about Chu Qian. Chu Yue reminded Chu Jia.

Big brother, its not easy for me Chu Jia knew what Chu Yue was planning from his expression and wore a pitiful look on his face.

You fool, youre already engaged to the Jia Familys young miss. If anything unpleasant happens, this matter will be ruined. Father will definitely skin you alive. You better behave yourself before everything is settled! Chu Yue said.

Since Chu Yue said so, Chu Jia didnt dare to disobey him, but he had already silently cursed this equally lascivious guy several times in his heart.

I never thought youd be so capable Chu Qian carefully looked at Chu Mu, suddenly feeling that Chu Mu was much more handsome and even exuded a touch of mystery.

Chu Qian was also overjoyed. That pair of clear eyes had changed significantly when looking at Chu Mu. It was hard to imagine that the Chu Mu, who had almost failed to become a soul pet master, was now so powerful.

Chu Mu was not even twenty years old and hadnt spent much time training soul pets. If given a few more years, he would definitely become even stronger

Lets go back. Chu Mu glanced at Chu Qian and spoke indifferently.

In fact, Chu Mu didnt think Chu Yues strength was very strong. It was evident from the fact that his Seventh Rank Purple Forest Net hadnt launched a single skill just now that he wasnt in perfect control of his soul pets. As for being regarded as a top expert on par with himself, it was clear that Chu Qians praise contained some flattery.

On the way back to the courtyard, Chu Qian and Chu Qians questions never stopped, especially Chu Qians previous disdainful att.i.tude was gone, and she inquired about how Chu Mu could train the Ice-Feathered Spirit to such an extent.

A six-rank, seventh-stage Ice-Feathered Spirit unleas.h.i.+ng techniques close to eighth-level power is extremely rare. Chu Qian herself has an Ice-Feathered

Spirit that has reached rank seven, but its combat power is not even half of Chu Mus Ice-Feathered Spirit.

How did you make the Ice-Feathered Spirit comprehend the Xuan Crystal? Chu Qian was extremely curious about Chu Mus Ice-Feathered Spirit and asked directly.

If an Ice-Feathered Spirit possesses a high ice element talent and comprehends the Xuan Crystal, it would be equivalent to a high-ranking commander-level Xuan Crystal Ice Spirit. Therefore, if there is a way for the Ice-Feathered Spirit to comprehend the Xuan Crystal, its combat power would definitely increase significantly.

Xuan Crystal Soul Orb Chu Mu simply answered.

Huh? A Xuan Crystal Soul Orb costs nearly 5 million gold coins! Where did you get that much money? Chu Qian asked in surprise.

Explaining this matter would be complicated, so Chu Mu didnt go into detail, but changed the topic and asked about the affairs of the Chu Family contest.

The Chu Family Contest is an annual clan contest in which all family members partic.i.p.ate. It is mostly teachers who, as factions, battle each other. Each teacher will send out two members to fight against the two young members of other factions and compete for rankings. The winners can obtain generous rewards, and the respective factions teacher will also receive more resources, Chu Qian explained enthusiastically as soon as Chu Mu asked.

This time, due to the visit from the Little Princess of the Nightmare Demon Palace, we originally planned to postpone the contest. However, it was clear that the Little Princess came here to exchange pointers with the experts of our Chu Family, so the Family Head decided to let her form a faction of her own and partic.i.p.ate in this clan contest.

Oh, who will the Little Princess be sending to compete in the compet.i.tion? Chu Mu asked right away.

That hasnt been decided yet. Surely, someone named Chu Mu will partic.i.p.ate, but as for the other person, it doesnt seem to have been determined yet, or perhaps the news has not yet reached us. In a few days, we should know, Chu Qian said.

What are the rewards? Chu Mu asked. It was obvious that Chu Mu was more interested in the awards since he was in need of money.

For the top three, there are rewards valued over 5 million gold coins, such as Soul Armor, Soul Pets, or Spirit Items. The next seven ranks have rewards valued over 3 million gold coins. Among the top twelve rankings, rewards are worth more than 2 million gold coins, and the top twenty have treasures worth more than 1 million gold coins. These rewards are given directly to the winning team, and if they win, the members can also receive a considerable reward from their teachers.

The generous rewards of the Great Chu n.o.ble Family are indeed extravagant. Only with nearly 10 million funding and Chu Mus own talent and hard work, his powerful Ice-Feathered Spirit was created. As long as he gets into the top three, the huge funds available would be enough to build a powerful Soul Pet that is not too far behind his Ice -Feathered Spirit.

The 5 million gold coin rewards are not a small temptation for Chu Mu, so naturally, he has to seriously consider whether or not to partic.i.p.ate in this compet.i.tion.

When Chu Mu returned to Chu Qians courtyard, he had been questioned too much by Chu Qian, so he made an excuse that he was tired and returned to his room.

As usual, Chu Mu fed half of his soul power to the White Nightmare Demon and began to meditate and cultivate.

At the dead of night, the Fox Elder, who went to find Chu Mu a backer, returned with a short and wobbly body.

Young Master, I brought an old man for you, Fox Elder said, waving his short arm.

This must be the Young Master, indeed! Handsome and n.o.ble-looking, with the bearing of an aristocrat. This old man didnt know you were coming, please forgive me, Chu Mu didnt have time to react, but heard a strange voice right away.

Chu Mu released his soul sense and discovered that at the corner of his rooms shadow, an old man with goat-like beards had appeared unknowingly.

Who are you? Chu Mu asked with slight confusion, staring at the old man. This old man was able to enter his room without being noticed and must have been quite powerful. It was even possible that, due to possessing Charming Skills like himself, he merged his aura with that of some night-walking Soul Pet, making his movements as elusive as certain demon spirits.

I am one of the seven figures of the Soul Hall, Linyin Drawing, from the Great

Chu n.o.ble Family, and serve as one of the four great elders in the Great Chu n.o.ble Family. The young master can call me Elder Tu. The self-proclaimed Elder Tu said with a kind expression.

Chu Mu wasnt very familiar with the positions in the Soul Hall and didnt know what the so-called seven figures represented. However, he was surprised that this elder was from the Great Chu n.o.ble Family.

In a large family like the Great Chu n.o.ble Family, there are the family head and the second in command under them, followed by the elders, and below them, the clan teachers who lead disciples in cultivation within the family.

That is to say, the position of an elder of the Great Chu n.o.ble Family is even higher than that of Chu Qians teacher.

Young master, have you come here to find your father? Elder Tu asked.

Chu Mu was just about to ask that question when Elder Tu took the initiative to ask. Chu Mu immediately looked at Fox Elder and asked with his Soul Sense, Can we trust this old man?

Yes, in fact, this old man is your fathers close friend. He is the only one in the Great Chu n.o.ble Family who will stand up for your father. But as you know, the Great Chu n.o.ble Family is not ruled by this old man alone, especially in recent years; he has gradually become isolated and somewhat weak Fox Elder replied.

Chu Mu nodded, Since he is a close friend of my father, I should also call him

Big Uncle.

I dont deserve it, I dont deserve it. The old man immediately showed an awkward expression.

Young master, dont be polite with this old man. Although the seven figures of the Soul Hall are not in the same faction as Venerate Her Highness, her position is much higher than his. Its only right for him to call you young master. As for the friends.h.i.+p between your father and him, it was from many years ago Fox Elder said with an indifferent look, still holding the Soul Hall Order in his hand.

Chu Mu was also eager to know about his father, so he didnt hesitate to ask immediately.

Chu Tianmang lived up to his name, like the radiance of heavenly dew. He can be considered a legendary figure of our Great Chu n.o.ble Family. Initially, due to factional disputes, Chu Tianmang was marginalized to a side branch of the Great Chu n.o.ble Family. If I remember correctly, he followed a branch and migrated to Gangluo City in Luo region

Chu Mu listened very carefully to some of the stories about his father.

What surprised Chu Mu was that his father was actually the third son of the current family head of the Great Chu n.o.ble Family. Due to his mothers low status, he was squeezed out of the Great Chu n.o.ble Family and wandered outside.

At that time, Chu Tianmang was very young. As he grew older, he gradually showed an amazing talent for being a Soul Pet Master. After years of training, he returned to the Great Chu n.o.ble Family and defeated all the young masters in one fell swoop!

Chu Tianmang held a grudge against the Great Chu n.o.ble Family. After clas.h.i.+ng with the family head over a certain matter, he severed ties with the family head in anger, swearing never to set foot in the Great Chu n.o.ble Family in the Wogu Domain again. He then left the Western World alone to travel around.

Neither Fox Elder nor Elder Tu talked about Chu Tianmangs affairs outside the Western World. Both Fox Elder and Elder Tu stated that in fact, many people didnt even know what crime Chu Tianmang had committed, or how he had angered the Soul Alliance Master, causing his Soul Pets to be sealed by the Soul Alliance and a ban issued.

Afterward, Chu Tianmang transformed into Chu Tiancheng, living an ordinary life as a Soul Pet Master for a small family. Perhaps he was tired of his previous life, but Chu Tianmang didnt mind this kind of life, and instead felt at ease and comfortable with the simplicity.

It wasnt until Chu Mu was targeted and taken away by someone that Chu Tianmang became angry and began looking for ways to escape the Soul Alliances surveillance.

So youre saying, my father came to the Great Chu n.o.ble Family to free himself from the control of the Soul Alliance? Chu Mu asked.

Yes, he is a man who keeps his word. If he says he wont set foot in the Great Chu n.o.ble Family, then he wont Elder Tu said.

How did he escape then, and why havent I sensed the presence of any Soul Alliance members? Chu Mu asked.

Young Master, you are quite clever now, but there are many experts whose existence you may not be able to detect. Also, sometimes its not humans

keeping an eye on Chu Tianmang, but rather soul pets ot some powerful experts Elder Tu said.

Well, actually, his anger is not just for that reason. Elder Tu suddenly sighed and continued speaking.

Chu Mu looked at the wrinkled face of Elder Tu and could tell from his expression that his fathers matters were far from simple.

Stop sighing and just say it. The Fox Elder showed an impatient expression.

Elder Tu didnt bother with the animal and spoke after a long pause, Young

Master, you probably dont know the meaning of being sealed, do you? Chu Mu shook his head. He indeed didnt understand the concept of being sealed.

Sealing is forcibly binding the soul pets a Soul Pet Master has summoned. This is similar to a soul pet fleeing its masters control, except that the soul pet hasnt fled but has been sealed away in a heavily guarded place. This prevents the soul pet from returning to its masters side, which severely limits the power of the Soul Pet Master. Elder Tu explained.

Chu Mu was stunned and couldnt believe that his fathers situation was almost identical to his own. This meant that his fathers soul had been completely occupied and couldnt be summoned.

Chu Tianmang had four main pets. One of them died during the struggle with the Soul Alliance, the other three were sealed, and all the other soul pets had their soul contracts removed. Elder Tu said with a heavy tone!

Four main pets, one dead, three sealed, and all the others have had their soul contracts removed!

This brief sentence sent shockwaves through Chu Mus heart!

Chu Mu had experienced a soul pet fleeing and the pain of severing a soul contract. He understood the heart-wrenching pain of a soul shattering. Just thinking about these words in relation to Chu Tianmang, how could his heart remain calm!

It can be said that when he returned to Gangluo City, his soul was in tatters and would take more than a decade to recover. Elder Tu continued.

That still isnt what made him most furious. The event that truly enraged him only happened recently.

What happened? From Elder Tus increasingly serious expression, Chu Mu could faintly guess that this incident might have been what caused Chu Tianmangs anger to rise and led him back onto the path of soul pets.

Although Chu Tianmangs three main pets were sealed, they could still sense their masters emotions. In order to help Chu Tianmang stand up again, the three main pets that had grown up together with Chu Tianmangsanctioned their own destruction while being sealed in the tower

Sealed soul pets, self-destruct!

Upon hearing these words, Chu Mu felt his soul trembling violently!

(This chapter is a bit longer- (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation tickets and monthly tickets at Qidian ().Your support is my greatest motivation..)