Super Soldier System - 23 A Father's Pride And Joy

23 A Father's Pride And Joy

After letting the boys get a feel for their new weapons, next was moving in formation to as to instill discipline.



The 7 then formed a box formation.

"An~d, forward march, left, right, left, right, left, left..."

And so we marched in formation.

We did this for another half an hour until a servant came running up to me.



"Your Highness, Her Majesty sent me here to find you for she couldn't find Miss Sophie, she told me that the preparations are ready and you have to come to the gate"

"It's already time? Ok we will be there"

The servant bowed and left.


(Tagged Lilian is confirmed to be in the gate)

"Alright boys it's time to go on a little trip will you be coming?"

"Sir, Yes Sir!"

The saluted as they answered, a new thing i taught them.

"Now let's go pick up our luggage and get going"

Without wasting another word we went to my room.

***************Christopher POV**************

"It is one Handsome specimen, ain't it Your Majesty?"

"It sure is"

Right now i'm looking at a s.h.i.+p, well to be exact an airs.h.i.+p, an original creation u0026 pride and joy of Keland, The Kingdom of Mages.

Thought to be just a concept...

Was made a reality 18 year's ago, when the first one flew in the skies above the capital, as a show of force and ingenuity of our people.

Me and My Queen were just children then and were mesmerized by that grand and historical flight.

The s.h.i.+p itself was given the name, Die große Leistung, The Great Achievement.

Now there were 10, including this one, in the fleet.

This one was named simply, The Prince.

It was controversial when it was named when we commissioned it to be built, because Keland, the country known to be a Matriarchal Monarchy, didn't have a prince thanks to the G.o.ddesses blessing.

But that wasn't the case when Jun was born, his pregnancy was unknown at the time beacause there was still remnants of her sister's loyal followers hiding, somewhere.

And any sign of weakness was gonna be used against us and we didn't want our daughter to be hurt, we thought Jun was a girl until he was born, and so we kept it under lock and key until the situation was safe and the baby was born.

Who would have thought Jun would be born, the midwife was shocked, and both me and Lilian were agape and asked her to check again, then we checked ourselves, and nope, it wasn't a delusion, Lilian and I had just given birth to a son.

Can you imagine the sheer Sk.o.c.k, Awe and Excitement i was feeling?

I had a Son!

I readied myself for a daughter, but nope, fate threw that all out the window and gave me a son.

When the midwife pa.s.sed us Jun, both of us were shaking!

When we finally saw what he looked like, both of us started crying!

Especially Me!

I bawled at how happy i was, i felt top of world great!

When i reached out a hand to touch him, he reached back and played with my fingers and was smiling and laughing while doing so.

There were no more words to describe how happy i was.

I was just happy...

And so to commemorate the day of his birth, both me and Lilian commissioned for the best airs.h.i.+p the kingdom could currently make.

The best Materials, the best Frevusian Artist, the best Rulivs Craftsman and the best Mages the Kingdom, the best of everything was used, we spared no expense at creating it.

And it took 5 years to make this thing, but it was all worth it in both of our eye's.

We planned to give it to Jun when he turned ten, but times have changed, it will now be used in his escape to a safer place than here.

"Have you confirmed everything is ready?"

"Yes, Your Majesty"

"Double Checked?"


"Triple Checked"


The s.h.i.+pmaster was confused as to why the King would order so much checking.

"Just do it and do it properly, or i'll have you hanged"

"Ah, Y-yes, Your Majesty!"

The s.h.i.+pmaster then turned to his right hand man and ordered.

"Check it again, and if i know any of you are unmotivated in doing so i'll have all your b.a.l.l.s cut off!!"

"Y-yes Sir!"

The Right hand man then hauled a.s.s in doing so.


I nodded at their efficiency.

But right now i have another problem, the preparations of The Prince didn't go unnoticed by the common folk with all this people running around.

The common folk always like a show, so when the newly made The Prince was showing signs of sailing soon, it became a spectacle for the common folk to look forward to, right now broadcasting magic equipment are always keeping an eye on The Prince, just waiting for it's maiden voyage to show it nationwide.

They also asked why The Prince was just having it's maiden voyage a year after it's completion.

We just answered simply.

Because the time it's needed is right now.

They also asked which royal family member will be the one christening it.

We said.

No one, we don't have the time for such bulls.h.i.+t, it will just immediately set off but there will be a royal family member when it does.

The reporters were confused as to why such an important step would be skipped but continued to ask.

Who will it be?

I just looked at them silently for a moment, then said.

You will know when the time comes.

Yes, we decide to let the world know of Jun's existence...

We decided to let them all know...

Keland had a Prince.

And his name was Jun Valheim Kalek.