Super Insane Doctor of the Goddess - Chapter 490: Buying a Mall!

Chapter 490: Buying a Mall!

Chapter 490: Buying a Mall!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Yang Luo suddenly said, In that case, I should be able to buy this mall.

A few months ago, Hua Mei Biomedical bought the secret recipe from the Chen family in Ning City and helped the Chen family complete the ancient secret recipe Eight Whites Powder that had been pa.s.sed down from their ancestors.

Therefore, the Chen family was very grateful to him. They even repeatedly emphasized that if he came to Ning City, the Chen family would definitely welcome him warmly.

You can buy it?

Zhang Yaohui was mad with glee when he heard, Kid, didnt you say that you can buy this mall?

Come, come, come. Buy it now and let me see!

If you can buy this mall, Ill even kneel down and call you Grandpa!

Ma Xiaoling ran out and shouted, Everyone, come and take a look. Theres a super rich big boss here who wants to buy Vientiane Mall!

D*mn, buy Vientiane Mall?! Thats so awesome!

How rich must he be to buy a mall!

Lets go and take a look!

The people in the surrounding shops and people shopping surrounded him.

Ma Xiaoling did this to embarra.s.s Yang Luo in front of so many people.

In her opinion, Yang Luo was just bragging. It was impossible for him to buy this mall.

That was 800 million!

How many people could take out 800 million at once?

Ma Xiaoling pointed at Yang Luo and said loudly, Everyone, this is the big boss who said that he wants to buy this mall. Everyone, take a good look!

This kid looks ordinary and doesnt look like hes rich. Can he really buy this mall?

Hes probably bragging. Anyway, I dont believe it!

There are so many people watching now. Im afraid this kid wont be able to put himself on the spot!

Everyone pointed and discussed.

Yang Luo ignored everyone. Instead, he took out his phone and called Chen Haisheng, the third son of the Chen family.

The phone rang for a while before it was picked up.

Mr. Yang?

Chen Haishengs voice sounded.

Mr. Chen, its me.

Yang Luo simply replied.

Oh my G.o.d, its really Mr. Yang!

Mr. Yang, we havent contacted each other in a long time!

Ive heard about what youve done in Jiang City recently!

Destroying the twelve families and curing so many children in more than ten hours!

Our Chen family is full of admiration for you!

Chen Haisheng was too excited and kept talking.

Yang Luo quickly stopped him, Mr. Chen, lets catch up some other day. Im calling you now because I have something to ask you.

Chen Haisheng said, If theres anything, just tell us. As long as our Chen family can help, we will definitely help!

Yang Luo said, Its like this. Im at your Vientiane Mall now. I want to buy this mall.

How much is it? Name a price.

Huh? You want to buy Vientiane Mall?

Chen Haisheng was stunned.

Thats right.

Yang Luo nodded and said, No matter how much it is, just name your price.


Chen Haisheng was stunned for a moment before saying, Mr. Yang, if you want Vientiane Mall, our Chen family can give it to you without asking for money.

Right now, Chen Haisheng knew that the current Yang Luo was no longer the country b.u.mpkin who had nothing.

Yang Luo was the richest man in Jiang City and Jiangnan. He was also a Divine Doctor with extraordinary medical skills. He was an existence that even the Chen family wanted to suck up to.

As long as he could get closer to Yang Luo, giving him a mall was nothing.

Yang Luo shook his head and said, Mr. Chen, I never take advantage of my friends.

If you really want to give it to me, Id rather not have it.

Chen Haisheng paused for a moment and said, In that case, Mr. Yang, you can pay 400 million.

Yang Luo was stunned for a moment and said, Someone said that this mall is worth 800 million. How did it become 400 million?

Chen Haisheng pretended to be puzzled and said, Who said 800 million? The mall has been valued at 400 million!

Yang Luo shook his head in amus.e.m.e.nt.

He naturally knew that Chen Haisheng wanted to give him the mall in disguise, so he purposely reduced the price by half.

However, he did not expose him. Instead, he said, Alright, 400 million it is.

Give me an account number and Ill transfer it to you now.

Alright, alright, alright. My child Yanbin is working nearby. Ill get him to send the contract to you immediately!

Thank you, Mr. Chen!

Its no trouble at all!

After hanging up

Chen Haisheng sent an account, and Yang Luo transferred the money.

After transferring the money, Yang Luo put away his cell phone and looked at Zhang Yaohui and Ma Xiaoling, Alright, Ive already bought this mall.

The Chen family will send the contract over soon. Youll probably have to wait.

Zhang Yaohui sneered, Kid, who do you think you are? You even bought this mall with a phone call?

You even said that the Chen family would send the contract to you. Youre quite good at pretending!

Ma Xiaoling chuckled and said, President Zhang, didnt this kid say that the Chen family would send the contract over? Then lets wait.

In any case, theres a show to watch. Its a waste not to watch.

Yang Luo didnt say much. Instead, he pulled Su Qingmei to a seat and sat down.

The people present did not disperse either. They planned to watch a good show.

Su Qingmei asked softly, Yang Luo, why did you buy this mall? Did you spend so much money just to slap these two guys faces?

Yang Luo smiled and said, Face-slapping is only one aspect. On the other hand, 1 think the location of this mall is very good and theres a lot of traffic. Its not a loss to buy it.

Coincidentally, the Qin familys company is also involved in the mall. 1 think we can hand this mall over to the Qin family to manage.

Su Qingmei was instantly enlightened, So thats your plan.

1 didnt expect you to have such a business mind.

Yang Luo smiled happily and said, After following you for a long time, 1 definitely will learn something about business.

They waited for 20 minutes more.

Soon, a figure pushed through the crowd and rushed in.

It was a young man with an outstanding temperament. He was quite handsome and held a contract in his hand.

Young Master Chen, why are you here?

Seeing this, Zhang Yaohui went forward with a smile.

However, the young man did not even look at Zhang Yaohui. Instead, he walked straight towards Yang Luo.

After approaching, the young man bowed slightly to Yang Luo and said respectfully, h.e.l.lo, Mr. Yang. Im Chen Yanbin. My father asked me to send you the contract!

As long as you sign the contract, this mall will be yours!

In an instant

The event location fell silent.

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at Yang Luo in a daze.

Especially Zhang Yaohui and Ma Xiaoling, they were dumbfounded as if they had been struck by lightning.

After a short moment of silence

Oh my G.o.d, this brother really bought the mall?

D*mn, I didnt expect this brother to be so rich. He bought it just because he wanted it!

Could this guy be the young master of a big family?

Everyone started discussing in shock.

Zhang Yaohui still did not believe it.

He walked forward, gulped, and asked, Young Master Chen, this kid is just a poor kid. Did he really buy this mall?

This is impossible, absolutely impossible. How can this kid be so rich?!

Ma Xiaoling also shook her head vigorously, unable to believe this fact.

If that was the truth

Then was this kid in front of her even richer and more capable than Zhang Yaohui?