Supreme Crazy Wife - Chapter 612 - The Unlucky Patriarch of the Wu Family (1)

Chapter 612 - The Unlucky Patriarch of the Wu Family (1)

Chapter 612: The Unlucky Patriarch of the Wu Family (1)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Xueer, lets go in and see Wu Qianer! the freak said impatiently. Hehe, he also wanted to add something to that annoying woman after hearing Xueers plan.

Okay. Leng Ruoxue nodded. The three of them and the two beasts walked into the Fallen Plum Garden with evil smiles on their faces.

At this moment, the Fallen Plum Garden was abnormally quiet. The guards and maidservants in the yard didnt dare to make too much noise when they did things because Wu Qianers injuries had healed, so as to not affect the young miss rest.

Master, the guard guarding the door should be that womans room, Feng Zhan said after sensing with his divine sense.

Okay, lets go take a look. Leng Ruoxue nodded.

After speaking, the three of them and the two beasts walked toward the room. Leng Ruoxue saw Wu Qianer sleeping on the bed through the window. She was only covered with a thin blanket, and her two snow-white arms were exposed

Freak, what are you doing? Leng Ruoxue unintentionally turned her head and saw the freak throwing trash into Wu Qianers room, so she couldnt help asking.

Nothing! Hehe, Im just adding some material to her. Xueer, lets go! The freak clapped his hands gently. The mission was completed, so when should we leave if not now!

Oh, Empty, what did you throw? Leng Ruoxue couldnt help asking speechlessly when she saw Empty throw a white pill into Wu Qianers room.

Ill add something for her too! Empty said self-righteously. Uh! Xueer and that damn freak had tampered with it. How embarrassing would it be if he didnt do anything!

Uh! Lets go! Leng Ruoxue helplessly pulled the two of them away. Well, she felt a little pity for Wu Qianer now. She didnt know what the freak and Empty were made of.

Xueer, where are we going? Empty couldnt help asking.

Lets go back to sleep! Leng Ruoxue said after some thought. She planned to stay in the Guan Yue family until the opening of the flower appreciation festival. Hehe, so how could she finish circling this place in one night!

Xueer, we havent gone there yet! Empty pointed at the northernmost corner of the main mansion.

Lets go tomorrow. Im sleepy if I go back to sleep now! Leng Ruoxue said and deliberately yawned to prove her words.

Okay. The freak and Empty nodded. Then the three of them and the two beasts returned to the abandoned side yard where they lived.

After entering the yard, the three of them found Feng Da and the guards sleeping soundly, so they gently passed them and returned to their rooms.

After entering the room, Leng Ruoxue brought the freak and Empty into the bracelet with a thought.

Grandpa, youre not asleep yet? Leng Ruoxue saw her grandfather and brother sitting on the stone chairs in front of the purple bamboo house, drinking tea and chatting as soon as she entered the bracelet.

Xueer, we cant sleep! Leng Qingtian looked at his granddaughter.

Uh! Leng Ruoxue was slightly stunned. Could it be that her grandfather and brother had insomnia?

Haha, Xueer, Grandpa and I arent sleepy yet! Leng Ruohan couldnt help laughing when he saw his sisters slightly stunned expression.

Grandpa, are you missing Grandpa Lin and the others? Leng Ruoxue asked in realization. Alas! Grandpa had been with them for a long time, but he was the only one coming out of seclusion now. It was inevitable that she was a little uncomfortable. After all, no one bickered anymore!

Yes, I dont know when those old things will come out of seclusion. Leng Qingtian didnt intend to hide it from his granddaughter lest she worry.

Grandpa, Grandpa Lin and the old man should be here soon. Im afraid the others will have to wait for a while. Leng Ruoxue contacted Qing Jue in her heart and asked about Grandpa Lin and the others recent situation. Then she said to Leng Qingtian.

Yes, I think so too. Leng Qingtian nodded.

Haha, Grandpa, when Grandpa Lin and the old man come out of seclusion and see that you are already a Mystic Monarch, they will definitely be jealous of you, Leng Ruoxue reminded. In fact, it was good to have those old men bicker every day.

Yes, Xueer, dont remind them of the existence of the Silver Snow Pill. I want them to be jealous for a few days too, hehe! Leng Qingtian said with a naughty smile. He couldnt help wanting to laugh whenever he thought about those old fellows seeing his cultivation level after coming out of seclusion.

Okay. Leng Ruoxue nodded and couldnt help but sigh in her heart. Alas! Grandpa was becoming more and more like a child.

Xueer, what do you intend to do with the Wu family and the Guan Yue family? Leng Qingtian couldnt help asking when he thought of their current location.

Grandpa, the Wu family will definitely not let us go. As for the Guan Yue family, they dont seem to care about us, so Im not sure if the Guan Yue family will become our true enemy now. However, we still have to teach the Guan Yue family a lesson, Leng Ruoxue explained. Hmph! How dare they chase them out of the inn. It would not be her style to let it go like this.

Xueer, do you have any good plans now? Do you need Grandpas cooperation? Leng Qingtian asked expectantly. Boohoo He wanted to do something to exercise.

Theres already a plan, but it wont start until after the flower viewing convention begins, so Grandpa, wait patiently for two more days! Leng Ruoxue comforted. The flower appreciation festival was about to begin in two days, so she wouldnt attack for the time being.

Okay, okay. If theres anything you need Grandpas cooperation with, just tell me! Grandpa should move his old bones. Leng Qingtian reminded again, afraid that his granddaughter would forget him.

Haha, Grandpa, dont worry. If theres anything fun, you and Big Brother will have a share, Leng Ruoxue promised. Alas! It seemed like Grandpa was really bored.

Yes, yes. Its good that you know. Leng Qingtian nodded with satisfaction.

Grandpa, its getting late. Go and rest! Leng Ruoxue looked at the time and urged.

Okay, Xueer, rest early too! Leng Qingtian and his granddaughter stood up and said to Leng Ruoxue.

Okay. Leng Ruoxue nodded. After watching her grandfather and elder brother return to their room, she greeted Empty and pulled the freak into the purple bamboo hut

The next morning.

Leng Ruoxue left the bracelet with the freak and saw that Feng Da and the others had woken up after exiting the room.