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"Mommy . . . !! Mommy . . !! Are you ok . . . !! Mommy can see me??"
They both were stunned by her voice they ran upstairs to see her . . .
When the open the door of Stella's room they both were stunned because Stella's eyes were open but teary . . . She was trying to touch the little princess but some how she was unable to do this . . .
They both were looking at the scene in daze when Era, the little princess came running to them and said while sobbing "Pretty, look at Mommy she is not talking . . . I want mommy to talk to me . . "
They both come out of daze but still were stunned that how can the little one knows about her mom . . . but they kept it aside and Sarah ran to Stella and hold her hand "Baby you are finally awake . . . !!!"
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Meanwhile Seth ran to call the doctor to check up on her . . .
The doctors check up was taking way to much time
Seth : Come on just tell me how's she I want to talk to her . . .
Doctor sighed helplessly and said
: "Mr . President we do know your feelings very well but you have to understand that we have to do several tests, and check ups on her, as you can see, She just woke up . . we need to examine her every part of the body and memory as well . . . "
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Looking at this havoc Sarah came forward and said "Doc . . you keep it up, just inform us when you are done with it . . . "
Seth knitted his eyebrows in frustration and sighed while saying "Ok how much time I just can't wait to see her . . "
"4 hours just gimme 4 hours and we are done . . . "
As soon as Seth heard '4 hours' he became paranoid but Sarah held his him and took him out of the room with her and said "Just wait . . . we have already waited for 6 months we can wait 4 hours too . . . "
"But isn't it too much?"
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"O come on we are not in any Opera or daily soap and nor she us any super woman or wonder woman ok . . It might take same time to adjust her body . . . she has been sleeping very long . . . Now be a man and President don't be childish"
"You don't know Sarah, when it comes to her or any of my sibling I am just a normal man, a very Normal man . . I just can't be a president or any strong man . . . Just for this once let me be a Brother a normal brother and let me worry for her . . . "
He hugged her and his eyes teared up for the 1st time ever since they met
Her shoulder was wet with his warm tears and she was patting him like a baby . . . Suddenly Seth's phone rang and they pull up from each other . . .
He took out his phone and gave it to Sarah, She understood that he wanted her to attend the call . . .
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"Oh . . Mrs . President"
"Yes? Any news?"
"Yes . . . Since I can't say it on phone so I mailed it on President's e-mail"
"Hmm ok "
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