Super Urban Master - Chapter 114 - Six Sects Set Foot On The Island

Chapter 114 - Six Sects Set Foot On The Island

"Ding-ding-ding …"

On the Six Major Sects' wars.h.i.+p, many hooks flew over and grabbed the Hawa.

"Get on board."

Following this order, a dozen or so disciples of the six major sects stepped on the ropes linked to the hooks and flew on the Hawa, as if they were on flat ground.

When these people landed on the deck of Hawa, the first thing they saw was around a dozen corpses. These ordinary people's bodies were like dead dogs to these Martial Cultivators, so they only took a glance at them indifferently before rus.h.i.+ng into the cabin to search.

"Everyone, do you think Qin Hao is on this s.h.i.+p? Or just like the people on the deck, he also became corps? " Cang Nan rubbed his chin, and said with some worry, at this time, Qin Hao could not die, if he did, they would have wasted their efforts coming all this way. If he was dead, who should they ask for the inheritance, cultivation resource, and Evil Yin Pearl?

"If he was to die, he must die in my hands." Ping Yang replied with killing intent from the side, causing the surrounding people's hearts to turn cold. It seemed that this old Taoist really hated Qin Hao.

"There's someone there!" Suddenly, someone shouted.

Following that, Taoist Ping Yang also shouted, "Qin Hao!" Amidst the cries, he had already flown up to the Hawa.

The people from the other five sects were all startled, they did not think that Taoist Ping Yang would recognize Qin Hao only with a glimpse. The rest did not know him so quickly. It was not that their eyesight was weak, but they had never seen Qin Hao in person before. At most they had only seen his picture.

Taoist Ping Yang was the only one out of the six who had seen Qin Hao in person. Although it was only one time, he had a deep impression of this guy who destroyed one of his palms. So he recognized him the moment he saw Qin Hao's figure.

The people from the other sects were stunned for a moment before they realized what happened soon. Admittedly, none of them were willing to fall behind, so they quickly rushed to board the Hawa. These experts were real experts. With a leap, they firstly tapped on the rope with their toes, then landed on the deck of the Hawa.

Ping Yang was the best. He did not even need to step on the hook rope, and directly leaped onto the deck of the Hawa. The difference between the beginning period of the Perfection Stage and middle period was immeasurable.

It was Qin Hao! He sensed countless cultivation Martial Cultivators were approaching, and there were even mighty ones amongst them. Not daring to stay any longer, he held s.h.i.+ Bingying in his arms, whom he had just saved, and got off the Hawa, then landed on the shallow waters and ran to the island.

"Brother Qin, what's wrong?" Just then, the baldy had just arrived at the sh.o.r.e and was about to wade in, only to find that Qin Hao had returned with the young girl in his arms. His speed was high.

"Run into the forest." Qin Hao had no time to say more words. With a loud roar, he took the lead to rush into the forest on the island.

The baldy followed closely behind without hesitation.

"Oh, Qin, here I come," Ayte shouted while running. Carrying so many guns with him made him out of breath.

He was already the weakest in his group, let alone that he carried so many heavy items. No wonder he ran so slowly behind, and he was even half-dead from exhaustion.

"Run!" Qin Hao let out a loud roar, as he brushed past Ayte. He did not care if the people behind him were able to catch up with him. He had already sensed that the countless Martial Cultivators had nearly caught up with them. It was impossible for him to handle so many Martial Cultivators while holding a girl in his arms. Furthermore, he felt that there were six powerful auras behind him.

Ayte did not react as he stared at Qin Hao's back with his confused eyes and asked loudly: "Hey, Qin, what's going on?"

"Someone is chasing after us! Run!" The baldy replied, grabbed Ayte and dragged him into the forest.

"Hey-hey-hey, Mr. Bald, what's going on? Don't be so fast, I can't follow you." Ayte shouted.

The baldy let go of Ayte and roared, "Why are you taking all these guns? Keep one with you, throw the rest away."

"NO, Mr. Bald, you have to know what these guns mean to us. They stand for our lives, it means … Heh, Mr. Bald, wait for me. You can't just leave me here alone like this. Oh G.o.d, please protect your pitiful Ayte. "

Who the f * ck is still in the mood to listen to you blabbering all the way? Run faster for our lives, please.

However, after hearing what Ayte said, the baldy could not bear to leave Ayte behind. He turned back and helped Ayte carry several guns, and then the two of them ran into the depths of the forest.

"Mr. Bald, can you tell me what happened?" As Ayte ran, he did not stop asking for the details.

"We'll talk after we catch up with Brother Qin. Now, shut up your mouth and use all your strength on your feet, okay!" The baldy impatiently roared and sped up his pace.

"Wait for me." Ayte anxiously shouted and followed along, he did not dare to speak any more nonsense. If he continued talking and asking, he would really be left behind.

Qin Hao ran all the way and found a hidden cave. He held s.h.i.+ Bingying in his arms and dove into the cave, regardless of what dangerous animals would be there inside the cave. s.h.i.+ Bingying could not speak, and her body was utterly powerless. She must have been poisoned, so Qin had to remove the poison from her body first and let her regain her freedom. And then, he could focus on dealing with the Martial Cultivators chasing behind him.

"Bingying, I'm sorry." Qin Hao didn't have any time to waste. He placed s.h.i.+ Bingying on a clean stone board and started to unb.u.t.ton the clothes on s.h.i.+'s chest where he was going to put the needles.

s.h.i.+ Bingying watched Qin Hao's actions, and at the same time, she could feel that Qin Hao's clumsy hands were unb.u.t.toning her clothes, and he would occasionally touch her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, causing a strange feeling to arise within her body. Her entire face turned red. In the end, she chose to close her eyes, as if she was under his control.

Qin Hao saw that s.h.i.+ Bingying did not say anything, and thought that she was agreeing on his help. Although she wouldn't be able to speak even if she wanted to.

Qin Hao quickly removed the clothes on s.h.i.+ Bingying's upper body. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s were slightly pointing up under the green bra, look like fresh bamboo shoots. Qin Hao nearly went into a daze when he saw this, but luckily, he knew that it was definitely not the time for him to be in a trance.

He quickly took out the silver needles and pierced them into several of the crucial acupoints.

"Mr. Bald, where the h.e.l.l did Qin go? Oh my G.o.d. I'm tired. No, I'm going to die." Ayte was out of breath, wailing in pain as he sat on the ground, gasping for air.

The Baldy looked around and suddenly said, "There is a cave. Let's go take a look."

"Cave, oh, I love it. I'm going there to have a rest." Ayte crawled up without hesitation, he ran towards the cave more hurriedly than the baldy.

"Ayte, be careful. There might be poisonous snakes and ferocious beasts inside the cave." The baldy loudly reminded him as he followed behind. He was very experienced in this case, as in most caves in the ancient forest there would be some ferocious beasts.

Ayte did not care about all this. When he saw at the cave, it was as if he was looking at a big bed that was comfortable and soft. He just wanted to get on it and have a rest.

"Oh wow, Qin, I finally found you, hhha." When Ayte rushed into the cave, he saw Qin Hao and immediately cried out with excitement. However, he was soon stunned as he saw Qin Hao helping a girl to dress up. That girl was precisely the G.o.ddess he saw on the s.h.i.+p last night.

Ayte's mood was immediately down. This was the G.o.ddess in his heart, but why, how, what happened?

A girl as beautiful as Su Xue was somehow related to Qin Hao, but why was this beauty also a.s.sociated with him? Oh G.o.d, this was too unfair.

"What's wrong, Ayte?"The Baldy also rushed in the cave and asked in confusion when he saw Ayte standing at the entrance of the cave in a daze. The moment he asked, he saw Qin Hao and s.h.i.+ Bingying.

s.h.i.+ Bingying had already been cured, she could speak and move as usual now, but the two men rushed in all of a sudden made it even more awkward, so she dared not speak, only blushed and lowered her head, with her eyes focused on the top of her feet.

"d.a.m.n you Ayte, what are you shouting for?" Qin Hao turned around and roared after he helped s.h.i.+ Bingying dress up her.

Ayte trembled from the roar and was back to sober. Although he was feeling terrible, facing Qin Hao, he did not dare to act rashly, so he anxiously said: "I, I …"

"You what? Shut up your stupid mouth." Qin Hao impatiently interrupted him and turned to the baldy behind him. With a serious look, he said, "Baldy, you, Ayte and Bingying, you should stay here, and I will distract the people outside."

"No, Hao, I'll go with you." s.h.i.+ Bingying did not care about shyness and embarra.s.sment anymore, she immediately rushed forward and grabbed Qin Hao's arm tightly.

Qin Hao held onto her soft and smooth hands and said gently: "You can't compete with them. I feel at ease to deal with the people outside only if you stay here safely."

Hearing that, s.h.i.+ Bingying felt ashamed. Even though she was also a Martial Cultivator, she was only a Martial Cultivator of the Beginning Stage, but a Beginning Stage Cultivator was still a Martial Cultivator. At least she was stronger than Qin Hao, at the moment, she could not feel even a slight of Qin's aura.

The reason was that Qin Hao had already comprehended the Hidden Breath Technique in these few days, and was able to conceal his inner aura completely.

s.h.i.+ Bingying did not know about this. She only knew that in the past, Qin Hao was also a Martial Cultivator of the Beginning Stage. And now he seemed to have become an ordinary person. She thought that Qin Hao's martial arts had been crippled by someone. So she had to help him out.

"Hao, I can help you. Even if I would die, I'm not afraid at all." s.h.i.+ Bingying looked at Qin Hao with emotion and spoke with determination.

Seeing the emotional expression in s.h.i.+ Bingying's eyes, Ayte was heartbroken. He could only hug his G.o.d and wail in his heart.

This was the first time he had met a woman who truly moved him. This kind of 'moving' was different from what he had experienced before. In the past, when he was moved by a woman, he only wanted to have s.e.x with her. However, this time, he felt he was moved emotionally. Unfortunately, this woman did not belong to him, and he would never have the chance to pursue her. He felt a sense of heartbreaking.

"Wuuu, G.o.d, poor Ayte has lost his love."

"Brother Qin, who on earth are those people outside? Are they all here for us?" The baldy behind Ayte asked curiously.

Qin Hao didn't have time to answer his question since someone outside had already replied.

"There's a cave. You guys go in and take a look. Everybody, search carefully, make sure we get Qin Hao." Outside, someone was shouting. After the shout, it sounded that a few people were rus.h.i.+ng towards the cave.

The baldy's heart was trembling, so these people were really here for Qin Hao!

Hearing the noise from outside, Qin Hao was also nervous, and he immediately spoke sternly: "Bingying, listen to me, and do as what I said." After saying that, he turned to the baldy, "Baldy, you …"

Qin Hao was about to say something to the baldy, but he realized that the baldy was looking at his backside, and his face filled with fear. At that moment, Qin Hao also felt a chill behind him. He hurriedly turned his head and saw that in the darkness of the cave, a pair of green eyes were glaring at them.