Nanny Nate quickly went near her and picked her up and put her head on her lap and said worryingly "Go call the ambulance what are you saying for?"
Everyone was scared and almost no one was in their senses
After 15 minutes an Ambulance came and they took her to the hospital, It was already 11 at night when they reached the Hospital…
Doctors started checking on her as they got a call from their superior that she was some special person and they have to treat her well…
When Stella was in Ambulance Nanny Nate informed the situation to Seth and Sarah , They were worried as well so they directly made the call to the director of the Hospital who was the father of his friend…
After making the call they too decided to leave their country and go to Country I. This time they didn't want to take any risk..
They decided that they will find out the culprit later and they won't be using her as the trap to lure them out…
At the Hospital,
Doctors were checking on Stella and were not getting her right because they were not informed in detail about her previous injuries and illness so they decided to wait for the call of Stella's personal Doctor …
As soon as the Old Doctor in Country T got the call , He also started packing his things because he knew that he has to be there for her and while packing his important equipments he called the Director of the hospital and tell him the situation
"She is a patient of amnesia and it's normal for her to get stimulated once in a while , so of she is fine and sleeping then please don't do anything to her , just let her sleep or i'm suggesting you can injection please help me inject her it will calm her nerves and help her brain to relax "
After some small checkup the doctor gave her a small amount of Sedative drug so that she will sleep calmly for an hour or two…
At 2 AM in the morning
Stella woke up and started looking at her surroundings, she found herself in the hospital and nearby on the couch Nanny Nate was sleeping as well..
She tried to memorize that what had happened and why she was in the hospital suddenly
After thinking for a while she remembered that she got her son back , she murmured "Evan, He said he was Evan"
She slowly went off of her bed and took the purse of Nanny Nate and keys of her Apartment and went out
Most of the people at hospital were sleeping as it was already midnight so no one noticed a single soul going out of the Hospital
Stella went home and started searching for Evans , She directly went to Era's room where she was Era was sleeping soundly while a bodyguard was sleeping on the couch as well , She went near the bed and caress her hair softly, kissed her on forehead and said " Mommy will be back soon with your brother ...Ok baby…"
After one last on her forehead she went to her room and started searching for Sebastian's whereabouts on her computer and she finally found out his residence was at Love Garden so she decided to go there, she packed her bag and put some necessary things in it
It was 3AM already, but since it was all dark so no people can be seen around
Stella was easily able to go there … Now she was standing in front on the Love Garden's entrance gate
She went there and guards asked her I'd because it was very rare for a strange person to come at specially at this time…
Stella took out her I'd to show them, She knew very clearly that she was not going to make it in that easily so she was ready to fight with them, But the guards said "Miss… Can we please see your face?"
Stella was quite confused as to why they would want to see her face ?
She looked up straight in their eyes
Both guards were shocked when they looked at her face "Are.. Are you Really Our Madam ?"
Stella couldn't understand but she decided to go with the flow and nodded while saying "Can you please let me go in, as you see it's getting late…"
Guards didn't object and not even tried to stop her, they also hand back her I'd and bowed in front of her like she was their master
One of them said "Our Boss will be really very happy to see you again Missus…"
Stella was shocked by the word 'Missus' she was getting her headache again.. but this time she decided to bear with it as she was determined to get her son back from the person she didn't even see yet…
It was easy for Stella to enter in the Love Garden as every guard present there was simply bowing their head in front of her…
At every single step her head ache was getting unbearable when she see them bowing in front of her and respecting her as the owner of the Palace
At last on the main door of their private house where was Sebastian living with his son, She saw some bodyguards and she was pretty sure that she will easily make her way inside the house
When she reached in front door and she saw the nameplate 'Stella? Sebastian Love Mansion' She touched that craved words on the nameplate and felt like her head is about to explode…
She forgot the reason for what she came here, she was so engrossed in that nameplate she was feeling a sweet feeling inside her heart..
She was still looking at the nameplate when a guard came to her and said
"Who the h.e.l.l are you… How dare you enter in here?"
This guard was newly appointed so he never saw her, only heard about her..
Stella was already feeling pain and now a guy came yelling at her , She said "I'm here to meet your boss"
The guard looked at his watch and said "At this time?? Are you mad or something??Who let you in?"
Stella was already furious because of his questions and her headache was not leaving her , in frustration she slapped her
The bodyguard was shocked by her guts but he was not sure about his ident.i.ty so he only called the other guards of his group
All the guards were gathered there , they too were newly appointed and we're unknown to her ident.i.ty ..
In Ray's Room
Sebastian , who was having a sleepless night because of his son's demand for his mother, He was unable to sleep , he heard all those ruckus and called his front door security team
"What's the matter?"
"Nothing Boss, a woman barged in out of nowhere .."
Sebastian was surprised at how a woman could barge in his house at this time? His security was even better than the security of their President's Security team…
After facing that wild nanny he didn't want to take any chance..
"Who is she?" Sebastian asked
"We have never seen her here…" The bodyguard replied
Sebastian was not sure about her intentions so he asked "What are her intentions ?"
"She is looking like a mad boss… She is holding her head and keeps on murmuring that She will take her son Evans back…"
'Evans?' Sebastian thought, It was the name that Stella gave their son and this is their secret , how could anyone from outside know that…
He ordered "Bring her respectfully inside the mansion.. and I'll decide what to do with her…"
Guards were not happy by their Boss's decision but they simply obeyed him…
Sebastian quickly went to the washroom , washed his face and went to the hall…
He waited for a minute or two when 2 bodyguards entered with a woman who was in her early twenties , her hairs were scattered, she was walking on her own and was clutching her head tightly like she was in pain…From her dress she was looking decent ..
Sebastian was trying to look at her face but she was hanging her head low all the time…
Finally she came in front of him and he said
"Who are you Miss?"
Stella didn't want to have a nice chat with him at all so she simply said in an irritated way "I'm the mother of your son you b.a.s.t.a.r.d… Give my son back to me .."
Her voice was weak and hoa.r.s.e, She almost lost control when she saw the nameplate at the front door, but for the sake of her son Evans, She was keeping herself awake and sane…
Sebastian couldn't recognize her voice as she was not talking in her usual manner, He got mad when he heard her calling herself the mother of his son, He can never let anyone be the mother of his kids except his wife…
He yelled "HOW DARE YOU SAY THAT?" And turned around that his back was facing her
He yelled so loudly that even the people outside the mansion could hear him…
Stella was already not in her right mind so she looked up and yelled back too "BECAUSE I..AM..HIS..MOTHER..YOU b.a.s.t.a.r.d "
She said while gritting her teeth…
Sebastian turned around to say something even more poisonous and froze at the place where he was standing when he saw her face...