Super Urban Master - Chapter 131: Bloody Battle (3)

Chapter 131: Bloody Battle (3)

On the deck, all the disciples were trembling in fear as they were watching. Qin Hao was so powerful that he dared to fight with an expert like Ping Yang and was not de-feated in such a long battle.

On the high mast, Ye Siyu and Su Xue were also keeping an eye on the fierce fighting between Qin Hao and Ping Yang.

Su Xue was an ordinary person. She could only see the figures were moving around, but she could not see clearly what they were doing. However, she knew that Qin Hao was fighting with someone, so she was anxious about Qin Hao.

Ye Siyu was different. She was an expert of the late period of the Inner Stage, so she could see clearly their moves. She never thought that Qin Hao would be strong enough to fight against an expert of the middle period of the Perfection Stage.

However, she was also worried for Qin Hao, because she could tell that Qin Hao was weaker than Taoist Ping Yang, and his wounds were increasing. However, what con-fused her was, the more his injuries were, the more powerful he was. His blade was getting more and more slas.h.i.+ng. Qin Hao mastered and used the Scarlet Blood Mchete Art better and better in the fighting. To some extent, an expert like Ping Yang pro-vided Qin Hao a good partner for blade exercising. Fighting with an expert would pro-mote his progress.

Taoist Ping Yang also realized it. So, he became more and more shocked. He knew that he should not be fighting with him anymore, and he had to finish it as soon as pos-sible. If it continued, something unpredictable might happen. His opponent was like a demon, whose blade became faster and faster and whose inner strength was also in-creasing. This was because Qin Hao had been a.s.similating the inner strength that b.l.o.o.d.y Demon King gave to him, and comprehended a new stage at the same time.

The reason that Qin Hao reached to the current stage was the b.l.o.o.d.y Demon King's strong power. He had not wholly comprehended and absorbed it, and his foundation was not stable yet. However, he comprehended and absorbed it in a battle. He was re-ally the best demon among demons.

Taoist Ping Yang realized Qin Hao was abnormal. His attacks became fiercer. Instantly, the sounds of blades colliding were louder and more intense. Qin Hao retreated contin-uously under the serial attacks of Taoist Ping Yang, but he clenched his teeth and still held on. He was not scared at all, and the b.l.o.o.d.y crimson appeared in his eyes.

"It's time to be over, Qin Hao. Dying under this move of mine will be proud of you. Blade Conquering World!" Ping Yang shouted angrily, as his body shot up to the sky, and his robe billowed in the wind. The next moment, the sky above Qin Hao's head was cov-ered by the blade shadow. Instantly, the blade shadow reached above his head.

"The twelfth move of the Scarlet Blood Saber, Saber Light Blood Shadow!" Qin Hao al-so shouted angrily, as the Scarlet Blood Saber turned into countless blood colored blades which slashed towards the blade shadow above him.

At this moment, the surrounding people could only see the dense blade shadows, which drowned the two fiercely battling figures.

When they were seen again, they had already parted, separately standing in the wind.

Everyone saw the two's appearances. They looked to Taoist Ping Yang in shock.

Taoist Ping Yang's robe was tattered with a dozen of b.l.o.o.d.y cuts on it. The blood dyed most of his robe and flowed down his hands to his Seven Evil Machete and the tip of the Machete, dripping onto the deck and forming a b.l.o.o.d.y line. The Seven Evil Mchete no longer had the glory of a famous blade it used to be. It had such big notches that it was no better than a saw.

A dignified expert of the middle period of the Perfection Stage fought with a young culti-vator and was defeated like this. It was really astonis.h.i.+ng.

Of course, Qin Hao's condition was much worse than Ping Yang. All of his body was dyed red by blood. People couldn't tell which part of his body was wound and which part was not. The blood was flowing down his arm onto his Scarlet Blood Saber. What's weird was that the blood did not drop onto the floor, and the Scarlet Blood Saber was absorbing it.

No one noticed the weirdness of the Scarlet Blood Saber. They just looked at him in shock. Under the last killing move of Taoist Ping Yang, he was still alive and standing over there. It was something they did not expect.

Silence. It was as silent as death, except the howling of sea breeze and furious roars of ocean waves. The sound of blood dripping could even be heard. Everyone was watch-ing the two b.l.o.o.d.y men, to see who would fall first.

"Bang!" The sound broke the silence, and everyone's heart skipped a beat. It was from Taoist Ping Yang. Fortunately, it was not the sound of his falling, but the Seven Evil Mchete. It was broken into halves, and one half fell onto the deck. His blade was de-stroyed.

After the sound, a woman's cry suddenly came from above: "Qin Hao, stop, wu wu wu..."

Everyone looked up and realized the two women were still hanging on the mast who had been ignored for a long time.

The cry came from Su Xue. She saw Qin Hao was covered by blood, so she could no longer control the pain from the bottom of her heart and started crying.

She should not have cried. Her crying made her be noticed. The first one to react was the leader of the Hundred Flowers Valley, Jue Xin. With a "woosh" sound, she pulled out a soft sword from her waist and shouted, "Taoist, I'm coming to help!"

Taoist Ping Yang heard this loud shout and was stunned. Everyone thought that she would attack Qin Hao, but in the next moment, everyone was stunned too. This old woman flew up like a wind. The sword in her hand shook and turned into a long sword, slas.h.i.+ng towards the two women on the mast.

Before anyone could react, Taoist Ping Yang suddenly understood that she was trying to distract Qin Hao.

As expected, Qin Hao immediately roared to Jue Xin as he watched she was thrusting towards Su Xue and Ye Siyu. "Old woman, d.a.m.n you!" Without the slightest hesitation, Qin Hao waved his blade and pounced towards Jue Xin. By his speed, together with the Phantom Cloud Trace, he moved as fast as lightning. In an instant, he pounced to the back of Jue Xin. The red light of the blade almost cut through the sky and fiercely slashed at Jue Xin.

Jue Xin had expected Qin Hao would attack her, but she did not expect him to come so fast. She was completely scared by the cold and blood-thirsty killing intent behind her. She hurriedly withdrew the sword that was going to kill Su Xue and Ye Siyu, and defend herself. The soft sword got back like a snake and swept towards Qin Hao's neck.



In two miserable shrieks, Jue Xin and Qin Hao both fell from the sky and crashed onto the deck.

Jue Xin's defense did not work. Her soft sword was cut into many pieces by Qin Hao. The Scarlet Blood Saber's power did not decrease after breaking her sword, and pierced her back, leaving a horrifying wound on her back.

Of course, Qin Hao was not in a good state either. Taoist Ping Yang took the chance to punch him from his back, causing him to fall from the sky.

Taoist Ping Yang's punch was not an ordinary one. It was from the iron palm that he had never used before. It was destroyed by Qin Hao's Yin Energy in Ghost Valley and was replaced with an iron palm, becoming his secret weapon.

Jue Xin crashed on the ground, and blood was flowing continuously from the corners of her mouth. She wanted to crawl up, but she did not have any strength. She could feel her vitality was leaving.

Qin Hao also spurted out a few mouthfuls of blood, but he slowly stood up with the shocking will, under the shocked eyes of the crowd.

He stood there, with bloodshot eyes. His body was covered in blood. In everyone's eyes, he was not a man now, but a demon and a G.o.d of death filled with killing intent.

The disciples of Hundred Flowers Valley had intended to save Jue Xin, but Qin Hao's terrifying look made them back off from time to time instead of stepping forward.

Even Taoist Ping Yang was a little terrified. This fellow was already in such a state. Why wasn't he dead yet? Was he an indestructible c.o.c.kroach?

At this moment, Ping Yang longed for that his reinforcements could arrive early. Three days. It had been three days. They should have arrived.

"Whoever hurts the woman I want to protect shall die!" Qin Hao roared once again as he leaped up, raising his b.l.o.o.d.y blade high to the air and fiercely slas.h.i.+ng it towards Jue Xin.

"No!" Jue Xin let out a desperate cry. "Crack!" A big head left her body and rolled to the other side.

"Elder …!" The disciples of Hundred Flowers Valley immediately started to cry.

"Hahaha …" Qin Hao chopped Jue Xin's head off and released wild laughter that shook the heaven and earth. The disciples' crying trembled in his wild laughter.

After that, he raised the b.l.o.o.d.y blade towards the crowd. His eyes were filled with blood-thirsty killing intent. His ruthless voice boomed above their heads.

"You bunch of You dare to go against my divine power. I'll kill you all! Howl …"A roar that was as a wild beast came like a clap of thunder. In the next moment, the red figure pounced towards the crowd. Fresh and blood were splattered everywhere, and anguished cries sounded everywhere.

"Come on. All of us. Otherwise, we will be killed!" Taoist Ping Yang and the leader of the Famous Sword Sect, Hu Yang, realized how serious it was and commanded the re-maining ones to attack forward.

At the critical moment, the remaining people abandoned their fear and unleashed their extreme bravery. In response to the call of two experts, they raised their blades in red eyes and pounced towards the red figure while roaring. Because their leader had died miserably, the disciples of Hundred Flowers Valley were stirred up. Every one of them charged forth with fury of vengeance, attacking the red figure one after another.

Qin Hao had already lost his mind. He just chopped and killed fully and delightfully. What he wanted to do was to cut down all the standing, two-legged creators in front of him. When blood was splashed out, the comfortable and pleasant feeling in his bones covered the pain when others' swords stabbed into his body.

"Don't …Qin Hao, Qin Hao... Stop it. Please stop it …"

Qin Hao frantically slaughtered as the blood was splattered out when others' blades and swords pierced his body. Su Xue saw this. Her heart ached a lot and tears were falling down her face like rain.

Unfortunately, Qin Hao couldn't hear her cry. He focused on killing and slaughtering nonstop. His Scarlet Blood Saber was drinking blood crazily at the same time. There was loud sizzling sound as if a poisonous snake spat out its tongue and deprived their lives. At the same time, it was also consuming Qin Hao's life.

Finally, the last person fell. There was no longer anyone standing on the deck. Qin Hao stopped his slaughter.

He stood in a pool of blood, in front of a pile of corpses. Something was shaking in his mind, and waves of coldness poured down, making the red in his eyes gradually dimed and his body gradually weakened.

With a "clang" sound, the Scarlet Blood Saber fell onto the ground. His body was also like a broken leaf, falling towards the deck, as sea wind roared by.



There came the roar of a beast and the cry of a woman.

At the last moment, before Qin Hao fell, a figure vaguely appeared in his sight. A fairy-like girl was riding a weird beast and rus.h.i.+ng to him.

Behind the girl and the beast was the vast sea. A large s.h.i.+p appeared on the surging horizon. Riding the wind and breaking the waves, the s.h.i.+p was moving here fast.

"They're here, finally!" Among the corpses, a b.l.o.o.d.y man stood up from the ground and staggered to his feet. His b.l.o.o.d.y robe was wildly fluttering in the wind. He laughed hoa.r.s.ely at the s.h.i.+p that appeared in the distance. "Hahaha...My reinforcements finally come! Hahaha……"

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