Super Insane Doctor of the Goddess - Chapter 460: Prajna's Background!

Chapter 460: Prajna's Background!

Chapter 460: Prajnas Background!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios


Prajna was stunned for a moment before hurriedly wiping the tears from the corners of her eyes. She shook her head and said, No, Im not crying.

Yang Luo sighed inwardly and said, Prajna, I think we should have a chat.

Chat about?

Prajna avoided his gaze, Brother Yang, Im a little tired from the battle tonight and want to rest early.

You should rest early too.

Yang Luo didnt say anything and just stared into the girls eyes.

Prajna turned her head, not daring to meet Yang Luos gaze.

Yang Luo sighed and said gently, Prajna, through this period of time, Ive already treated you as my sister.

I think we should tell each other everything, not hide anything.

If you encounter any trouble, you can tell me.

As long as I can help, Ill definitely help you.

I dont want you to suppress everything in your heart and suffer alone.

Hearing Yang Luos words

Prajna could no longer hold it in and choked. Her tears fell uncontrollably like pearls.

Yang Luo opened his arms and hugged Prajna tightly.

Prajna also hugged Yang Luo tightly and buried her head in his chest, crying even louder.

Brother Yang, 1 really dont know how to tell you.

Im afraid that Ill cause unnecessary trouble for you if 1 say it.

Yang Luo gently patted the girls back and said gently, Silly girl, whats the trouble? Why are you being so polite to me?

If youre really in trouble, tell me. No matter what trouble it is, Ill help you resolve it.

Prajna didnt say anything and just cried.

Yang Luo did not say anything else either.

All he could do now was to give the girl something to lean on and let her vent her emotions.

Prajna cried for a while before gradually stopping.

She let go of Yang Luo and walked to the balcony.

Yang Luo closed the door and walked over.

After walking to the balcony, Prajna sat on a chair and stared blankly at the distant sea and moon without saying a word.

Yang Luo sat on the chair beside him and looked into the distance, waiting quietly.

There was a long silence before she looked up again.

Prajna took a deep breath and said, Brother Yang, my real name is actually Chiyuki Hannya.

Chiyuki Hannya?

Yang Luo was stunned.

Prajna tersely acknowledged and said, My surname is Chiyuki, and my name is Hannya.

I see.

Yang Luo nodded in realization.

Prajna continued, Actually, our Chiyuki family was originally the strongest

Ninja Dao family in Country Sakura

Your family is the most powerful Ninja Dao family?!

Yang Luo was stunned when he heard that.

Thats right.

Prajna nodded and said, Not only was our family the strongest ninjutsu family in Country Sakura, but we also have the most complete ninjutsu legacies.

Its precisely because of this that our family has been targeted by other Ninja Dao sects.

Those Ninja Dao sects were envious, jealous, and even hated our family.

However, because our Chiyuki family was the strongest at that time, we had many experts.

Therefore, even if those ninjutsu factions were green with envy, they did not dare to do anything to our family

What happened next?

Yang Luo hurriedly asked.

Prajna clenched her fists tightly, her eyes bloodshot as she hissed, Ill never forget that day twelve years ago.

It was a dark day, and a day of despair.

That night, the ten major ninja sects led by the Koga Ninja Sect, Ito Ninja Sect, Wind Demon Ninja Sect, and Black Feather Ninja Sect attacked our family.

Furthermore, these ten great ninja sects also asked for the help of other ancient martial arts sects, and the Divine Martial Sect was one of them.

Although our family is the most powerful Ninja Dao family, we could not withstand the fierce attacks of the ten major Ninja Dao sects and those ancient martial arts sects.

The methods of the ten great ninjutsu schools were extremely cruel. They killed thousands of people in our family and took away all the ninjutsu pa.s.sed down in our family.

To this day, I still remember the tragic state of that day. There were corpses everywhere, and there was blood everywhere. It was like h.e.l.l on earth.

My father, mother, brother, sister, grandfather, and the others all died in battle on that day

At this point, Prajna couldnt help but cry.

Hearing Prajnas explanation, Yang Luo was stunned and could not recover for a long time.

He never expected Prajna to have kept such a huge secret in her heart.

He never expected Prajnas background to be so tragic either.

No wonder the girl was so agitated when she saw Takeda s.h.i.+nzo and when the Ninja Dao Sects were mentioned.

I see.

So that was how it was.

Yang Luo took a deep breath and asked, Prajna, how did you survive then?

Prajna sobbed, Because I was only six years old back then and couldnt partic.i.p.ate in the battle.

So my father and mother sent someone to send me out.

They only hoped that I could live well and never reveal my surname.

Fortunately, I was adopted by a kind family and survived.

For the past twelve years, I had hidden my surname and lived on with my last breath. 1 had nightmares almost every night.

In order to take revenge, I worked hard to learn all kinds of knowledge and skills. I also joined a ninjutsu school to learn ninjutsu.

Later, I stepped into the Dark World and became an I used this to acc.u.mulate wealth and train my strength and temperament

At this point, Prajnas face was filled with pain and despair, However, no matter how hard I work, I cant make myself much stronger.

After the io great Ninja Dao sects destroyed our family and s.n.a.t.c.hed our familys ninja techniques, they became much stronger.

Especially the Koga Ninja Sect, Ito Ninja Sect, Wind Demon Ninja Sect, and Black Feather Ninja Sect, these four ninja sects had become the strongest ninja sects in Country Sakura.

Deep in my heart, I know that Im afraid I wont be able to take revenge for the rest of my life.

I can only live this life in pain and die in pain.

However, 1 really want revenge. As long as I can take revenge, Im willing to give up everything!

Yang Luo stared intently at Prajna and said in a deep voice, Prajna, I never make promises to others easily.

But today, Im willing to make you a promise.

I promise you that I will definitely avenge you, or even let you take revenge yourself.

Prajna looked at Yang Luo in a daze and asked, Brother Yang, are you really going to help me?

Of course.

Yang Luo nodded and said, Ever since you called me Brother Yang, Ive already treated you as my sister.

I wont allow anyone to bully you, not even if the other party is a G.o.d.

Upon hearing Yang Luos domineering words, Prajna was stunned. She felt her heart skip a beat.

However, she quickly regained her senses and shook her head, Brother Yang, thank you for being willing to avenge me, but Im afraid I wont be able to take revenge.

I know youre very strong, but you cant defeat those ten Ninja Dao Sects