Super Insane Doctor of the Goddess - Chapter 14: A Chance!

Chapter 14: A Chance!

Chapter 14: A Chance!

Translator:Atlas StudiosEditor:Atlas Studios

Su Qingmei looked at Yang Luo and said, Yang Luo, although were about to get engaged, were not a real couple after all. I hope you can respect me.


Yang Luo nodded and said, Tell me, what exactly happened to your company?

Su Qingmei said, The company I own is called Hua Mei Biomedical Company. The company specializes in cosmetics and health supplements.

In Jiang City, theres a company thats comparable to us and has always competed with us. Its the Jiang familys Ding Sheng Biomedical.

During this period of time, Ding Sheng Biomedical had released a new facial mask. It was very effective and could remove provide whitening, reduce wrinkles, and make ones skin glossier.

As soon as it went on the market, this mask was performed crazily in sales.

Because of this, the sales of Hua Mei Biomedicals products in the cosmetics industry in the past few months were very bleak.

Therefore, Im considering listing new products and recapturing the market.


Yang Luo suddenly came to a realization.

It turned out that this woman ran a biomedical company. It matched the medical skills he himself had learned.

Seeing that Yang Luo didnt say anything, Su Qingmei continued, However, our companys research and development team cant develop a product that can compete with this mask now.

Therefore, Im considering buying a secret recipe related to cosmetics from some traditional Chinese medicine families.

I thought it was something big. So thats what youre worried about!

Yang Luo smiled and said, Miss Su, isnt it just a secret beauty recipe? Why is it so difficult? Leave it to me!

There were many secret recipes recorded in the Immortal Doctor Cla.s.sics, and amongst them, there were countless secret recipes related to beauty and cosmetics.

Therefore, Su Qingmeis current predicament was nothing to him.

Su Qingmei frowned and said, Yang Luo, I know your medical skills are not bad.

However, such cosmetic secret recipes can only be chanced upon by luck. Even if you have money, you might not be able to buy them.

Yang Luo said helplessly, But this is really nothing to me. I have many of such secret recipes on hand.

Hearing Yang Luos words, Su Qingmeis frown deepened.

She felt that Yang Luo was too unreliable, only knowing how to brag.

She herself knew very well how rare beauty secret recipes were.

Even though many beauty secret recipes had been pa.s.sed down, they were all in the hands of those ancient Chinese medicine families.

Those ancient families usually wouldnt sell these beauty secret recipes. Instead, they would leave them for their own descendents as a form of wealth retention.

However, she suddenly thought of a plan.

She looked up at Yang Luo and said, Yang Luo, didnt you say that this matter is nothing to you?

In that case, Ill give you a chance.

If you can help our company survive this crisis, I promise to continue interacting with you and not cancel the engagement.

If you cant do it, well annul the engagement after a while.

Alright, deal!

The corners of Yang Luos mouth curled up slightly, revealing a confident smile.

Seeing Yang Luo agree so readily, Su Qingmei couldnt help but frown.

Could it be that this fellow could really do it?

She only said that to make this guy know his place!

She naturally did not really believe that Yang Luo could do this.

In the end, she still had to rely on the secret recipe provided by the Chen family.

Su Qingmei shook her head and threw away these thoughts. She asked, Yang Luo, do you know how to give a ma.s.sage?

Of course!

Yang Luo nodded.

Su Qingmei said, My shoulders are a little sore. Can you ma.s.sage them for me?

Of course I can.

Yang Luo replied with a smile and walked behind the woman.

The womans hair was black and soft. It casually fell on her shoulders, emitting a faint fragrance of shampoo. It smelled very good.

Moreover, from Yang Luos angle, he could easily see the fairness of the womans collar. This made Yang Luos heart involuntarily race.

Yang Luo shook his head and stopped his imagination from running wild. He started his ma.s.sage.

What he used was an ancient ma.s.sage technique. The force was sometimes light and sometimes heavy, and the acupuncture points were controlled well.

Su Qingmei closed her eyes slightly as she enjoyed Yang Luos ma.s.sage.

Although she often went to spas and ma.s.sages, no technicians technique was comparable to Yang Luos.

After Yang Luos ma.s.sage, she felt that all the fatigue in her body had been swept away, and the soreness in her shoulders instantly dissipated.

After ma.s.saging for half an hour, Su Qingmei said, Yang Luo, my feet feel a little sore. Can you ma.s.sage them for me?


Yang Luo was stunned. He obviously didnt expect the woman to make such a request.

Su Qingmei also belatedly reacted and her face instantly turned red.

It was because she was too comfortable just now and thought that she was doing a spa, so she subconsciously commanded.

Now that she thought about it, she regretted saying so.

In the past, when she went to the spa and ma.s.sage, she always got a female technician. She had never let any man touch her.

But now

Su Qingmei blushed and said, If its inconvenient

How could it be inconvenient!

Yang Luo smiled and walked to Su Qingmei before squatting down in front of her.

The woman was wearing a professional dress today. Her legs were wrapped in black silk, revealing a fatal charm.

Moreover, the womans legs were long and well-proportioned. Where she should be thin, she would be thin. Where she should have flesh, she would have flesh. She was flawless.

This was especially so for the womans feet. They were well-defined and had gentle lines. They even emitted a faint fragrance.

Yang Luo couldnt help but sigh in his heart. This woman was really top-notch. There were no flaws on her body.

What are you looking at?

Su Qingmei blushed when she saw Yang Luo standing there in a daze.

Oh, oh, nothing.

Yang Luo quickly retracted his gaze, grabbed the womans feet, and started ma.s.saging them.

Su Qingmeis body trembled as if she had been electrocuted. She felt numb and her face turned even redder.

Yang Luos heart skipped a beat when he saw this scene. He quickly retracted his gaze and stopped looking around. Instead, he focused on ma.s.saging the womans feet.

Su Qingmei wanted to stop him initially, but it was too comfortable.

She struggled with herself for a moment, before consoling herself that since this man was her fianc, it was normal for her to have some physical contact with him.

After thinking this through, Su Qingmei put down the nervousness and uneasiness in her heart and enjoyed the ma.s.sage.

Soon, an hour pa.s.sed.

Because her fatigue had been alleviated and it was too comfortable, Su Qingmei was about to fall asleep.

She yawned and said, Alright, lets stop here. I should go and rest.


Yang Luo nodded and reluctantly let go.

Su Qingmei stood up and said, You can rest in the room on the first floor. The inside is fully furnished. Theres also a separate bathroom. You should rest early too.

With that, Su Qingmei went upstairs.


Looking at the womans graceful back, Yang Luo thought to himself, Looks like I have to get closer to this woman.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to ask this woman to dual cultivate with him.

As for coercion, that was not his style

Three days pa.s.sed in the blink of an eye.

Early in the morning

The most high-end five-star hotel in Jiang City, Cloud Peak Hotel, was decorated with lanterns and colorful banners. It was extremely lively.

There were many luxury cars at the entrance of the hotel. There were Rolls-Royces, Bentleys, Maybachs, Ferraris, and so on. It was as though a luxury car exhibition was being held in this location.

The hotels security officers were on standby, maintaining order.

Today was the big day of the engagement of the eldest daughter of the Su family, a first tier family in Jiang City!