Super Urban Master - Chapter 254 Long Yubai Lost An Arm: The End Of The Dragon Group

Chapter 254 Long Yubai Lost An Arm: The End Of The Dragon Group

The clas.h.i.+ng of two weapons should have produced a metalistic sound like "Dang". But it was soon gone with a deafening boom.

Long Yubai fell from the arena as it collapsed with a "boom” and was buried in the debris.

Meanwhile, with a "siii" sound behind Qin Hao, he felt a sharp pain in his back, and it was Shadow's soft sword producing a wound.

"You want to die!"

Qin Hao roared with anger and dashed to her with a red light, while she was coming down.


The scarlet saber was right on the dark shadow, which was broken into pieces and disappeared without a sound.

Qin Hao knew what this woman could do and was very cautious. He pulled his saber and set it on a falling but not yet fallen pillar. He used his Spirit Sense to scan around and was watching everything around him carefully.

The clothes on his back were ripped, and a long wound that could be clearly seen appeared.

Fortunately, he had the skill of Skin Refining, and his high falling speed made Shadow's attack distance longer, so he was not badly hurt. Otherwise, he could have been killed.

There was a breeze, but he didn't feel anyone's presence.

According to his past experience, Shadow's weird tricks could hide from his Spirit Sense, and he could only detect her when she was within a few meters. So he was focusing on things within a few meters.

But he didn't find Shadow. She was smart and was more than a few meters away to hide from him.

But Qin Hao somehow felt unrest, as if the shadow was nearby. He felt a bit creepy. Why was that?

Soon, he knew why.

The cold wind from the back of his head shocked him a lot. He didn't think and used Phantom Cloud Trace right away and disappeared from there. But he could hear his clothes being ripped. He was fast enough and did not get hurt this time.

Qin Hao was sweating from shock. He realized Shadow had overcome her difficulties and was really invisible. Even if he had Spirit Sense, it wouldn't help.

They had created a battle where one was attacking openly while the other was hiding.

How could someone be so invisible that she could even hide from Spirit Sense? It was nonsense.

What could he do?

Be calm. He had to be calm. Whatever kind of powerful method it was, she had to move and then she would leave traces behind. He had to be calm enough to find them and feel them. Otherwise, he would be beaten up, and even killed.

Qin Hao held his saber tightly and closed his eyes. He was feeling every tiny thing around him.

The breeze around him was like flowing water and was on track to a certain direction. If the speed or direction changed, it would not change all of a sudden. There must be some gradual changes that humans could feel.

And at that moment, the air was flowing in one direction as if a speedy fish was creating waves in a calm river.


Qin Hao said the word without hesitation and attacked the air with a change in its flow.


A sword from mid-air appeared and was clas.h.i.+ng with the Scarlet Blood Saber. With some clanging, Shadow also appeared as she could no longer hide.

"You, you know where I am?" Shadow jumped back a bit and looked at Qin Hao with shock. He was too invincible. Even her killer trick did not work. The tip of her sword was also gone due to the clas.h.i.+ng with the saber.

And now, it seemed that she could not handle Qin Hao.

"Do whatever you can." Qin Hao's eyes were dark and cold, fixed on the dark shadow with the Qi of death.

Shadow knew this boy's abilities and skills were far beyond hers. He was stronger than the last time. She didn't realize he had levelled up a bit in a single night. She thought he hadn't given all he had when they fought last time.

It was impossible to clear her name, and she could only fight him with Long Yubai, otherwise, she would die. Judging from his expression, Qin Hao would not spare her.

But Long Yubai was in the debris and she didn't know if he was still alive.

"Nothing? Then you can die!" Qin Hao saw her standing there and didn't wait. The Scarlet Blood Saber was like red lightning that torn the sky and was heading towards the black shadow.

Shadow would not just stand and wait. She knew she could not fight Qin Hao with her sword, but she had to do it.

"Clang, clang, clang..."

Clas.h.i.+ng of the saber and the sword produced countless clangs. And with a sharp sound, the soft sword was cut short again, and a part of it fell to the ground.

Qin Hao was attacking fiercely, one blow after another when a person rose from the debris and the Muramasa Cursed Saber, carrying the force of destruction, was aiming at the back of his head.

Before it could land Qin Hao had already sensed the danger of death and didn't dare to take it as he did with Shadow.


With a roar, the blood saber was flying and revolving. It forced Shadow away and flew to the cursed saber.


The next moment, the two started to fight fiercely. Just now, Long Yubai made a mistake, became quite pa.s.sive and fell from the arena. This time he was using the same strategy. He also attacked when Qin Hao wasn't paying attention and forced him to fight.

And Shadow could finally relax a bit. She threw away the broken sword and was watching the boy fighting with cruelness and coldness in her eyes. It was her best chance.

With a flash of cold light, two glimmering green star darts appeared in her hand. One could see from the weird green color that they had poison on them.

When she was about to take action, many people rushed into the square. There were soldiers with weapons, and Martial Cultivators with strong Qi.

And she realized there was no fighting anywhere. It was quiet, and only Qin Hao and Long Yubai were still fighting.

It was over?

The Dragon Group lost?

Shadow was shocked, and felt pain and sorrow filling her chest.

If the Dragon Group had lost, then it was destroyed.

It was all over. She and her Senior lost everything and became all alone. And they would be wanted by the police or killed by others.

It was all because of Qin Hao. She must kill him, even if she herself would die she would still do it.

Shadow gritted her teeth and raised her hand. She was about to throw the darts when a quivering voice stopped her, "Little sister."

It was a little familiar and a little unfamiliar. She seemed to have usually heard it before and seemed to have not heard it for a long time.

"Shadow, little sister." It was the voice again, and it called her name.

She was confused and looked at the direction of the voice. In a group of people, a person on a wheelchair was pushed forward. She was very familiar with that person. He looked the same as the person fighting in the air.

Shadow became surprised, and lost, "You, you are...?"

It was Long Taibai himself, the real Long Taibai.

Long Taibai was very excited to see Shadow, and tears filled his eyes. It was real tears, and Shadow could feel it, so she was perplexed.

"Little sister, do you remember me? I'm your Senior. I'm Long Taibai." After saying this, tears streamed down his face.

"Long Taibai, Senior Taibai, no,'re him. Then who is he? Who is he?" Shadow pointed at the white figure fighting in the air.

Long Taibai also looked at them.

He was surprised to see that the boy didn't seem to be losing after fighting so long with his brother. Where did this genius come from?

But he didn't have time for this. He shouted to Long Yubai with a low voice, "Yubai, stop it. It's all over."

Long Yubai, who was fighting fiercely, knew Long Taibai was here. He was fighting Qin Hao and was having trouble handling his Scarlet Blood Machete Art. And Long Taibai's appearance and the secret about his real ident.i.ty exposed made him panic. And Qin Hao's saber got right onto him.

"Ahhhhh!" With a sharp scream and blood splattering, an arm flew to the sky as it was chopped off Long Yubai's body. Long Yubai fell and landed in the debris again with a boom.

Qin Hao didn't care about Long Yubai and caught the arm quickly and took the s.p.a.ce Ring on it.

"S...Senior." Seeing Long Yubai badly wounded and falling, Shadow, who had been lost and confused, screamed and threw herself to him.

Anyway, she had known Long Yubai for three years, and always thought he was Long Taibai. Although now a person looked exactly the same said he was Long Taibai, she could not accept it at once. She still cared more about Long Yubai, the one whom she had known for three years.

Now seeing him wounded, she could not just stand there.

"Senior, senior, are you okay? How're you doing? Get up, I'll help you get up." Shadow removed the woodblocks and wanted to get him up.

"Surround them!" It was a low but masculine roar with authority. Behind them, Li Zhanwu brought a group of people and rushed towards them. The Special Troop Eagle Force followed him.

"Freeze, freeze!"

With the command of Li Zhanwu, a dozen people from the Special Troop Eagle Force surrounded them and pointed their guns at Shadow and Long Yubai.