Super Insane Doctor of the Goddess - Chapter 655: Can You Kill Me?

Chapter 655: Can You Kill Me?

Chapter 655: Can You Kill Me?

Translator: Atlas Studios | Editor: Atlas Studios

Along the way, Su Wanqiu just stared out the window in a daze and did not say a word.

Yang Luo didnt know what to say either. He could only remain silent and focus on driving.

After driving for a while.

Yang Luo asked, Sister Wanqiu, where do you want to go?

Su Wanqiu said, Come with me to the Longjiang river.


Yang Luo nodded and changed direction, driving towards Longjiang.

After driving for more than half an hour, the car arrived near Longjiang.

After parking the car by the roadside

Yang Luo and Su Wanqiu got out of the car together and took a walk along Longjiang.

The woman was wearing a black cheongsam today. Her beautiful figure was perfectly outlined, like a ripe peach.

The evening breeze messed up the womans hair. Under the light, the womans beautiful face glowed. She was unbelievably beautiful.

The most mature and charming woman Yang Luo knew was Eldest Senior Sister.

However, he now felt that in terms of mature charm, Su Wanqiu was on par with Eldest Senior Sister.

After walking for a while

Yang Luo was the first to break this silence. He smiled and said, Sister Wanqiu, I really didnt expect Old Master Su to not be your biological father. Initially, I was still conflicted about whether I should call you Auntie or Sister Wanqiu like Qingmei.

But now that I see it, I dont have to be conflicted about it anymore.

Thats right, theres no need to be conflicted

Su Wanqiu sighed softly and said, I didnt expect that I would be the adopted daughter of the Su family. My biological father is someone else.

What I thought would only happen in movies and novels had actually happened to me.

Although I was a little shocked and uncomfortable, I can still accept it.

Moreover, even if Im the adopted daughter of the Su family, in my heart, the

Su family will always be my family.

After all, the grat.i.tude of giving birth could not compare to the grat.i.tude of raising.

Everything about the Ning family in Xiangjiang City is unfamiliar to me. It was unknown if I can integrate into their family in the future.

However, since Ning Hansheng is my biological father, I have to visit the Ning family eventually. At the very least, I have to visit my biological mother. Yang Luo smiled and nodded, Sister Wanqiu, its great that you think that way. I was really worried that you wouldnt be able to see things with an open mind. Su Wanqiu chuckled and said, Im not a young lady in my teens or twenties anymore. Why would I behave so wilfully?

Besides, I feel much more relaxed now

More relaxed?

Yang Luo looked puzzled, What do you mean?

Su Wanqiu stared into Yang Luos eyes and said gently, Little Luo, actually, a long time ago, I had a good impression of you and liked you very much.

At that time, I thought that I only liked you because I liked Qingmei.

However, as time pa.s.sed, I realized that my feelings for you and my feelings for Qingmei were completely different.

1 like you as a man and a woman


Yang Luo was stunned. He looked at the woman in a daze, Sister Wanqiu You

Although he had long sensed that Su Wanqiu had feelings for him, he had always thought that he was overthinking.

However, he did not expect it to be true.

What surprised him even more was that the woman actually said it openly.

Let me finish.

Su Wanqiu interrupted Yang Luo and continued, After I confirmed my feelings for you, I fell into endless conflict and pain.

After all, Im Qingmeis aunt. No matter how much I like you, there wont be any outcome between us.

Therefore, I had been suppressing my feelings and trying not to think too much about it.

But I realized that 1 couldnt suppress it at all. As long as I was free, your appearance would always appear in my mind.

Ive been going crazy recently. I had planned to go out alone to relax. In the future, Ill find a city without you to live in. Perhaps Ill be able to forget you Hearing the womans words, Yang Luo sighed in his heart.

He did not expect a woman to have such deep feelings for him.

Besides, it was just as the woman had said.

If the woman was Qingmeis aunt, his relations.h.i.+p with her would not come to any ending.

At this point, the corners of Su Wanqius lips curled up. She opened her arms and faced the evening breeze, However, its fine now.

Since Im not related to the Su family by blood and can only be considered Qingmeis aunt in name, I dont have to suppress my feelings anymore.

Therefore, I feel unprecedentedly relaxed

As she spoke, Su Wanqiu turned to look at Yang Luo. With a smile in her eyes, she asked, So, may I ask how you, this little baddie who barged into my heart, feel about me?

Yang Luo scratched his head and let out a long breath, Sister Wanqiu, youre really a very charming woman.

Whether it is your appearance, figure, temperament, or personality, they are all top notch.

Im afraid any man would like you.

Actually, I like you very much too, but Im still not sure what kind of love I have for you.

Su Wanqiu smiled charmingly and said, Its alright. I can wait.

Coincidentally, Im going to Xiangjiang tomorrow. During this period of time, we can think about our relations.h.i.+p.

When I come back from Xiangjiang, you have to give me an answer whether you agree or reject me, okay?


Yang Luo nodded heavily.

However, before Yang Luo could react,

Su Wanqiu tiptoed slightly and kissed Yang Luo on the cheek.

Sister Wanqiu

Yang Luo was instantly dumbfounded. His face began to turn red, and his heart could not help but beat faster.

Su Wanqiu chuckled and said, Just treat it as a parting kiss.


Yang Luo nodded helplessly.

Why were these top-notch older sisters so proactive?

Eldest Senior Sister was like this, and so was Sister Wanqiu.

It was either a forced kiss or a forceful push.

Su Wanqiu took a deep breath and said, Ive said what 1 needed to say. Im much happier now.

Little Luo, send me home.


Yang Luo nodded in reply.

However, just as the two of them were about to turn around!

Suddenly, a snide voice sounded.

Kid, youre still whispering sweet nothings even at the brink of death. Youre really ambitious!

Upon hearing this voice

Yang Luos heart skipped a beat as he suddenly turned around.

A group of people walked over from not far away.

At the front was an old man in a gray kimono, a young woman in a purple kimono, and a Caucasian man more than two meters tall.

Behind the three of them was a large group of men and women in martial arts suits and black martial arts clothes.

Who are you?

Yang Luo asked in a low voice as he sized up the three people in the lead.

He could sense that these three people had strong auras and were definitely not ordinary people.

The gray-robed old man said coldly, Kid, Im an elder of Country Sakuras Divine Martial Sect, Yamas.h.i.+ta Yasunari!

Not long ago, the Sect Master of our Divine Martial Sect was killed by you.

Today, I will definitely avenge our Sect Master!

The woman in the purple kimono said fiercely, Kid, Im the Onmyoji of Country Sakuras Nine Chrysanthemums faction, Chrysanthemum Grandmaster Sakura!

A few months ago, you foiled our Nine Chrysanthemum Sects grand plan and crippled my sister, Chrysanthemum Grandmaster Seiko. You even let her be captured by the Hidden Dragon Pavilion!

Its time to settle this score!

Kid, Im Gerrard, the captain of the fifth team of Country Stars & Stripes Black Eagle Team!

Last month, you killed Turks, the captain of the eighth team of my Blackhawk team. You also killed a warrior of my Blackhawk team!

Today, I will definitely kill you and avenge the warriors of my Black Eagle Team!

I he Caucasian man also exclaimed.

Hearing their words, Yang Luo finally reacted.

Yang Luo chuckled and said, Divine Martial Sect, Nine Chrysanthemum Sect,

Black Eagle Team So its you guys.

I didnt settle scores with you, but you still dare to come looking for me.

Do you really think you trash can kill me?