Super Urban Master - Chapter 139 Breaking Through To The Third Stage Of Martial Cultivator

Chapter 139 Breaking Through To The Third Stage Of Martial Cultivator

Hearing the words "national interest", most of the people present were mocking, while Cang Ying sneered with great disdain.

Outsiders did not know the real relations.h.i.+p between the Dragon Group and the country. The Dragon Group did not belong to the country as the outsiders thought, but rather, they had a cooperative relations.h.i.+p with the state. They did not represent the power of the country, to be exact, they could only represent themselves.

"Chen Feng, you are insane. What does the national interest have to do with us? What we have to consider is the interests of the Dragon Group and our Martial Cultivators. This is our most significant interest. "

"Bulls.h.i.+t! You're like a fly! " Chen Feng shouted abuse at Cang Ying, "Tell me if the higher authorities don't agree to your conditions for the sake of Qin Hao and Li Zhanwu, are you going to cede the oil concessions of the Brot Islands?"

"If they don't agree, what if we give up? Who cares about the oil concession? What does it have to do with us? Even if we win the tournament and get the right to exploit the oil resources, how much benefit would that bring to us?" Cang Ying glared at Chen Feng, and Chen Feng glared at him, too.

"The national interest is above all else. Don't you understand it?" As Chen Feng slapped the table, he wanted to jump up and smacked the fly to death, "What's the difference between you and the traitors?"

"Madman Chen, stop talking nonsense! This is the Dragon Group, the Martial Cultivators' Dragon Group. The Martial Cultivators' interest everything!" Cang Ying also slapped the table and roared.

"Enough!" A sharp cry interrupted their argument. That was Long Taibai, who had absolute authority in the Dragon Group and no one dared to go against him.

After his cry of anger, the noisy meeting room quietened down. After a while, Cang Ying bowed to the leader and said, "Leader, I've stated my plan. We will do as you say. Please give us orders."

"Dragon Head, we can't do that." Chen Feng immediately interrupted Cang Ying, " we have other ways to deal with Qin Hao and Li Zhanwu. We can't do as he said. Otherwise, our Dragon Group will become more unpopular, and the higher authorities will be more dissatisfied with us. They might abandon us one day. The use of Qin Hao is a warning to us!"

"Hmph, you know they've been dissatisfied with us for a long time. So what?" Xuan Qing from the Shang Qing Temple sneered, "Strength is the key point. If we don't have strength, there's no point in trying to curry favor with others." From the point of view of the Martial Cultivators, strength was everything.

"Alright, no one needs to say more. Just follow Elder Cang's instructions." Long Taibai concluded the argument in favor of Cang Ying's opinion.

"Yes." Cang Ying and the others were happy.

"Dragon head, we can't do this, Dragon head …!" Chen Feng did not give up. He still wanted to save the situation.

"Chen Feng, you're finished." Long Taibai's face darkened, "I'll repeat myself. Do as Elder Cang has said. If anyone dares to violate his order, we'll punish him according to the rules!" After he said that, Chen Feng stood up with a 'boom', with his sharp gaze sweeping across everyone's face. His aura oppressed everyone so hard that no one dared to breathe. With such strong cultivation, he had already surpa.s.sed the Peak of Perfection Stage.

"Today's meeting is over. Dismissed!" With that, the meeting came to an end.

One morning a month later, Li Zhanwu punctually arrived at the base at Cloud Gazing Mountain.

When he entered the base, he found that n.o.body was there. He knocked on the doors one by one, but no one answered. They were probably all out of the base.

He stopped at the door of the storage room.

He had Qin Hao do a retinal scan at this door before, in other words, only he and Qin Hao could enter the storage room. No one else in the Sky Group was allowed in.

Perhaps he just wanted to check the room unintentionally, so Li Zhanwu opened the door.

When he saw the scene inside the room, he thought he had walked into a wrong place. A month ago, there were many shelves filled with various cultivation resources, but now, some of the shelves were empty, and only a few were left there.

Li Zhanwu glanced at those shelves on which half of the resources were gone compared to a month ago. What was missing was the good stuff and the left was inferior.

Li Zhanwu's heart was bleeding.

He had thought that with these resources, five people would be able to train for several years. However, it had only been a month, and half of them had already gone.

This black sheep, Qin Hao! Did he think that these things were easy to get? Even with the ability of a country to collect them, it would take them a long time and cost them much effort. He had used almost all the resources within a month. Judging by the speed at which he was using resources now, the rest of them would soon run out.

"Qin Hao, you've consumed so many resources. I'd like to see the effects of your training. If your training fails, you'll pay for it." Li Zhanwu left the storage room while holding back his anger, and walked towards the outside of the base in ma.s.sive strides.

Just as he opened the gates to the base, he found the five students of the Sky Group standing there, but no Qin Hao.

"General?" When the five students saw Li Zhanwu, they were startled at first, but then quickly reacted and raised their heads and stood bolt upright, "Salute!"

Li Zhanwu walked out of the door and stared at every one of them. He wanted to see if any apparent changes had occurred.

From their auras, he could see that all of them had undergone a noticeable change. Everyone was emitting the aura of a "Martial Cultivator". But as for the level of their strength, Li Zhanwu couldn't tell since he wasn't a Martial Cultivator.

"Where's your instructor?" Li Zhanwu asked seriously after looking them over carefully.

"General, we haven't seen the instructor for a week." Ou Ba (the baldy) was appointed the leader of the team, so he was the one to answer the questions.

"What?" The anger in Li Zhanwu's heart immediately flared up, "That b.a.s.t.a.r.d! He had used so many resources, but he wasn't training you! Why did he desert his post? Where did he go?" Li Zhanwu was so angry that he paced around the place, "Where did he go? Didn't he tell you?"

"General, the instructor said that he had something significant to do and wanted us to cultivate here ourselves." Ou Ba answered honestly.

"Cultivate on your own? If you guys can cultivate on your own, what do you need an instructor for?" Li Zhanwu roared, "Now, I command you. No matter what you do, find him within an hour! "

"General, this …" The five of them looked troubled. They had witnessed how powerful Qin Hao was and knew that it would be impossible for them to find him within an hour.

"Soldiers are supposed to obey orders. Have you forgotten?" Li Zhanwu got angry the moment he saw their expression. In the past, no matter what he said, they always followed his orders without hesitation even if they knew that they couldn't carry out the orders.

"Yes sir!" Seeing that Li Zhanwu was angry, the five of them immediately replied and accepted the order.

"Boom, boom!"

Just as they were about to set off to look for Qin Hao, a loud roar came from the top of the mountain.

"What's going on?" Li Zhanwu's face changed, and immediately looked towards the top of the mountain, "let's go take a look."

"General, you can't go there. That place might be dangerous. We'll go." Seeing Li Zhanwu rus.h.i.+ng out, Ou Ba and the others immediately stopped him, but Li Zhanwu angrily pushed them away.

"What are you afraid of? I'm a soldier. What kind of scenes have I not experienced before? Get out of my way!"

The five had no choice but to protect Li Zhanwu and follow him up the mountain.

The roar from the top of the mountain also alerted the guards at the foot of the mountain. Suddenly a lot of whistles came out of the mountain, which usually seemed to have no abnormalities and few people. Countless soldiers armed with guns rushed towards the top of the mountain, and even armed helicopters took off and roared up the hill.

Li Zhanwu discovered the movements below and immediately ordered Nie Jingshan to go down the mountain to pa.s.s down his orders, telling the soldiers not to make a fuss and not leave their positions without permission.

The order was quickly pa.s.sed down, and the guards at the foot of the mountain soon retreated. Soon, everything was back to normal as if nothing had happened.

At the top of the mountain, there used to be a five-story paG.o.da on the flat ground. However, it had already disappeared, leaving behind a pile of ruins.

Li Zhanwu and the others saw a man rush out from the ruins with a face full of dust as they sped up the mountain. He was cursing, "F * ck, what broken tower is this? It's like rotten tofu! It couldn't withstand the airwaves I released when I broke through to the third stage of the Martial Cultivator, and it just collapsed!"

The one who rushed out was Qin Hao. During the past month, when he was training Ou Ba (the baldy) and the others, he did not forget to cultivate as well, in an attempt to be the Martial Cultivator of the third stage. He squandered all the cultivation resources in the storage room, putting all the good things that he could not use into his s.p.a.ce ring. As a result, the resources that Li Zhanwu had worked so hard to collect were like flowing water and half of them were gone.

Of course, part of them was used by the five Sky Group members, but that only made up less than ten percent of the resources.

After consuming a lot of resources, Qin Hao finally felt that he had reached the edge of breaking through. So, he instructed Ou Ba and the others to train on their own, and he shut himself up in the tower to make the final breakthrough. Just now, he succeeded in becoming a genuine Martial Cultivator of the third stage, but the airwaves he produced blew down the high tower, leaving it in ruins.

"Instructor?" the five of them were now Martial Cultivators, and they had already recognized Qin Hao before Li Zhanwu could.

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