Super Urban Master - Chapter 225 Gunshot Pierced The Sky

Chapter 225 Gunshot Pierced The Sky

s.h.i.+ Bingying carefully poured a gla.s.s of water for Mu Qingyao under Lin Zhanwu's motion. She asked politely: "Auntie, please drink water." After all, Mu Qingyao was Qin Hao's mother, her future mother-in-law. Although Qin Hao did not want to admit her, their blood relations.h.i.+p could not be removed. Therefore, at least, she should show respect to Mu Qingyao.

"Thank you, girl." Mu Qingyao wiped tears in her eyes and handled the cup with grat.i.tude. She was very satisfied with her future daughter-in-law. s.h.i.+ Bingying was perfect on no matter appearance, temperament or etiquette. After drinking water, Mu Qingyao's mood was slightly pacified. Seeing that she was a little better, Mu Qingsong let go of Mu Qingyao's hand and spoke to Qin Hao: "Xiao Hao, may I say something to you as your uncle?"

"Uncle? Hum, I don't even have a mother, let alone an uncle." Qin Hao's face was cold, of course, he remembered this Mu Qingsong. When Mu Guangming expelled him out of Mu Family, Mu Qingsong was there watching him being dragged out and did not say a word. Now he admitted being his uncle. This was so ridiculous.

Mu Qingying looked awkward and ashamed. He sighed: "Xiao Hao, I know that you hate me and I can understand, but your mother is innocent. You should not hate her."

"Shut up! I am the most innocent. I was a child and I did nothing wrong. Why did you do that to me, why?" Qin Hao burst a roar all in a sudden. He breathed deeply, and his eyes opened wide. Everyone could see anger burning in his dark pupils.

s.h.i.+ Bingying hastened to hold Qin Hao's hands and softly persuaded: "Hao, don't be like this. Shall we calm down and talk it over?" From the bottom of her heart, this kind girl hoped Qin Hao and his mother could fix up. She was an orphan growing up with her master instead of her father and mother. But Qin Hao had mother, so she hoped Qin Hao would get on well with his mother, unlike her. Fortunately, s.h.i.+ Bingying was here. Otherwise, no one could persuade Qin Hao. Looking at s.h.i.+ Bingying's pleading eyes, Qin Hao repressed his anger and calmed down. "Yeah, Qin Hao, don't be impulsive, slow down. At least you give them a chance to explain." Li Zhanwu aside also got a word in. Well, as Qin Hao's superior, it was necessary for him to set up his presence. Qin Hao gritted his teeth and nodded hard. "Well, let them explain. I'll see what story they can tell."

"Hao, I..." Mu Qingyao was about to speak when tears came out again and blocked up her words. "Sister, let me talk to him." Mu Qingsong picked up the words and continued: "I admit that I was the one to blame, but it really had nothing to do with your mother." "At that time, the Mu Family was about to collapse, but it happened that Wu Jing, son of the chairman of the Yongsheng Group, took a fancy to your mother and went on to propose. Yongsheng Group was claimed to be the greatest group. The leader of Mu Family was your grandfather..."

Hearing this, Qin Hao interrupted coldly: "That old dog is not my grandfather. It is an insult to have a blood relations.h.i.+p with him, and this appellation also makes me sick." "Okay, well, let's skip over it." Mu Qingsong hurriedly changed his words. "The leader of the Mu Family was Mu Guangming. He agreed to Wu Jing's propose in exchange for Yongsheng Group's full support in order to save the Mu Family from the crisis. Yongsheng Group agreed, so they were engaged without your mother's consent." "Later on, your mother learned the news and fought hard for the engagement. She even threatened Mu Guangming with death. However, Mu Guangming was stubborn and cruel and kind of psychopathic. Although you were small, I thought you knew about his style, too. He threatened your mother with your life. If your mother did not accept the engagement, he would treat you as an illegitimate child of an unknown father. According to the family rules, an illegitimate child should be...buried alive." As he spoke out "buried alive", a chill came over everyone, immersing their hearts in a pool of ice water, then Mu Qingyao sobbed again. Qin Hao clenched his fist. Anger was rekindled in his eyes.

Not to mention Qin Hao, Li Zhanwu was also outraged. It was so vicious. Qin Hao was only an innocent child at that time. How could he treat him in such a cruel way? Was Mu Guangming a human? Having been lived so many years in the capital city, of course did Li Zhanwu heard of the villainous style of Mu Family's old leader Mu Guangming, but he did not expect him to be so vicious. It could be said that he had lost humanity. What kind of person was that? He was really a psychopath.

"Hao, I am sorry. I had to marry someone else to save you. If I fought against him, Mu Guangming would do anything to you. I just didn't want to lose you..." Mu Qingyao broke out in tears. Even s.h.i.+ Bingying's eyes were wet in her crying.

To be honest, Qin Hao was also a little touched at this moment. If this were the case, he should not hate his mother. However, was this story the real one? And who could prove Mu Qingsong's words? Why should he believe them? What's more, if Mu Qingsong told the truth that Mu Qingyao had agreed to marry the young chairman of the Yongsheng Group, Mu Guangming should keep the promise and treat Qin Hao well. So why did Mu Guangming drove him out to Changhai City thousands of miles away no longer after Mu Qingyao married off? For a child at his age, that was almost no difference in letting him die - one was to kill him, and the other was to let him run his own course. "Unfortunately, your mother was deceived by Mu Guangming at last." Mu Qingsong took over: "He did not bury you alive, but he still expelled you from the Mu Family. I was on the scene but didn't speak up for you. I'm really ashamed and do regret. But I know, even I did say something, it wouldn't help." Mu Qingsong seemed a bit helpless and frustrated. For this while, it seemed that the old story had come to an end. Everyone fell back into silence, except Mu Qingyao who was saddly crying. Looking at the weeping Mu Qingyao, Qin Hao asked coldly: "Even if you were cheated, why didn't you look for me later? You simply gave me a small sum of money as living expenses every month, like you were doing some kind of charity. After this money was cut, things went even worse. Did you want me to die? Now that you have already decided to give me up, why telling me how reluctant and helpless you were? You don't think that ridiculous?" Sneer returned to Qin Hao's face with ridicule. Watching his sneering face, Mu Qingyao shook her head. On her face, there was full of tears. She spoke to Qin Hao, helplessly, with pain and remorse: "Sorry, son, I'm not a good mother. I'm so sorry. I've thought about going to find you. In every moment of these pa.s.sing years I was thinking about you, but... I couldn't. I couldn't! Wah..." Again, Mu Qingyao cried more sad. Maybe her helplessness and sorrow could only be vent by tears. Mu Qingsong comforted Mu Qingyao. He also shed tears. He choked with sobs, saying: "Hao, if your mother did bring you back, I am afraid you would have been in danger. Your mother secretly sent you living expenses, but it was known by Mu Guangming and Wu Jing. For this reason, they both wanted you to die. But for her pleading and promise that she won't help you and see you, they finally let it go. If now you haven't grown strong enough, we dare not come to see you!"

Silence. Silence again befell the scene. They could only hear Mu Qingyao's weep, and the clicking sounds Qin Hao made when he squeezed his fists.

So these were the so-called giant families. In these families where only power mattered swarmed with sinister people. Without enough strength, you were more like an ant in their eyes, and those superior could control your life with a word. One would rather choose to be born in an ordinary family, living a plain but safe life, than to begin at such a dangerous place. Of course, whether Mu Qingsong had told the truth was yet to be confirmed, but the resentment that Qin Hao had acc.u.mulated for years could not vanish in a second simply because of Mu Qingsong's words. Even this story was true, it took time for him to gradually digest and then accept. "Your story is very good, but unfortunately, you have no evidence to prove it is the truth. There is nothing but your own story, and I can also make up one if I need." Paused for a while, Qin Hao spoke up. He adjusted his emotion to calm down and said coldly: "You cannot pacify decades of resentment with a story. Please go."

"No, Hao, please believe your uncle and me. We are still alive." Mu Qingyao became excited again. Qin Hao shook his head indifferently: "I need evidence. Just leave. Old Li, as you brought them here, please take them back." "Um..." Li Zhanwu was blank for a moment, and then very upset: Did I owe you? I just wanted to help you. I thought it's a good thing to make you and your mother reunite, but now I seemed to offend both sides...

In the end, Mu Qingysong and Mu Qingyao had to leave Qin Hao's home. They did not want to embarra.s.s Li Zhanwu. A few kilometers away, on the top of the tallest building, two impatient men surprisingly found their targets appeared again. They immediately got in the right place, ready to act. The wallet man adjusted the gun sight to the best condition. The crosshair easily aimed at the target, because this time, no one was in front of Mu Qingyao. She walked out with Mu Qingsong's support by her side, and Li Zhanwu followed behind them.

"Hey, fine, ready to shoot."

The man in a trench coat holding the telescope grinned. The wallet man moved his finger on the trigger, positioning crosshair at Mu Qingyao's chest. At this moment, a strange wind suddenly blew up. Wind was able to affect the accuracy of shooting.......

"Hao, drink some water. Just let it go, okay?" In Qin Hao's room, s.h.i.+ Bingying gave Qin Hao a gla.s.s of water, persuading him softly. Qin Hao's cold face melted under s.h.i.+ Bingying's tender comfort. He gave her a bitter smile: "Ying, I'm glad you are here." As he spoke, he took the gla.s.s by one hand and held her soft hand by another. He was about to speak when suddenly, his heart felt shocked as if he had sensed something. His face changed.

"What happened?" Seeing Qin Hao's face suddenly changed. s.h.i.+ Bingying asked worriedly, "Something really bad!"

Qin Hao let out a shout, then disappeared in a whistle. He directly broke the window and jumped out.


Outside, a gunshot pierced the sky, breaking the tranquility of this area.