Super Urban Master - Chapter 117 Ruination Of Cang Hai Sect Experts (1)

Chapter 117 Ruination Of Cang Hai Sect Experts (1)

"Hehe, it won't be that easy to catch me." Qin Hao smiled evilly and activated Phantom Cloud Trace, transforming into a gust of wind and disappearing in a blink of an eye.

"Kid, where are you going?" Bai Song was the first to chase after him. His speed was not any slower than Qin Hao's, after all, he was an expert who had been in the Perfection Stage for many years.

"Yin Energy! Evil Yin Pearl! He is Qin Hao. " Looking at the wounds of the dead disciples, Cang Nan finally understood that those were Yin Energy released by the Evil Yin Pearl. In this world, other than Qin Hao, no one else has Evil Yin Pearl. Therefore, Cang Nan shouted and called his disciples to follow him out. They did not care about the monster in the valley, who knew how long Ping Yang would have to fight the monster.

Bai Song, who was as cunning as a fox, had already disappeared. He didn't say anything as he chased after him, afraid that the others would rush in front of him.

In the forest, Bai Song and Qin Hao both cast their own spells; one moment they were on one side of the jungle, the next they appeared on the other side. The two of them were shockingly fast, and their shadows were nowhere to be seen.

Bai Song, who was chasing behind, became more and more shocked. He was an expert who had been in the Perfection Stage for many years, but he could not catch up to the brat who was still growing up in his eyes. Qin Hao was way too fast.

In fact, Qin Hao had not reached the limit of his speed yet. Otherwise, he would have been able to move even faster.

The current Qin Hao was at the peak of the Second Stage of Martial Cultivator, his strength was even stronger than the ancient martial arts' beginning period of the Perfection Stage. It was just that he had just broken through and his condition had not stabilized yet. Thus, he couldn't have an overwhelming advantage over Bai Song at the moment. Other than that, Qin Hao did not know that the peak of Second Stage Martial Cultivator already had the strength to contend against Bai Song, so he was weaker in mind. But in terms of speed, with his Phantom Cloud Trace, he could ultimately surpa.s.s Bai Song.

The two continued their chase until they ran out of the dense forest. Suddenly, they saw an open s.p.a.ce in front of them.

In front of them was a swamp. On the sparkling surface of the water, there was a reed as tall as a person. The reeds extended all the way to the sea.

When Qin Hao saw this large patch of reeds, his face revealed a sinister smile. With a "sou" sound, he dived in and disappeared.

Bai Song caught up to the edge of the reeds, but he could not see Qin Hao, so he stopped in his tracks. Gazing at these reeds that stretched as far as the eyes could see, he was somewhat hesitant.

If it wasn't for the fact that he had just seen Qin Hao's speed, he might have chased him in without hesitation. But now, he had to think carefully. If he charged in recklessly, Qin Hao could use his advantage in speed to attack him from the back with his Yin Energy without being noticed. Then he would be in danger.

Moreover, compared to such a big patch of reeds, a person was way too small. How could he find Qin Hao?

Bai Song did not wait long, the experts from the other four big sects also arrived. The subordinate disciples that were following them weren't that fast, so they were still behind them.

"Elder Bai Song, where is Qin Hao?" Cang Nan asked anxiously as soon as he arrived.

Bai Song pointed to the reeds in front of them with his chin, "That brat hid inside."

Several experts looked at the reeds and frowned. It was not easy to find someone in such a dense patch of weeds. It would take a lot of people to look for him together to get a chance of finding him.

"This patch of reeds is vast and dense, so one or two people going in won't be of any use at all. We need to mobilize all of our disciples. " An old woman in her fifties said. She was the leader of Blossom Valley.

Bai Song nodded, "I fully agree. Let's do it this way, the five big sects will each be in charge of a direction. Whoever finds Qin Hao first will have the priority to distribute his resources and obtain the Evil Yin Pearl. "

The leaders of the other four sects hesitated and did not immediately reply. This suggestion clearly gave Bai Song a more significant advantage, because only he had seen where Qin Hao had entered from.

Bai Song seemed to know what they were thinking and immediately said: "Okay, we will split into five directions, you guys can choose first, the last direction will be my Mount Kun Sect's, how about it?" This suggestion sounded very fair, but only he knew how fast Qin Hao was. Even if the other sects guessed correctly, they might not be able to find him. On the contrary, they might also be attacked and killed by him.

Since he said so, the other sects did not have any objections. They all nodded in agreement and then waited for their disciples to arrive.

Not long after, the disciples of the five sects had all arrived. There were dozens of people crowded around the reeds.

"Follow me, Cang Hai Sect." Cang Nan was the first to set out, leading his disciples to choose a middle direction as he dashed into the reeds, and quickly disappeared.

Seeing that the Cang Hai Sect was being so active, the disciples of the other sects started rus.h.i.+ng into the reeds one by one.

This time, Cang Hai Sect had sent more than ten disciples. A few of them had died under Qin Hao's sneak attack just now, so there were still seven left. Including Cang Nan, there were a total of eight.

All eight of them entered the reeds. They spread out in a fan formation, intending to comb through the reeds.

At first, they were in formation, but as time went on and they went deeper and deeper, they became disorganized and isolated.

Qin Hao waited quietly at the bottom of a clump of reeds under the water. As the man approached, he held his breath, his eyes fixed on the approaching feet through the slits of the weeds.

Perhaps that person felt something too, as the closer he was to Qin Hao, the more careful he became and the slower his footsteps became. But in the end, he still slowly neared her. Just as his feet touched the ground a meter away from where Qin Hao was hiding, Qin Hao suddenly soared into the sky with a splash, the Scarlet Blood Saber in his hand released a bloodthirsty light, at the same time, he was holding onto a gra.s.s vine.

That person was already very cautious, and he was also an expert of the peak of Inner Stage. Facing such a sudden attack, he quickly reacted and waved his sword for battle, but just as he jumped up, he discovered that there was actually a gra.s.s vine under his feet. At this time, the sword in his hand was already facing the Crimson Blade. It was impossible for him to cut the vine by pulling the blade back.

Of course, Qin Hao would not give him the chance to swing his sword and attack, he had to finish it quickly and kill him in one go. Therefore, when Qin Hao struck with his sword, he used his other hand to tug on the gra.s.s vine. That person was in the air and had no way to borrow strength as his body fell to the ground. In the end, the Scarlet Blood Saber pierced through his chest as he cried out miserably.

The noise alerted the people who were searching in other directions. They all rushed over while shouting. Unfortunately, when they arrived, only a corpse was left to them, and Qin Hao had long since disappeared.

Cang Nan looked at the dead body of the expert and grinded his teeth in anger, "b.a.s.t.a.r.d, search!"

The remaining people immediately began their search. Since they had found traces of the target, they would search around the area.

Just as the search started, a person suddenly called out. The surrounding people were frightened and thought that something significant happened. It turned out that one of them accidentally fell into the water, right where Qin Hao was hiding.

"Everyone, be careful." Someone reminded them, and they continued searching.

Before they could get far, they heard a "splash" from behind them. The person who had just fallen into the water fell onto the ground, black blood flowing out of his mouth and nose.

"Quick, take a look." Cang Nan shouted as he rushed back.

Another person quickly helped him up and shook him, "Hey, what happened to you?"

The answer he received was that the man's head had tilted, his eyes rolled back, and he was dead.

"Elder Cang, he died. He must have been poisoned." The expert supporting the man reported to Cang Nan in shock.

"Poisoned?" Another man immediately ran to where the dead man had fallen and found that the water in that place was now strangely black.

"Elder Cang, the water here has been poisoned."

Cang Nan anxiously ran over to take a look, his face immediately turned black, because it seemed to be the Yin Energy's poison. His guess was right, it was the Yin Energy. The poisoned man's corpse was currently shrinking and rotting, scaring the group of people away, all of them staring at the body on the ground in fear.

They had lost two experts in an instant, and they did not even see the shadow of their opponent, which made the usually arrogant Cang Nan angry. He roared: "Continue looking for him, I want to cut him into pieces!"

"Elder Cang, I suggest that the distance between each of us should not be too far." One man made the suggestion with both fear and caution, for he was frightened by the sudden and inexplicable death of two people.

Cang Nan agreed to his suggestion, "Okay, let's get closer. Also, pay attention to the bottom of the lake. "

The group of people continued their search.

Qin Hao fled to the tallest hill in this area and hid amongst the reeds on the hill. From here, he could see the situation of the people below. He released his Spirit Sense to the greatest extent, allowing him to clearly investigate the movements of enemies within a five-hundred-meter radius while he hid his presence, making it difficult for others to find him. This is clearly a non-equivalent battle.

Qin Hao sensed that Cang Nan and the rest were searching, and they were headed in his direction. He took the initiative to approach, making his way back through the gap between the search lines to the place where he had killed the two men.

Turning over the two corpses, Qin Hao took off the outer clothes that were still in good condition. He put it on and then wiped off his face with mugs before picking up the weapons that had dropped on the ground and sneaked into the reeds.

Not far in front of him, a disciple of the Cang Hai Sect was digging through a clump of reeds. Seeing that there seemed to be footprints on the ground, he immediately became excited and wanted to take a closer look, but a sound came from his side.

"Who?" After the deaths of their two companions, they had become more sensitive.

When he turned his head and saw another person through the cracks in the reeds, he heaved a sigh of relief. From the clothes worn by the person, he was definitely one of them, because the clothes worn by the disciples of Cang Hai Sect were all of a similar style, which could be recognized with a single glimpse.

After determining that there was no danger, he crouched down and continued to study if that footprint was actually Qin Hao's. Did he flee in that direction? He was about to follow the trail but stopped as soon as he took a step, thinking of his two dead brothers. For safety's sake, he thought it would be better to call more people to chase him. Wasn't there someone beside him?

Thinking about that, he hurriedly turned his head and greeted the people at the side, "Hey, brother, over here, over here, I found Qin Hao's footprints."

That person had initially been searching in another direction, but upon hearing his shout, he immediately rushed over as if he was very excited.

"Did we really find it? Where is it?" He looked excited.

"Right here." said the man excitedly, pointing to the footprints on the ground. He found it.

"Where?" The person rushed over, without even looking at him, he lowered his head and looked in the direction he was pointing at, "I didn't see anything."

"You're looking in the wrong direction. This is the place!" The man had no choice but to crouch down and point in the right direction.

"Oh!" The man finally found the footprints. Suddenly, he raised his head. A murderous light shot out of his eyes as his lips curled into a wicked smile. The man was still bent over looking at the footprints, unaware that a big hand was reaching for his head.